I remember that when I was in the Ministry of Education a few years ago, President Du, who had retired for many years, did not forget to tell me on some occasions: Singapore must retain the special school to continue to cultivate bilingual talents for the countryEssenceI agree with President Du's point of view. The special school is one of the important pillars to carry forward the Chinese culture of Singapore.

I am very glad to attend the 105th anniversary of the Overseas Chinese Middle School, and have a grand event with you.The so -called "ten years of trees, a century -old tree" has gone through more than a hundred years, and has cultivated a generation of talents to contribute to the country and society in various fields.

As the saying goes: "Teaching is like a spring breeze, and the teacher is as deep as the sea."The careful care and guidance of the past principals and teachers of Central China created us today.In my middle school career, one of my deepest teachers was the principal of Central China at that time -the late President Du Huisheng.President Du is the 17th president of Central China. He has paid his efforts for many years. He worked hard with the former presidents and teachers of Huazhong, and bowed his hard work to make our school the outstanding institution of Singapore.Benefit.

President Du resigned with the world in June last year, but I firmly believe that the Chinese spirit he advocated will last forever.Here, I want to share with you two ideas I learned from President Du, which makes me unforgettable and benefited for life.

President Du is an educator who attaches great importance to the traditional Chinese culture and values.He often reminds us that we must learn English well in order to communicate with friends from other countries.But we must never forget our roots, because we are Chinese, not Westerners.Therefore, we must recognize our culture, thoughts, values, etc. to be more confident and more solid identity.

Pay attention to traditional courage to innovate

At the same time, President Du remembered that the sages of the Chinese Chuangchuang School took "Hua Ying's emphasis on" as one of the goals of running the school, so it was required that Chinese middle school students must study all high -level Chinese.He said at the time: "We want to let parents know that the Chinese students of Chinese students are high, which is also a means of recovering the Chinese fortress in China."

In order to cultivate bilingual students, the government launched the "Special Auxiliary Program (SAP) for short) in 1979, listed nine traditional Chinese schools as" special schools ".It has always been proud of the positioning of special schools in China, because it reflects the traditional and excellent atmosphere of Chinese schools in China.

I remember that when I was in the Ministry of Education a few years ago, President Du, who had retired for many years, did not forget to tell me on a certain occasion: Singapore must retain special schools to continue to cultivate bilingual talents for the country.I agree with President Du's point of view. The special school is one of the important pillars to carry forward the Chinese culture of Singapore.As a special school graduate, I believe that everyone is like me.

President Du pays attention to innovation after paying attention to tradition, and never fear to try new ideas and open up new ways.I remember that President Du had to strengthen the English level of Chinese middle school students at that time, and specially hired teachers from the United Kingdom to teach us English.These teachers are not sent to the school by the Ministry of Education, but in China to ask for lessons from Britain in China. Through this arrangement, students can improve English. During the examination and debate competition, they are not lost to British school students.

I am from a Chinese family, and my parents are educated in Chinese.When I was a kid, I spoke English, and my thinking started from Chinese, and then translated to English, so the sentence structure sometimes made errors.I remember the English teacher Mr Arthur Syred taught us that "my clothes are white" as "my shirt is who color" is not right; the correct saying is "my shirt is who", don't add a "color" behindEssenceMy English can make progress, laying a good foundation for my needs in college and work, thank Mr Syred, thank President Du, and thank Huazhong.

In order to revitalize the China, President Du transformed the overseas Chinese middle school into a top school, and made a big rectification and change, and what I shared was only one of the examples.

His long -awaited, ethical and decisiveness, for the achievements of China today, he has a solid foundation.When President Du was just taking office, Central China was not the Central China today.Like other old generation educators, he did not give up at the most difficult time. They were in trouble, courageous to do good things, and do great things.

Manjiang Hong encourages young people to be loyal to the country

Perhaps the reforms implemented by President Du are not completely recognized by everyone, but as a student and alumni of Huazhong, I am very sure and I am very grateful to everything President Du did to the children of the middle of Huazhong.

The Man Jianghong that President Du liked, from Yue Fei's words, was later composed to a song.Why do President Du want us to learn to sing Man Jianghong?"Thirty Gongs and Earth, Eight Thousand Miles Road Clouds and Moon.I think, because this song advocates the patriotic spirit, and also encourages young people to work hard and loyal to the country.When Singapore encounters crisis, when we face difficulties, we do not compromise, do not give up, and go forward bravely. This is a patriotic and heroic feeling!This should be one of the expectations of President Du to all Chinese middle school students.

Here, I would like to invite everyone to pay tribute to President Du Huisheng: May President Du's spirit and existing Liufangbai Shi, will never be immortal!

I also encourage all Chinese students to continue to adhere to and inherit our spirit of Central China, give back to society and alma mater, and create a better future for the country and the people.

The author is the Minister of Transport and Second Minister of Finance