Hong Kong Asian Weekly March 18th published an article entitled "Transformers" counterattack.

The two conferences of China were closed, and some Western media ridiculed and thought that it was impossible to achieve about 5%of economic growth in Beijing this year.But this is a serious misunderstanding of China's development, because they can't see a "Transformers China".

China's development is like Transformers, not only facing Western sanctions, but also continuously improved its physique.The National Two Associations show that China is adapting to local conditions, innovating in science and technology and organizational management, conforming to private enterprises and state -owned enterprises, and creating a huge economic rise space.

China's Transformers mode is to facing various challenges to deform.This time, the "new productive productive forces" emphasizing the national session is to raise the national competitiveness to the new level, surpass labor -intensive industries, move towards artificial intelligence, 6G and other innovative frontiers, and strive to "reduce dimensionality" in a higher dimension.

In terms of cutting -edge technology development, China is a chess opponent with the United States. It is a leading position in quantum technology and 6G.China ’s new understanding of innovation at the two conferences this time is to return to basic skills, attach importance to source innovation, and develop“ new manufacturing ”.

"New Manufacturing" is a high degree of digitalization. Starting from the scientific development of the source, it promotes new manufacturing technology and new production tools, creating new manufacturing methods, injecting new production factors, creating new products and new uses.

This is also a new situation in China to develop.In the face of the US scientific and technological war and trade war, China has always adhered to reform and opening up, but now the United States is a "new lock country", and it is necessary to restrict Chinese automobile imports.

"Transformers China" faces the irrational checks and balances of the United States, but instead insists on attracting American multinational companies.In China expanding investment and entering the "sinking market", it shows that American companies' optimistic judgments in China are seeking huge market profits.

In addition, China is promoting a new wave of cars and home appliances to buy tide to stimulate domestic demand. It iterative updates must be renewed from cities to rural areas. The old communities and houses in rural areas will be renewed.

China produced about 30 million vehicles in 2023, and the export volume was as high as about 5 million, which overwhelmed Japan for the first time.After the Chinese New Year, in order to echo the update policy of Beijing, the Chinese automobile industry also set off a wave of price reductions and form a situation of fierce competition in the automotive industry.This not only makes domestic consumers benefit, but also makes Chinese companies more competitive.

Western countries do everything possible to block Chinese cars, but China's deformation diamonds have aimed at the development of the automotive industry in the third world.From Southeast Asia to the Middle East to Africa is a new track in China.

This is the surprise of China's counterattack under Western sanctions, make good use of the breakthroughs of innovation, promote structural transformation, more upper levels, enter a higher dimension, break through the number of card necks in the United States, both internal and external repair, open up the blue ocean,Essence