Source: China News Agency

Author: Li Mingrui

"Now I have found the way to enter 'high -quality sleep". "Zhang Zitong, the" post -90s "office worker of the" Pickup "aromatherapy museum every week, said that the tension and pressure of work allowed her to continue to seek" high qualitySleep."The private and comfortable atmosphere of the aroma healing hall, and the aroma of plant essential oil can make me enter the dreamland quickly."

Recently released 2024 Chinese residents' sleep healthy white paper shows that the overall sleep quality of Chinese residents is not good, and the overall sleep score is 75 points, and there is a lot of room for improvement.

When sleeping is increasingly valued, more and more young people are beginning to pursue "good sleep".Nowadays, emotions are released through five sensations, intracranial sound conduction, etc., to achieve garden therapy and healing health methods such as aromatherapy and bowls that achieve the effect of sleeping and decompressing the effect.

Zhao Xinran, an "post -95" office worker who is keen on health, told reporters that compared with health methods such as yoga and health exercises that have swept social circles in the past few years, healing such as aromatherapy and chanting bowls is now more affected by young people.Housekeeping."While healthy, I can enter the sweet dream hometown. This is why I have become aromatherapy and pink healing 'enthusiastic powder'."

According to Ai Media Consultation 2023-2024 Research Report on the development and consumer demand in China's sleep economy industry, as the demand for consumers improves sleep quality, the increasing demand for sleep quality, the increase in the category of sleep aid products and the improvement of the level of science and technology. In 2027, Chinese sleep in ChinaThe size of the economic market is expected to reach RMB 65.868 billion (S $ 122.8 billion).

The reporter found on a online life service platform in Jinan that 199, 38, and 23 search results appeared on the map on the map.Among them, the healing halls specializing in these projects are also added with beauty salons, massage homes, and yoga museums.

Wan Xin, head of Jinan Shan Tifang Natural Healing Museum, revealed to reporters that most customers who experience healing health now are "post -85s".They generally face various problems such as workplace and emotional relationships, and "insomnia" and "anxiety" are keywords mentioned by customers.

"For those who have been suffering from insomnia and anxiety for a long time, they can relieve stress through aromatherapy and vertical bowls." Wan Xin told reporters that young people of "post -90s" and "post -00s" are due to work, academic studies, etc.The number of stress, the number of consultations is gradually increasing. "They want to get a comprehensive relaxation of physiological and psychological."

From the perspective of Wang Zhongwu, a professor of sociology at Shandong University, spending money to experience "high -quality sleep" and enjoying healing health is a manifestation of "paying" for young people who are keen to "pay" for emotional value."Behind this kind of consumer behavior is the young people in the fast -paced life desire to get emotional decompression and release. They want to be busy, charging and relaxing, and better invest in work and life."

"In the future, the form of healing health may change, but it is foreseeable that the audience will continue to grow." Wang Zhongwu believes that various new types of health methods may only give young people a sense of "soul healing" in a short period of time., But for young people who are pursuing physical and mental health, they will undoubtedly become an effective way to sleep decompression."Healing health may evolve into a lifestyle."