The Chinese economy must be driven by a stable governance system to allow the market to actively regulate the sustainable development of the national economy and effectively respond to the dynamic challenges of international development, rather than dependence (limited) economic work such as annual annual work.The meeting was evaluated, pre -judged, and formulated policies for the development of internal and external development, and non -continuous adjustments were made.

Compared with modern poverty and weakness, China is rising. This is an indisputable fact and an unstoppable trend.In unless it has a major historic political event or economic recession, China will definitely stand as an important force for human peace and development.Of course, China must make up and help with countries, including the United States, to promote the progress of human civilization.

The development and progress achieved in 40 years of reform and opening up in China is amazing. Aircraft carriers, aerospace, 5G, semiconductor, quantum technology, computing power, total economic, papers are cited data, and the rule of law, etc., have reached an unprecedented highest level.All of this comes from the reform and opening up of political and economic governance.In the history of China and human development, Deng Xiaoping will be a person with great historical contributions to the process of upper ancient, modern civilization, modern civilization, modern and future civilization.As long as he has no stagnation or retreat, China will become more and more civilized and rich as long as he does not stagnate or retreat, and will effectively promote the progress of civilization of all mankind.

The sustainable and high level of development of the Chinese economy should develop vitality, should it be based on state -owned enterprise reform or optimize the development environment of private enterprises?This problem is related to development and security capacity building.The key to the reform of state -owned enterprises and private enterprises is: 1. Development vitality and capabilities; 2. The weights in the national economic system and how they participate in market development equally.

As a social governance and supervisor and public product provider, the government is mixed with the status as a corporate shareholder.Function implementation.Without a real entrepreneur spirit, there will be no sufficient, efficient and sustainable market capabilities and profits.The construction capacity of national development capabilities requires state -owned enterprises and private enterprises.

Whether it was the "31" to promote the development of the private economy in July last year, or the eight departments such as the People's Bank of China and the General Administration of Financial Supervision in November last year, the eight departments jointly issued the "25" of private enterprises to support the development of private enterprises, which is not enough to significantly boost the market.And stock market confidence.Because the market lacks confidence in the sustainable development capacity of the "policy market".The high -level sustainable development of an economy must build a certainized governance system and the ability to rule the rule of law to provide the market with sustainable development and self -regulation capabilities.

The huge state -owned enterprise and central enterprise laid the foundation and contribute to the reform of the economic system and the newborn.Important subjects that promote the development of the United States and global economic development come from private companies including China.The strong capabilities in the fields of political and economic, science and technology, education, and military are derived from high -level private economic systems.

As the largest economy in the world, according to statistics in 2022, the private economy accounts for 88.6%of GDP (GDP), and the government and state -owned enterprises account for 11.4%.In comparison, according to data from the official website of the General Administration of Supervision and Administration of the China Market, as of 2022, the national private economy GDP accounted for 48.4%.In 2023, there are 136 Fortune 500 in the United States, most of which are private enterprises. There are 142 in China. Basically, they are central (national) enterprises. Most of them are high -state monopoly enterprises such as power grids, oil, natural gas, construction, railways, banks, and insurance.The top 20 in the world, nine in the United States, four in China.Fortune 500 private enterprises, 260 in the United States, 35 in China.Obviously, the United States still maintains more global large companies and strong global economic driving forces.

The core competition between China and the United States in the future is in the field of high -tech, while high -tech products and R & D and production entities are in private companies.This means that the true decisive battle between China and the United States starts between the private economy is between whether it is conducive to promoting a governance system that promotes the sustainable and high -level development of the private economy.

Recently, two scientific and technological capabilities have refreshed the cutting -edge development.One is the artificial intelligence video generation technology software Sora (and Gemini 1.5 Pro), and the second is Odysseus lunar lander successfully landed on the moon.These two cutting -edge technologies, including Odusus's launch of the rocket "Falcon 9", were developed by private companies in the United States.

From the perspective of the development capabilities of a country, the state -owned enterprises and private enterprises have set up obvious political and economic and legal treatment, which is a self -development restriction in itself.China's state -owned economy share can no longer be able to adapt to the challenges of national development and security capabilities and global political and economic development trends. Just as the original system of Marne's theory, the original aimal system can not effectively adapt to the current political and economic development process and capacity building.Of course, this does not mean that it can be denied that horse theory is also one of the major doctrines (genres) in the process of human civilization.

Deng Xiaoping made the main year's reform and opening up because the country was facing a severe challenge for development and security ("no reform is a dead road"). One is to reform and liberate the political system including the legal system.Economic governance system, including the development of the private economy development system.In the 40 years of reform and opening up, it was impossible to leave the achievements and contributions of the development of the private economy.China's future development and security capabilities will be subject to the level of private economy development.

In recent years, the contradiction between China has increased significantly between the interests of political system and the interests of geographical administration.China's development and security capabilities have major uncertainty risks, which are mainly manifested in: 1. Sustainable disclosure to determine the rules and order of public power and order has not yet been established; 2. The state -owned enterprise share shares and have not yet established a market with state -owned enterprises and private enterprises.system.These two have brought major uncertainty governance risks and capacity limitations to the country's sustainable development and security.

Hegel, a German classical philosopher Hegel, wrote such a paragraph of the relationship between God and humanity: "Without this world (existence), God is not God ... The reason why God becomes God is only to know himself.At the time ... it is God in the concept of human beings. "Then, can we say that the reason why China is China is the creation of self -civilization on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is China, and on the other hand, it is China.China should fully understand itself, be a better and more real and more authentic China, and be a big country with a real and influential contribution and influence in the world.As the saying goes: I don't know, it is scared.There is a comparison to identify.

The strength and rise and fall of China's development have all found the answer from the political system.Strictly speaking, Chinese politics has not fully removed the feudal politics factor, but is in the process of transformation from the establishment of a political system to a modern governance form.At this stage, the forces of reforms and delay and retrogression are inevitable to entangle each other, full of pulling and struggle.

The long history of feudal politics in China has always been based on the supremacy of imperial power as an autocratic political system.In the case of the two, the emperor became a puppet, and the right to decision and execution of the country was controlled by the ministers or the gatekeeper of the gatekeeper.The supremacy of the imperial power means that the monarch can be happy with the people, but it cannot be the same as the people!There is a distance, sitting up and down;

Because of this, state personnel often depends on the orientation of the monarch's knowledge, and then restrict the strength and rise and fall of the country.In the book valve, the researcher of the Wei and Jin history southern dynasty wrote about the relationship between the feudal monarch and the national personnel relationship: there are two obvious weaknesses that cannot be fully employed.It is an unconfident and incompetent manifestation.

China's huge uncertainty political risksThe hidden danger is: Under the current government and political system, there is neither the inheritance system of the descent, nor to establish an open -minded and foreseeable campaign mechanism, and it is impossible to predict who will the next leader and their political concepts (directions)?

Compared with the process of modern political civilization in Europe and the United States, there is still huge closure and self -suppression in Chinese politics, leading to self -limit on national governance and development.The main function of modern European political civilization lies in opening up, and national politics is open to all citizens. There are no restrictions on family, descent, and political parties, and political opinions.Political opening is an important source of national sustainable and high levels of development and security capabilities.

The Chinese economy must be driven by a stable governance system to allow the market to actively regulate the sustainable development of the national economy and effectively respond to the dynamic challenges of international development, rather than relying on (limit) to the annual economic work conference.Internal and external development situations are evaluated, pre -judged and formulated policies, and non -continuous adjustments are made.This is also the basis of sustainable and effective improvement of market and foreign confidence.

The author is a scholar of development and security researchers in China