This is the profound clue of Macron's shocking "sending theory": a normal Europe that can deal with threats alone.Europe cannot continue to sink in the pretending state of being protected. In the past 80 years, it is only a very state of the long historical process. A community must master the ability to protect themselves in its own hands.

Since the invasion of Ukraine in Russia, Ukraine has been unable to recover quickly, and Russia cannot yield Ukraine with existing conditions.

The appearance of the Ukrainian battlefield (Theater) as the stage (Theater), behind the scenes, it also affects a series of longer and more structural changes.From the strong resurrection of NATO's "brain death", to the production of national defense hardware for the purpose of aid Ukraine in Europe, and then to Europe's nervous attention to the development of the United States, the proportion of defense expenditure has not planned, and the recent French President MacronThe "sending troops to support Ukraine" indicates that the Ukrainian war is slowly but firmly promoted the structural evolution of the overall European situation.

Perhaps Macron's dispatch theory has strategic considerations, such as showing French leadership, farewell to Germany, to the United States, etc., but France, which once led NATO in the United States, "retreats". This time, this timeIt is advocating to send troops with NATO as a unit, and it is ignored even trying to reverse the momentary impression of "NATO headed by the United States", so that the focus of the NATO protection in Europe will regain the "owner consciousness", and walk out of the United States to invest in Europe with the system after World War II in Europe.The 80 -year -old yin, which may be the signs of the structural change of the Ukrainian war.

The post -war system for the United States to protect Europe

After World War II, the Cold War came.Under the double inducement of the lessons of World War I and the pressure of the Soviet Union, the United States has carried out the heavy responsibility of leaders who have been unwilling to bear for a long time, and quickly reorganized in Europe with economic assistance to be destroyed by the war.Military assistance quickly established a defensive line along the Cold War border, providing security guarantees for the reconstruction and revival of Europe with super weapons and military commitments.

The World War II burned from the ashes of World War I. The Cold War quickly turned into a lesson and lasted for 30 years."big trouble.NATO is not only a collective security mechanism, but also a manifestation of the defense thinking of the United States "overseas".This allows the United States to actively dominate NATO and bet on the front line of Sudong in NATO.Under the Cold War conditions of single forces in other European countries at all, it can be said that the United States is NATO.This is why Da Goghle's iconic movement when seeking French pride's self -esteem is to withdraw from NATO, and in the final analysis, it is not signs of each other with the United States.

Under the protection of the United States, Europe enjoys a discount that "normal countries" cannot enjoy.As the forefront of the Cold War, it stands to reason that European countries should tremble under the heavy pressure of Su Dong, at least the whole people like Israel.However, due to the US security commitment and military injection, Europe can greatly invest the surplus value of national production into the field of people's livelihood instead of national defense, and make today's welfare Europe.

In the 20 years of the Cold War, the temporary absence of Russia's threats gradually weakened NATO's status, but historical inertia caused the United States to continue to reject resources in NATO military.A series of "retreat" impulses under the condition of relatively weakened American strength.At this stage, Europe emphasizes economic and conscious autonomy, but the hard and powerful "legs" have never really hardened. They can only shout a few "European autonomy" slogans on the "wheelchair" maintained by NATO in the United States.Note.

As the Soviet Union opened the Cold War era during the Berlin crisis, the Ukrainian war officially opened the door to the New Cold War.NATO was suddenly awakened as a radio shock by cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but the post -war system that was initially transformed into a war system was different from the past after 80 years of evolution, especially after 20 years of the Cold War.

The United States is facing multiple challenges inside and outside.Facing the fundamental tear of multiculturalism, this is not only about domestic problems such as skin tone, immigration, and sexual orientation.The ability and determination, that is, the United States is increasingly unable to unite as the Cold War period (especially the Cold War peak in front of strategic weapons).It's unhappy to spend the money in the United States to protect foreigners.

The challenge outside is the multi -pole world.At the beginning of the Cold War, the Soviet Union was the only enemy, and the others were all younger brothers. The final focus of the confrontation with the younger brother was the Soviet elder brother.A series of military diplomatic efforts such as the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Middle East mediation, and the threat of nuclear weapons, the single ultimate focus has always been the Soviet Union.This allows the United States to centrally allocate resources and distribute the main and second.However, in the multi -polarization world, threats are diversified, ambitious Russia is a threat, the Far East country is a threat, and radical Muslim is also a threat. Each threat is self -contained and cannot deal with all challenges by curbing a "ultimate eye".Former Defense Minister Ramsfield's determination to "win two wars at the same time" could not be supported by strength. The United States' resources are allocated on the left and right, and the body is lacking.

At the same time, Russia's threats show two new qualities due to the Ukrainian war: limited expansion, no longer aimed at the ultimate hegemony with the United States, but it is really threatened by Europe.In words or defensive deterrence, it is really under the city of soldiers.

Under the dual effects of the United States and the threats to Russia, Europe seems to be slowly awakening from the 80 years of high -pillow fantasy dreams.The threat is really intertwined to step on the door. In Europe, it is necessary to deal with the threat that has stepped into its own door in one foot. It can only rely on strength to become a defense ability that normal countries should have.Really self -reliance and "legs".

I believe this is the profound clue of Macron's shocking "dispatch theory": a normal Europe that can deal with threats alone.Europe cannot continue to sink in the pretending state of being protected. In the past 80 years, it is only a very state of the long historical process. A community must master the ability to protect themselves in its own hands.However, the 80 -year time covered two or three generations, and Hao Shi did not know that the soldiers thought that this was very normal.The Ukrainian war is an opportunity for Europe to go normally, but this evolved giant boat must still slowly turn around.

The author is a Beijing cultural worker