Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Author: Huang Xuan

Following the popularity of Zibo barbecue and Harbin Ice and Snow Tour throughout China, people's longing for one place continued to update by "eating".Recently, this stick was transferred to the hands of Tianshui Spicy in Gansu.Xie Xiaowen, a well -known critic and cultural scholar in China, told Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency that although the barbecue and spicy hot and spicy hot and spicy hot and spicy, it is the key to "burst redness" and "long red".For the "fuse", we will give full excavation to create richer tourism products.

It has been less than a year before the Zibo barbecue burst. Recently, the Gansu Tianshui Malaine Spicy has appeared on the hot search list of major social platforms, attracting a lot of diners and gourmet bloggers from afar.Looking at the cultural tourism across China in recent years, Xie Xiaowen analyzed that the key to being "wealthy" and "Lin Xing" was the six words: Tianshi, geographical, people, and lack of one.

Xie Xiaowen pointed out that the Chinese cultural tourism industry is in a period of gold. The strong support of national policies and the continuous growth of market demand jointly build a good development environment. This is the "time" and the starting point of a city's popularity."Land" is the basis for the development of cultural tourism. He emphasizes the connection of traffic infrastructure connecting a city, and Tianshui's cultural tourism endowment is very good. Although it is located in the northwest of China, it has high -speed rail and airports.Advantage."Even if a city has a good natural endowment and congenital factors, if there is no convenient and efficient traffic infrastructure setting, it can only be sighing. The city with high -speed rail must have a prerequisite. If this city has airports, then then thenIt's even more like a tiger. "Xie Xiaowen.

"People and" "people and" means that the government has great support and high quality of tourism services.Behind the popularity of Zibo barbecue, it is inseparable from the strong support and promotion of the local government; in the process of the development of Harbin ice and snow, it also benefits from the government's high attention and investment in the tourism industry;In supportive support, he spared no effort to open the "pet fan" model, so that the public felt the fullness of this small northwestern town.

However, although barbecue and spicy spicy are good, making "popular" "long red" is the key.Xie Xiaowen continued to say that these cities that have burst into fire are based on unique food culture and landscapes, realizing the deep integration of cultural tourism.However, the charm of cultural tourism is far more than that, and it is hidden in more unavailable places.If you want tourists to live, travel, play, and continue to become attractive for it, you also need to use this as a "fuse" to give full discaptation to create more abundant tourism products.

"The development of cultural tourism requires tourists to discover, inherit, and innovate with the intention of reaching accidents to inevitable traffic '. It also needs to penetrate the characteristic culture and natural resources of each place in various cities, and close it to tourism.Combined to create a unique tourist destination. "Xie Xiaowen believes that more cities have the potential to become the next" net red city ".