In China today, although everyone sees this dilemma of development, it seems that no one has better solutions.I am afraid that you also need to be a group strategy at the national level, make good benefits, do a good job of top -level design, and solve this problem in overall planning.

Chinese people may be the hardest clan in the world today.360 lines, no one is not tired.This kind of tiredness has reached a bit of worrying, questioning whether this development model is sustainable.

The following is the three examples that are randomly cited at will.

Example 1: The sudden death rate of Chinese people is amazing.According to online data in 2018, the number of sudden deaths in China annually reached 544,000.This means that every minute, one person dies suddenly, and 1,000 people die suddenly every day.According to reports, most of the sudden deaths are stressful industries such as doctors and programmers, but there are also reports of sudden death in middle school students.In mid -to -late March 2022, according to reports at the time, many young and middle -aged researchers at the peak of their careers died of overwork.

Example 2: Chinese children's myopia is first in the world.There are more than half of children with myopia.

Example 3: Before the 24th World Sleep Day (March 21), a survey found that more than 300 million people in China had sleep disorders, which was almost equivalent to the total population of the United States.The latest statistics are that the average sleeping period of Chinese residents is 6.75 hours, with an average sober number of 1.4 times. 75%of the respondents have or have difficulty falling asleep, easy to wake up, insomnia, snoring, dreamed, and lethargy.Surprisingly, young people occupy a considerable proportion of this group!

The young man is like the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning. It is a period of prosperity. At this age, this age should be very sleepy.However, 2022 Chinese National Healthy Sleep White Paper shows that after 44%of young people from 19 to 25 stay up late to zero, the 19th to 35 -year -old young age is the age of high incidence of sleep.Of course, there are also bad living habits in the middle, such as brushing mobile phones, nightlife, and so on.But I am afraid that the pressure of life, work and study is too much.I know that a 16 -year -old girl, in the second grade of high school in ordinary middle schools, has average academic performance, and is not a child who is strong.Even so, she was close to the vision when she was in elementary school.Now you can wash your bed at about 12 o'clock in midnight every night.I can only sleep more than six hours a day, which is basically consistent with the aforementioned white paper survey results: the average sleep for high school students is 6.5 hours, the average junior high school student is 7.48 hours, and the elementary school students are 7.65 hours.

This is much better than when she was in junior high school -at that time she was studying in a so -called star middle school.It has been sleeping for almost five hours for almost five hours.Due to excessive tension, sometimes you can't sleep at night, you need to take Chinese medicine.Thirteen -year -old children can insomnia, which really makes us adults scared.What potential negative effects will this have on her future life?I really dare not think about it!

Today, after the epidemic, China is facing economic downward pressure. It is expected that young people have no most rolling in the future, only more rolled.

Medical experts point out that long -term sleep problems will increase risk of diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease.According to online news, in 2021, the disease rate of cardiovascular disease in China continued to rise.The number of cardiovascular diseases is about 330 million people with cardiovascular disease, of which 13 million strokes, 11.39 million coronary heart disease, 5 million pulmonary heart disease, heart failure of 8.9 million, atrial fibrillation 4.87 million, rheumatoid heart disease 2.5 million, congenital innate2 million sexually transmitted heart disease, 45.3 million lower limb arteries, and 245 million hypertension.Moreover, cardiovascular diseases have a low aging trend.It seems that "the big country" will inevitably become a major country of cardiovascular disease at the same time. Will it become another type of "East Asian sick" in the new period?Even if there are more gold medals won by the Olympic Games, I am afraid that this fact can not be ignored.

Sleep time is roughly inversely proportional to stress.A large number of young people have become "puzzled people", which shows the huge stress.The overstrained pressure comes from excessive competition, which causes not only the physical and mental health of the individual, but also to conduct and radiate to all levels of society, causing long -term continuous anxiety of the entire society.This is evident from the phenomenon of "diploma inflation".The so -called "diploma inflation" means that undergraduate students can no longer find better jobs in China today, and it is even difficult to employ, so a large number of undergraduates have joined the postgraduate army.There are too many postgraduate entrance examinations, and the national examinations are forced to rise.This makes experts very worried: in the past, the college entrance examination carried the function of social competition and screening, and now it has been placed in the postgraduate entrance examination.

Undergraduate education is the root of the university. Too much time, too much excellent students spend a lot of time to repeatedly apply the postgraduate entrance examination, which not only causes incompleteness and lack of scientific research ability, practical ability, innovation ability, etc.It has also become a potential risk of decline in the quality of graduate training, and even caused a new state of learning, as well as the lack of curiosity and interest in further research and innovation.Not only that, the "college entrance examination" of the postgraduate entrance examination also impacted the school running model.Because Chinese universities also have the responsibility of improving the employment rate of students, and the postgraduate entrance examination is a way for colleges and universities to avoid the risk of "employment rate" assessment, so they also actively participate in the organization to promote undergraduate postgraduate entrance examinations.If the college running model is transferred around the postgraduate entrance examination (like the middle school running mode around the college entrance examination), it will inevitably lose the fundamental purpose of running the school, and it will become farther and farther from the requirements of the "double first -class university", resulting in a sharp decline in the quality of university training.The quality of training in universities has declined, and undergraduates are getting harder to employment, so they have to delay the employment difficulties through postgraduate entrance examinations ... As a result, they caught a strange circle that could not be transferred.

In China today, although everyone sees this dilemma of development, it seems that no one has a better solution.I am afraid that you also need to be a group strategy at the national level, make good benefits, do a good job of top -level design, and solve this problem in overall planning.For example, except for a few industries that are related to the country's lifeblood, can the development rhythm of the whole society slow down appropriately?For another example, can the state help to broaden employment channels, and establish a number of universities or majors that have significantly improved employment in employment?

In my opinion, China's medical market today has a lot of room for expansion.With 1.4 billion people with a population of 1.4 billion, medical resources are still relatively lacking and uneven; as China, which has entered an aging power, the expansion of the pension market and resources is also promising; then, as a big country with gender imbalance, the development of the overseas marriage market is pioneering.Also need a large number of professional talents ...

Finally, on the basis of the "double reduction" (reducing the burden of student homework and off -school training during the compulsory education stage), it is also necessary to legislate to enforce school teachers and parents to ensure that children are inviolable.

Are these basic ideas feasible?Fang Jia, who is related to the Chinese issue, may wish to discuss the discussion, and may also answer a deep -seated questioning: how far can its development model still go to a country that is deeply plagued by sleep?

The author is a professor at Xi'an University of Science and Technology