There are ABC in the United States, will we pass more than two or three generations, and it will also transform the SBC population-SINGAPOREAN-BORN Chinese, as well as SBM, SBI and other friends.Be happy?Maybe some people feel so good. The problem of national identity is finally solved, but everything seems not that simple.

One evening two weeks ago, I made an appointment with friends to eat in Kaodong. A few hours were late for a whole hour, and a photo was sent in the middle, saying that it was trapped in the car dragon near the stadium, "crazy!"

I thought in my heart, Taylor was worked again.

At that time, you don't find mold, and mold will come to you automatically.For example, as soon as the mobile phone was opened, all her long legs and fans were colorful and shiny, otherwise it would be a crowd of tens of thousands of people, which was a bit aesthetic fatigue.Of course, the screen is full of youth and friendship, and a bunch of fantasy and playful stories.

I have friends who don't like mildew, treat all this as strange.My advice is: It is said that the country is said to have 500 million yuan in economic income and the city's happy index is soaring.

And must respect a fact: the whole March day, the number of Chinese people who are crazy for Qing, or at least a lot of attention.This can be seen from the survey of YOUGOV and Lianhe Zaobao.The Morning Post's multiple social media accounts also made a lot of "powder" because of the heat of mold, making a lot of traffic and increased.

How about me?It must be said first that I have a wide "song road", there are many types of music and singers, and it spans Chinese and Western, but there is no resonance with the moldy style.Or take her good friend, another popular fried chicken in the American art world, and also won the prize (last week added the second Oscar golden golden man) Emma Stone to compare it, the latterThe talent and struggle experience is what I sincerely admire.

Because of my personal listening taste and preconceived concept, I did seriously underestimate my mold at first.Last year's "Times" tickets were launched, and news reports queued up at night. I disagreed.Even when the concert was approaching, when neighboring politicians came from the sour words, I was still thinking -as for? Isn't it just a few concerts?

Before singing, the Straits Times was preparing to launch a full version of the topic for nine days.I asked the children what they thought, they said, they were a bit more than, so I remember it.However, with the heat of the news, my own thoughts have been forced to correct.

Looking around the whole Asia, none of the westernization than us

The first game of mildew is a newspaper that worships Sunday, should I get the cover?Is the inner page going to give her two full editions?They are thinking.In fact, a version is basically pre -edited on Friday, and the last moment is still decided to renew.As a result, the next day, a cover plus almost two full editions. For a Western musician, it should be the largest specification in the history of the Morning Post.In short, people are the level of phenomenon. For a kind of loyalty to the facts, those who should leave a record must be left. I can reasonably deal with our handling.

Last year, Zhang Xueyou opened 11 "60+ concerts" in the local area.He has a lot of loyal powder around me. I said wow, 11 games, prove that your HOK-YAU is old and strong, and the charm cannot be blocked, but it also reflects that our society is aging!Then, what I said that mold revealed is another equally irreversible trend: thorough westernization.When I said the first "Hua", I must be a joke, but the second "Hua" said with a smile, but it was a bitter smile.

We are a global metropolis, and we have basically no defense in culture. Education has been mainstream in English. The West Wind has long warning.It was just a mildew that made me more intuitively confirming the westernization of Xiaohong Dot, far exceeding my previous imagination, and looking around the current Asia, it must be the most westernized, none of them.

For this discovery, I am very complicated.I am not particularly exclusive to Westernization, and even believe that it is necessary to survive.From another perspective, I am not a traditionalist. I think that the Chinese people's ideology and culture are accurate in all seas, because the dross inside is there, but I have to lift the bar.But if you do n’t hesitate to do westernization to the end, let us eventually become a pseudo -western or true western society, not what I am willing to see, and even if it is fate, there is still an inexplicable uneasiness and sentimental.Last week, in this column, I read the masterpiece of our former boss "to fight for the economy, but also attach importance to cultural construction". In the article, he criticized the society to promote the promotion of the single language of the society.The heritage, and this is by no means a good thing.I have a lot of heart and admiration for Ren Jun and other people of insight.

I said that, on the surface contradiction, but the context is analyzed.Because I am also half a western receiver, or a product.As for the sorrow, where does it come from?The main thing is that the westernization of my era was essentially different from what was happening today. It used to supplement it, but now it seems to be self -waste.I will add this part later, let me first explain my "coming person" identity.

Mold Powder Singing Love Lao Luo Fan Sing Life

When I was young, and a group of classmates died, it was also indulged in western pop music all day long.When you say an example, you know how crazy you are: there is a global theater on Zion Road to show old Western films.One time I put two small guessing (also known as s.w.a.l.k.). The story is simple, that is, the two British children purely learn adults in love, but only because we have the song of Bee Gees that we like to the end of the film, justYou can even watch it for four or five afternoon.That should be my movie.Adults say that we are "deep poisoning", but we love this tone. In the cinema, we can listen to songs purely, and we can also be happy all day long.

In fact, after the mold whirlwind, there was another hall -level singer touched to Singapore last weekend and sang in Sands.Unfortunately, there was no report of the Morning Post, but it is no wonder that the middle school colleagues I have asked hardly know him.Young, I am even more embarrassed to ask.

This passenger is Rod Stewart, and the old -fashioned translation is Loshi Muduhua.He conquered several generations of music fans by relying on the unique hoarse rock voice, some started with vinyl records, and some began to hear from the card belt -such as me, and us.Today, Lao Luo is 79 years old, and the condition must be affected.

Tour THE LAST TIME, since it may be in the future, can you say that you can do your best to go to the appointment?Fortunately, there was no one in the song list that he also sang the AULD LANG SYNE of his hometown in Scotland, otherwise the song would be in his ears, fearing that tears would really come out (there were several songs, when the prelude sounded, people had a feeling of crying)Essence

Tens of thousands of fans are the same as me, in Young Turks, I was only jobing, you're in my heart, the first cut is the deepest ...In the past, the impulse and cynical, frustration and decadence of the once -revisited impulse and cynical, frustration, and decadent, and those who were full of affection, and the light departure of the other were hurting the other.That night, it is not important for any sound, lung volume, and dancing and dancing posture. Anyway, everyone sings, and then forget me not just a concert, but also like an immersive theater.

I think at this moment, Lao Luo powder and mold powder are connected with each other, and happiness is also legitimate. The difference is that the mold powder is young, and it is more open and public.After all, it will be spontaneous and highly sing. After all, it is the generation of Spotify streaming.In addition, the singing songs are engraved with the important parts of their respective growth, but because of the length of life experience, the taste is different.Wu Bai, a rock giant in the Greater China Circle, said during the tour last year when he toured in the mainland that he always thought that he "sang love, and later learned that he sang life."Lao Luo Fan, all his life, turning around and falling, all of them are people with stories, and they must be able to realize this sentence; mold powder does not understand, but believes that I will be sublimated in the future and then understand.

Double culture is double blessing, but the soil is accelerating the loss

The pros and cons of westernization, today's situation and the biggest difference between the past is that we have almost lost the "anchor" in the parent culture.

When Chinese people are still in the majority, when Chinese families can also provide sufficient cultural resources and atmosphere, absorbing Western things will make a person's spiritual world fuller and more open, just like sponges, compatible and accumulating.In fact, in the era of "double culture", many people have been unaware of the positive results. The two cultures may be three or seven points, perhaps four or six points.

Even if it is accepted by English education, like many of my cousin brothers and sisters, Chinese and Chinese, maybe because of the background of the native family, inherit the dialect or small traditional DNA.They can also be said to be half a two -cultural person, which has a certain ability to distinguish and resist, and the three views will not be entirely West.

Double cultural people are like having two universes, or double blessings.I know, because I have always been a beneficiary.Still use the theme of this article -popular music: I like Street of London, San FraanciscoYes, I specially narrowed the scope and only chose the works of people and things in the city or the original hometown. They are all very good, and they grow up with me and slowly grow old.However, I can also switch the waves. In the K room, I sang Chengdu's pearl or Lugang Town of the Oriental or Lugang, which is also a geographical space, but there are different aesthetics and joy.Another example is the HOTEL CALIFORNIA of the Eagle Band. It is one of my love. It is profound in my Chinese "universe" from my Chinese "universe".Mohe is the northernmost Chinese in China. A small town that can see Aurora, who loves this song and knows the story. If you go to the local area, you will find this ballroom, and then ask the owner to broadcast a song on the scene ... This kind ofChina and Britain are free to come and go freely. It is often not mathematics. One plus one is equal to two, but more than two.

Unfortunately, the number of families talking Chinese today is likely to decline in cliffs, and the two -cultural soil is accelerating the loss. As a result, most young people are alone, and there is only one diamond mirror to see things.And there is no "one" person, he will not feel suffering or regrets, a bit similar to this English: You do n’t know what you do n’t know (you do n’t know what you do n’t know).

Of course, the country also has the training plan of double cultural people, but the number of people is too small, and it is too elite to play a leading role.

The population is aging and there will be a bunch of troubles, but we are preparing.But what about Westernization?Want to refuse?Still welcome?Or is it natural?

There are ABC in the United States, will we pass another two or three generations and also transform the SBC population-Singaporean-Born Chinese, as well as SBM, SBI and other friends.Is it?

Maybe some people will feel so good. The problem of national identity is finally solved, but everything seems not that simple.

Mentor rushing to the next stop, Lao Luo also gained the curtain, leaving a little confusion, no answer.The only thing I think above is used to sacrifice youth.

I sacrifice me, and there will be mold powder in the future.

The author is the deputy editor -in -chief of United Zaobao