In recent years, the society's attention to the caregivers has gradually increased, and the consciousness of caregivers has continued to increase. In 2023, the presidential challenge is based on the theme of "care caregivers".Society is actively providing support for the caregivers. The Women's Executive Committee of the People's Association, the National Welfare Council, and the caretaker of the caregiver of the career alliance announced on Saturday (March 16) that from 6 (March 16), it announced thatFrom the month of month, it has been further expanded to at most five areas to contact more caregivers and help reduce their physical and mental burden.

There are hundreds of thousands of nurses in the local area who take care of family members or relatives or relatives who have been sick, or have special needs, and have heavy responsibilities to bring them all kinds of physical and mental stress.Win Guardian contact network launched a trial plan in six communities from April 2022 to July 2023, aiming to provide comprehensive support for the caregivers to help them better use community resources.This plan will be expanded to Dalba Kiln West — Tangshen, Aiyuz, Zhongbang City, Ganbang Cai City, and Wenli.

Through this type of mutual aid network, caregivers can share experiences, help them better understand and cope with the situation at home, and get practical help and support.However, the mutual aid network must be able to exert its effectiveness, first of all, these caregivers are willing to get out of their own world.The trial plan of Win caregiver contact the network found that the caregiver is often unwilling to seek help, because they feel uncomfortable when sharing their family conditions, and they are unwilling to open their hearts to others.

In this case, the support of family members is particularly important.However, reality is often that family members may not be more intimate than strangers, and caregivers that cannot be supported by their families need social support.It is not easy for the caregiver to help the network to contact the closed caregiver.However, when the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Senior Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of National Development, Shen Ying said that when he announced the expansion of the Win caregiver to contact the network, "must be patient, and contact the caregiver with the same concern and sincerity."Organizations and groups that take care of the welfare welfare should follow the case more proactively.Some people who just bear the responsibility of the caregiver may not fully feel the pressure at the beginning, and refuse the social workers who contact them outside the door. Therefore, the responsible social workers should follow up the case regularly to ensure that the caregiver is in a good state.

The burden of caregivers is multi -faceted, including psychological burden, physical burden, and economic burden.Although psychological support is important, they also need more substantial help, especially in finance, it directly affects the physical and mental health of the caregiver.If you can solve the financial burden, many other problems will be solved. For example, you can hire a full -time helper to share the work, or hire a temporary helper when needed.Although the monthly salary of the helper is not high, the intermediary fee is expensive. From then on, it is necessary to afford the daily life of one more person, and the expenses will inevitably increase accordingly.Although the government provides some allowances in all aspects, the current subsidy calculated based on the per capita income of the family may cause some "high -paying families" that need help to get economic assistance and must bear a heavy economic burden.For example, if the cost of the care center of the age and day, if the government allowance is obtained, the monthly payment amount can be as low as 400 yuan, and the non -allowance fee can be as high as 1,800 yuan.

On the other hand, the flexible work arrangement is also the substantial help to reduce the pressure of the caregiver.The working group, jointly established by the Labor CPPCC, is expected to announce the principle of guidance in the near future, and it is suggested that enterprises have evaluated the flexible work arrangement requirements of employees through appropriate processes.However, the principle of guidance is not forced, and the decision -making power is still in the hands of employers.Some employers have provided more flexible work arrangements for caregivers, such as part -time jobs, family leave, remote office, elastic working hours, etc., so that they can better balance their work and take care of their family responsibilities.

Flexible work arrangements must be tailored according to personal needs. To be successfully implemented, the company must establish a trustworthy culture. Colleagues need to understand.I dare not propose a flexible work arrangement because I am afraid of losing the opportunity of promotion.

The caregiver assumes heavy responsibilities and needs to be supported and understood by society.With the aging aging of Singapore, more and more people will become a caregiver at some time.We must advocate a more favorable environment for the caregivers and give them substantial support and help, so that they can maintain their physical and mental health while taking care of others.