Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Reporter: Li Yanzhou

On March 26, local time, the vehicles of the Kaipu Water Power Station project in Pakistan in Pakistan suffered a terrorist attack on the way, causing five Chinese personnel and a Pakistani personnel to be killed.Over the past few years, the projects that China participated in many times has become the target of attacks of Pakistani terrorist organizations.Why do Pakistani terrorists always target Chinese personnel?

The local police chief Gandipur said that the convoy of Chinese engineers was going to the Dasu Hydropower Station project camp from Islamabad at the time. A suicide bomb attacker drove a car full of explosives to launch an attack.No organization has announced the responsibility of the attack.

For the Pakistani terrorists, they always attacked Chinese personnel, Zhu Yongbiao, director of the Afghan Research Center of Lanzhou University, said in an interview with a reporter from the Hong Kong News Agency on the 27th that the country's terrorists attacked the ChineseInvestment projects in Pakistan, whether it is Baluchi or other Pakistan's other split forces.There are three main reasons. One is that China and Pakistan cooperate. China supports the Pakistani government, and terrorists are rivals with the Pakistani government; the second is that terrorists believe that Chinese investment projects have not allowed them to make these so -called "opposition forces" or themThe ethnic minorities represented by the representative benefit.In addition, there is a terrorist in Pakistan's national policies for some of China, which is misunderstood because of the negative influence of Western propaganda; there are also cognitive errors, including the "Belt and Road" investment in China.The main reason.

It is reported that after the incident, Pakistani Prime Minister Charpz went to the Chinese citizen to be killed in the Chinese embassy in Pakistan.He said that the terrorist attack was indexed. On behalf of the Pakistani government and the people, he expressed deep condolences to the Chinese victims and sincerely condolences to the relatives of the victims.He said that Pakistan will do a good job with Chinese side with China, quickly investigate and severely punish the murderer, and take further measures to comprehensively strengthen security in Chinese personnel, projects and institutions in Pakistan.Any evil plan that trys to destroy the "hardcore" friendship of Bazhong will not succeed.

Pakistani President Zardry issued a statement on the 26th to strongly condemn the terrorist attack of the Dasu Hydropower Station project, expressed deep condolences to the Chinese citizens 'deaths, and expressed condolences to the Chinese citizens' families and the Chinese government.He said that the plot of anti -Pakistani elements to destroy the friendship of Pakistan would never succeed.

The Chinese embassy in Pakistan reminded Chinese citizens and enterprises in Pakistan on the 26th to pay close attention to the local security situation, improve security levels, strengthen security measures, and make every effort to prevent security.

Afghanistan is connected in the north and north of Kaipu Province, Pakistan, and Pakistan is connected to Kashmir in the northeast.The Dusu Hydropower Station project is built by China Gezhouba Group. It is one of the most difficult technological and most difficulty in installation capacity and the largest investment in Pakistan. After completion, it will effectively alleviate the current situation of energy in the region.This is not the first time the Dasu Hydropower Station project encountered a terrorist attack.On July 14, 2021, the project's attendant was exploded on the way to the construction site, causing 13 people including nine Chinese personnel, and more than 20 other Chinese personnel were injured.The incident was characterized by a terrorist attack that was implemented by the Pakistana Talibas Vat branch. The Pakistani court repeatedly sentenced the suspect involved in the following year, and individual leaders were sentenced to death.

For the future situation, Zhu Yongbiao pointed out that this attack is "easy to be a thief, and it is difficult to prevent thieves."Objectively speaking, the Pakistani government has done a lot of counter -terrorism work, but it is difficult to completely eliminate this asymmetric attack.Similar incidents will have a certain impact on the construction of the “Belt and Road”, but it is still within the controllable range.However, for individual areas, it will have a relatively large impact in some time periods.