People guess that Zoko and Plabovo have a cooperation agreement.However, Plabovo has his own political party and close relatives. These people are loyal to him in the presidential election in 2014 and 2019; Plabovo is likely to arrange his own people to protect his interests.

The presidential election on February 14 this year has been completed, but the official election results will be announced on March 20.So far, the votes of Plaboor -Giblan group are still far ahead, about 58.3%, Anis -Mu Haimin group only 23.4%, and the Gandchar -Maford combination is only 18.3%.The two groups of defeat did not confess defeat, threatened to ask Congress to investigate the election cheating, and at the same time impeached the Zoko government to use the national public instrument to assist the Phuket combination.However, to do this, it is necessary to formally propose the political parties and have enough supporters to be accepted by Congress.

However, the political parties supporting Anis and Gambar have been delayed.Because the National Democratic Party that supports Anis intends to cooperate with the new government, the struggle is also split in the Democratic Party, and some accept the election results, and some refuse.However, Indonesian legal experts point out that even if Congress agrees to investigate the presidential election, it can only discuss the issues of the election process, cannot determine the election results, and the election results cannot be abolished.What has the right to make this decision is the Indonesian Constitutional Court.

Anis supporters then adopted an AFC to launch a peaceful demonstration, asking the Indonesian Constitutional Court to announce the cheating in Phuket, and the election results were invalid.Anis supporters headed by Revri Haron also asked to re -hold the presidential election to cancel the Phuket's election qualifications, only allowed Anis -Mu Haimin group to participate in the re -election with Gandchar Malford.

The elite of the pro -pro -Anen -headed by Ding San Su also called on the people, especially Muslim, the day before the election committee announced the official results of the election committee, a large -scale demonstration was held at the Indonesian parliamentary building.Express the strong dissatisfaction of the people.On March 15, Anis spoke to say that the presidential election had been completed, but because the state institutions did not maintain neutrality and the election was unfair, he was going to complain to the Constitutional court.The reporter asked Anis when to complain?What is the specific content?He did not want to disclose.

There are also many people who support Phuket.They believe that this election is quite fair and is the most calm presidential election.Politics without identity and violence conflicts.It seems that there are many supporters of Zoko, and Prabovo's people have formed a powerful force.In addition, the Zoko government controls the army and police, and it is difficult to carry out non -parliament activities.Most of the political parties in Congress support the Zoko government.Therefore, it seems that the possibility of turmoil is less, and according to the current Minister of Politics, Law and Security, the government has been prepared.Plaboor's road to the president seems to be stable.

Plaboor's victory is related to Zakko's "secret" assistance. Plabowavo has to continue to complete many of the unsuccessful projects that have been completed during his tenure, including moving the capital.So, after he served as the president at the end of October, would he still use Zoko's heirs to hold himself or change his face?

Election commitment will bring a heavy burden on the economy

Plaboopo has made many promises during the campaign, mainly in the international position of people's livelihood, medical care, economy, and Indonesia in the international status.These commitments require a lot of funds.Once it is implemented, it will definitely bring a heavy burden on the Indonesian economy, and some commitments are likely to be unable to achieve.Not only that, these commitments will make the new government unable to fully support the project of moving the capital.

The most eye -catching commitment is to give kindergartens, elementary school students, and middle school students, including free lunch for students of Mescaid.It is reported that the free lunch project will be included in the national budget next year.According to the calculation of Indonesia's current financial minister Mu Yanni, this project will increase national deficit 2.45%to 2.8%.This will also increase national debt.

In addition, Plaboovo promised to raise the salary of teachers and civil servants.He also promised to increase the annual economic growth rate, from 5%to 6.5%, or even 8%.Economists believe that the current growth rate is already very high, and it is impossible to increase to 6.5%, let alone 8%.

Plabovo also promises to build a modern hospital in each city and county and districts, and build a modern public medical center in rural areas.In order to take care of the health of the Indonesian people, he plans to increase the medical school from 92 to 300.

Plabovo also promised to build 3 million civilians in urban and rural areas for Indonesian citizens who have no house.However, he has not explained where the resources of these plans and projects come from.

In terms of national defense, Plabowo will build a strong navy in order to defend Indonesia's maritime resources and security.In addition, he wants to make Indonesia a strong country and play the role of leader on the international stage with the principle of free independence.The implication outside of words, Indonesia should not be the vassal of other (China -US) countries.

In the early years, Plabowavo went abroad with his father. He was educated in middle school in a British school in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and American schools in London, England. Sakano returned to Indonesia after falling on the stage.Later, he entered the Military Academy. After graduating, he married Suhador's daughter and served as commander of special forces.Because he can speak fluent English, he often contacts Westerners, knows very much about external things, and loves to deal with foreigners.Therefore, he will be active on the international stage after he serves as president.

Plaboor, born of soldiers, had a bad relationship with the United States.When Suhado took power, Plabovo had serious violations of human rights records in East Timor and Jakarta, which caused him not to enter the United States to participate in his son's graduation ceremony in 2000; he still could not enter the United States in 2012.After he became the Minister of Defense of Zoko in 2019, Trump invited him to visit the United States in order to win Indonesia.After serving as the Minister of Defense, he also contacted the Chinese Defense Ministers at the time and discussed the possibility of cooperation between the two military military.

Plaboor's views on international affairs are different from Zako's Foreign Minister.Last year, he attended the Shangri -La dialogue held in Singapore. When talking about the Russian and Ukraine War, he said that Russia and Ukraine should immediately stop fire. Russia can stay in eastern Ukrainian territory as a buffer zone and hold a national vote in the future.This view alarm the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Western countries and Indonesia.Obviously, Plabowo has his own ideas.

People guessed that Zoko and Plabovo had a cooperation agreement.During the campaign, Giblan said that if the Phuket group was elected, the new government "will continue the previous government's unfinished projects and improve it."Plabovo also stated that he would inherit Zoko's unpopular plan so that Indonesia became an advanced country in 2045.

Zoko asked the eldest son Giblan to be the deputy of Praper Bolobo, obviously to follow the trajectory.It is still seven months before Plabowo as president, and Zoko seems to be unable to control him.As Vice President, Giblan is the assistant of Plabovo and has no power.Will Plabovo still listen to Zoko's words and continue to complete and improve Zoko's projects and plans?Maybe we can see from the cabinet lineup he launched that if it is Zoko's heir cabinet, there will be a lot of people and horses arranged by Zoko's relatives and Zoko.At the same time, Giblan will also be reused.

However, Plabowo has his own political parties and relatives. These people are loyal to him in the presidential election in 2014 and 2019; Plabovo is likely to arrange themselves to protect their own interests to protect their interests.Essence

In addition, he is very close to the old forces, close to the Suhado family, and will take care of the interests of these people.It is not clear whether their interests complement the interests of the Zoko family and group.

However, Zoko is not a idle. In these seven months, he will arrange his own people and horses, and may be dealt with in major parties in order to saveInfluence.As for whether you can do so and let us wait and see.

The author is a senior visiting researcher at the Yosov Issa East South Asian Research Institute in Singapore

Nanyang University of Science and Technology Rajelenan International Research Institute part -time professor