Johor Sultan Ibrahimi became the top head of Malaysia a month ago, and immediately attracted a very positive expectation at home and abroad.This type of expectation can be divided into two related categories.One is the close -to -business impression of the new heads of the heads of the new heads of the new heads in the Sudan of Johor.The head of state has not only encouraged Johor's industrial and commercial development in macro for many years, but also actively participated in specific business activities, such as cooperating with some foreign investors to cooperate with real estate development projects.Therefore, after he is very promising at home and abroad, he will be as good as ever after he is the head of state, bringing more business opportunities.

An important factor that hinders economic development in most developing countries is the prosperity of bureaucracy. Especially in terms of applying for various permits, it is difficult to get as soon as possible.It is also lost to business opportunities that pay more and more attention.These countries are full of human intervention factors, and what is lacking is the effective standard system and process in advanced countries.However, at the same time, many countries are still popular with the concept of semi -feudal concepts, and they have high respect for traditional rulers, as well as bureaucrats.Therefore, if commercial projects can get "imperial" or "favored", to a certain extent, it can break through the above -mentioned human obstacles to accelerate approval. Of course, merchants are fortunate.This is particularly valuable in the background of Malaysia's economic downturn.With the development of the heads of state, whether the previous experience of Johor's parental business experience can be replicated at the federal level, it also makes the business community happy.

Another type of expectations for the new heads of the heads of the Malaysian countries is to hope that Malaysian politics will be more stable.This view also stems from Johor Sudan's previous relatively strong rulers.This is particularly significant after the choice of Johor two years ago.At that time, the Barisan Nasional won the victory, and the former Minister of State Affairs was confident that he could re -be re -re -re -renewed and renewed the minister. Unexpectedly, he could not wait for the minister's oath ceremony for a few days.Unexpectedly, UMNO launched a relatively young and also -intentioned minister of the palace.

After Johor Sudan took office, it has indeed made a few more than a month of voice, including mentioned in the Grand Words of the Congress that I hope that the current government will have a complete term until the next election, and the party factions will be high again.Down.For Malaysia, which has changed three prime ministers since the Xilaiden coup in early 2020, it can be described as a very popular political vision, that is, there will be elections every four to five years. After thatAlternatively because of members' change.This is understandable.

However, in terms of straightforward point, the political operation model of the Malaysian Federation is very different from Johor.The constitutional constitutional monarchy, which is pursued by the Constitution, has clearly stipulated or based on the spirit of the Constitution, is quite sound.Usually, the head of state must exercise its powers with the advice of the Prime Minister.For example, a few years ago, in order to maintain political power, the then Prime Minister Mu Yuding was worried that he might be discouraged by his unbelievable motion during his meeting. He even persuaded the head of state (Pahang Sultan) to announce that the Malaysian country entered an emergency.Although the head of state does not think it is necessary, it is still promulgated.After that, Mu Yuding was reluctant to hold Congress. The head of state gently reprimanded it. Mu Yuding did not want to be weakly reported that he responded that the head of state should follow the principle of the constitutional monarchy.Of course, the current Prime Minister Anhua seems to have a harmonious relationship with the new head of state. Presumably, there will be a tacit understanding when exercising their respective powers, and there is not much opportunity for the constitutional crisis.

According to the Malaysian Constitution, the head of the heads that can really exercise autonomous considering is to decide whether to hold a general election after the fall of the government or the resignation of the Prime Minister or resign.For the new Prime Minister.For example, in the Cervical coup, then Prime Minister Mahathir resigned, and it was difficult to determine who had more than half of the members of the council. At that time, the head of state would exercise the power to consider and invite Muyudin as the Prime Minister.However, if most of the members obtained by one of them are significantly supported, no matter which head of state, it is difficult for them to appoint them as the Prime Minister, otherwise they will rebel against public opinion.

Therefore, after the Malaysian election in 2018, the Pakatan Harapan has won a significant major seat, while the BN has obviously only half of the seats.Oath of the Prime Minister, the latter "called the array" honestly and said, "(the head of state) as long as it signs (appoint me as the prime minister), no need to make a decision", because the Pakatan Harapan has a significant major seat as the confidence.

Even after the current head of state called for the Anwar government for one session, the Islamic Party of the opposition party responded in a timely manner, emphasizing that Malaysia is a constitutional state of the monarch.

From this point of view, if the Anwar government wants to do it stable for one session, the most important thing is not to be careful to operate the healthy interaction with the head of state (although it is also important), but to try to put in the current member of the current support of his appointment.The hearts of their hearts.Over the past few months, the Anwar government has received the support of several Turkish group members, and they have also kept the seats because they did not retire the party (they did not violate the reflection job).Similar situations also occurred before the Xilanden coup, but members of the members need to be changed in reverse, which is also what can happen overnight like a Cervical coup. If a significant number of members occur, the Anwar government will also return to heaven. This requires this.Be alert to the lesson of the car.

The author is a senior researcher at the Singapore International Affairs Society (Research Institute)

Chief Counselor of the Malaysian Pacific Research Center