Lianhe Zaobao published an article by Ms. He Qinglian on March 12.Ms. He believes that Biden received strong support from the American "socialist", and the policy of Democrats and the Biden government torn American society.At the same time, I have more understanding and defense about the policy propositions of Trump's popularity of Republicans.

The author's point of view is very different.On the one hand, because the author is a left -wing position, there is a difference from Ms. He's right -wing values.More importantly, the author believes that there are many errors in Ms. He's article and logically contradiction. I hope to ask for discussion through this article.

First of all, Ms. He mentioned that Putin claimed that Biden was elected president more conducive to Russia.Now that Russia invades Ukraine, Putin regime is famous.Ms. He mentioned this, it seemed to show that Biden and the bad guy Putin were the same party.

This is not fact.On the contrary, Trump and some Republicans and Putin regime are closer.The FBI (FBI) and other official agencies and many media have confirmed that Russia intervened in the 2016 US election and helped Trump to defeat Democratic Hillary.Putin and Trump also praised each other many times.

After the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, Trump repeatedly claimed to oppose the assistance of Ukraine and hinted that Ukraine cut for land in exchange for peace.The Republican Party also passed the Congress to block the Aidu Act.Instead, Biden explicitly supports Ukraine to resist Russia and pushes the Ukraine Act.

According to this information, Putin actually favors Trump to popularize Republicans, rather than Bayeng and the Democratic Party.As for Putin's recent interview, he hopes to be elected by Biden, which is naturally a lie that confuses public opinion.

Second, Ms. He's narrative about Western allies in the United States hate Trump and hopes to wins. It is the right fact.However, Ms. He believed that this was the selfishness of NATO allies. She wrote Trump's tried to betray the allies as "stingy" and the problem of domestic economic and people's livelihood in the United States, and for Trump's refusal to undertake the obligations of the alliance.

This rhetoric has weakened the importance of NATO mutual aid cooperation and diluted Trump's destructive power.As the leader of international order, the United States should naturally bear the greatest responsibility.This is not only the obligation of the United States to do, but also what is conducive to the long -term interests of the United States.The reason why the United States is prosperous and strong is not relying on retreat, but the result of participating in international firms.

Whether it was the leader's victory in the Fascist camp in World War II, or to promote globalization since the war, the United States is the biggest beneficiary.If the United States gives up active participation in international affairs, it will only lead to the decline in the United States.The declining United States will only be worse than now in terms of government bonds, national pensions, and national security.In order to short -term economic interests and some foreign aid funds, Trump's popularization of some Republicans to abandon the huge benefits of the overall and overall overall situation is narrow and short -sighted, and it is worthless for the United States and the people.

Third, Ms. He said that Biden supporters are mainly "socialists."This is wrong, and the criticism of Biden and the Democratic Party to tear the United States is also wrong.Of course, many people in the American younger generation really have a good opinion of socialism, but first, this is limited to young people with a small number of people in the United States. Second, it is not a socialist, not socialist.

U.S. political spectrum overall leaned right

Compared with Europe and Canada, the US political spectrum is more right to lean as a whole, even if Democrats are more liberals.The vast majority of Democratic members are non -socialist, but they attach more importance to national intervention and social security compared to the Republican Party.Biden does not belong to socialists, but a more neutral politician.Some people left in the United States, including socialists, also resisted him because Biden was not enough to leave.

Ms. He also believes that the US Democratic Party is launching a color revolution to change the political stance of young American young people and make them socialist.The United States is a free and open country. There is no brainwashing and compulsory state of totalitarian dictatorship. Everyone can freely screen information and determine beliefs.

The reason why American universities and the media are left to the left is because they know more about history and reality, have richer humanistic knowledge and broad vision, stronger social science analysis ability and judgment, and also inclined to help the weak.Their value judgment and claims are mainly based on facts and conscience.Just like 1+1 = 2 is recognized by most people because it is indeed right, not judgment after brainwashing.

As far as Ms. He said, most of the groups of "none, knowledge, less, and women" are mostly the relative victims and marginal groups of society. They support the Democratic Party, which supports changes, equal rights, and social justice.Although excessive changes are not appropriate, excessive political correctness is not appropriate, it is correct to help help the weak and build a diverse tolerance society.It cannot be denied due to the extreme behavior of a minority of radicals.

More importantly, it is Trump and many Republicans who really promote the United States.The white supremacy / white priority, Christianity of Christianity, racism and extreme nationalist policies and policies they actually pursue or actually pursue, as well as strong rejection of women, LGBT, ethnic minorities, foreign immigrants and other groups, the right to these vulnerable groupsThe attack of the movement torn society.

Trump and Republicans have forcibly recommended conservative judges and undermine political balance.Trump has also made a long -term defamation remarks on Democrats such as Hillary.After the results of the 2020 election were announced, Trump and Republicans also refused to recognize the results of the election and manufacture the riots of Congress on January 6.

These obvious facts have proved that Trump and some Republicans are the main responsible persons in the tearing of American society.Even if the Democrats are responsible, it is secondary, and it does not represent the mainstream of the Democratic Party.

In addition, there are some contradictions that are not self -consistent in the text, the interpretation of the content of the reference, and the non -targeted criticism.For example, because of the New York Times' attitude towards Trump, Ms. He believed that the New York Times destroyed the rules and was not trusted, but she repeatedly quoted several polls in the New York Times in the text to reflect the low support rate and "uninhabited hearts."

Ms. He used the words of the left host Wallace to "prove" the media was not objective to Trump reports.The fact is that because Trump lies too much and has a large number of routine words and deeds, he cannot comment and test his words and deeds in accordance with the normal and trustworthy politician methods.

The article pointed out the growth and threat of American socialists, and believed that the "socialist" was selected as the upper position of Biden, and while saying that many voters were leaving Bayeng.Is the American "socialist" strong or weak?There are also a small number of socialists or other people in the United States who resisted him because Bayeng was not enough to lean. This is an important reason why Bayeng's polls are behind Trump.The article hinted that Biden lost her support because of her left leaning, and Trump was more popular.American socialists are not the majority (but key minorities), Biden is not left -leaning (but relative middle way), and Trump is not more popular (just compared to the internal tear of Democrats, Trump supporters are relatively united.And firm).

Ms. He accused Biden's "several internal affairs and diplomatic measures" that caused the United States to tear, but did not point out the content and specific impact of measures.According to the author, Biden's policy is relatively peaceful, and it has brought about social cracks as much as possible.Regardless of the issues of the rights of vulnerable groups such as feminism and LGBT, the issue of border refugees, and the issue of Pakistani, they are dealt with as much as possible with a more balanced and blurred strategy, and do not help one side.

Of course, the author is the middle left, and Ms. He does not agree with values.But no matter what the position, it should not be denied or modified for some basic facts.Moreover, since Ms. He is based onAn article by the right -wing position and Trump supporters, the author's composition of the middle left -wing Democratic supporter to respond, is also a reasonable meaning.

The author is a writer and international political researcher