Sino -US science and technology hegemony has always been a topic that many people care about.China has risen strongly in the past 20 years and has achieved many achievements in the economy and science and technology.In contrast, the United States feels a bit of "sunset Xishan". There is no strength in the past, and even some views that China is gradually replacing the United States and becoming a leader in technology.However, the facts may be that the dying camel is bigger than the horse, and the United States is likely to be technology overlords.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field that many people pay attention to in the near future.The performance of Nvidia, Openai and other companies are full of expectations for the future of AI.This has also prompted many countries to start competitions in the AI ​​field.For this, the United States even costs to curb China's development in AI.AI is a high -tech area, which is inseparable from advanced semiconductor technology and strong code support.If you want a strong AI, the two are indispensable.At present, the most advanced AI is derived from the United States, the hardware is Nvaida, and the software has Openai.

countries around the world also want to develop their own AI technology, but at present, most semiconductor technology is still in the hands of the United States.For example, the GPU (graphic computing chip) running AI (graphic computing chip) is currently only Nvidia.TSMC, which helped foundries, actually has many core technologies "hugged" by the United States, such as the core technology of lithography machines.Huang Xuncai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Singapore, said in Congress recently that AI is actually not just ChatGPT. There are many potential values ​​and technology are still in the early stage of development, and it will become part of the infrastructure of human society in the future.At present, AI has developed sufficient development in the United States, and many talents have gathered in the United States. It is very likely that the United States will become a strong in the AI ​​field for a long time.

Environmental protection is an unstoppable trend. People want to transition from traditional fossil energy to new energy and seek longer -term social development.Speaking of new energy, many people think of Tesla, a new energy company in the United States.In the field of electric vehicles, Teslaco is said to be unique, with few opponents.Even if there are Chinese new energy vehicle companies and traditional car companies, consumers still choose Tesla when buying electric vehicles.

In addition to electric vehicles, Tesla has always actively deployed the energy field, such as home solar power generation equipment, energy storage equipment, battery technology, and so on.The United States has recently become the world's first country to successfully achieve a positive energy output (that is, the output energy is greater than the input energy).For energy demand, it will only increase in the future.AI, electric vehicles, etc. will greatly drive people's demand for energy. Human beings cannot always rely on traditional fossil fuels to obtain energy. In the future, there will be a certain percentage of new energy. Therefore, the United States will still lead the development of new energy.

On February 23 this year, Odysseus, a lunar lander developed by private enterprise Intuice Machines, successfully landed on the Moon Antarctic.This is the first time that the moon landing in the United States has completed the moon after completing the moon landing mission on the 17th in 1972. It is also the first time that private enterprises have completed the moon landing task.

Since human began to explore space, the United States has been a power of space.The moon landing and exploring other planets have the United States.The United States is also at the forefront in the field of space commercialization, so that space players in space are no longer government agencies. They have begun to have private companies. Among them, Musk's SpaceX is the most well -known.Today, the number of rockets in the United States accounted for more than half of the world.Moreover, the United States is now rapidly seizing low -orbital resources, that is, the use of satellites to seize space around the earth's peripheral space. The most familiar is SpaceX's Starlink satellite.In the case of crowded, it may eventually have to seek limited space resources from the United States.

The United States looks like sunset, perhaps because the United States has been standing alone in the past, no one can grab its limelight.But in recent years, China has risen, and some of the magnesium lights have been transferred to China, so it makes people feel that the United States has begun to go downhill.In fact, the United States has continued to build a solid in the field of high -tech, but some rarely receive reports and attention.

The author is a graduate student in Malaysia of Tsinghua University