If you are preparing to leave the customs from Changi Airport, stand at the entrance to check your passport, in addition to the local and Malaysians, it may also be a Taiwanese.

Due to the long -term insufficient manpower of the auxiliary police, the airport security work and Singapore's largest security industry Guoan security institution began to recruit security personnel in Taiwan in 2017, recruiting 120 people in that year.For the treatment of newly hired auxiliary police, as long as the contract is signed, you can get a reward of 2,000 yuan. After the official employment, you can receive a "bonus" of 2,000 yuan. The salary of about 2750 yuan at the end of the month, and there is an overtime fee and allowance benefits.This treatment is not high in Singapore, but it is more than 2.5 times that of Taiwan ’s college students' salaries.

Auxiliary police officer's outsourcing system has no outsourcing system in Taiwan. More than 7,000 auxiliary police officers (APOs) can carry guns to perform official duties, which is a fresh experience for Taiwanese.Singapore has insufficient police force, so it is necessary to outsourcing, and the social and economic operation has rely on foreign manpower. Taiwan has also become the source of the second overseas APO outside Malaysia.Originally, the Singapore land level was not opened to foreign APOs, but due to the shortage of manpower, in 2018, the Taiwan Auxiliary Police and the Singaporean auxiliary police were also deployed in the land level.Singapore's Ministry of the Interior and Minister of Justice Shang Morgan revealed earlier this year that the number of APOs recruited from Taiwan has decreased, with a total number of about 70.

However, overall, Singapore is also a place of attractive work to young people in Taiwan.

Although this wave of economic globalization began at the end of the last century, after all, human resources flow is limited by more non -economic factors than goods and capital.At the beginning of globalization at the end of the 20th century, the place where most of them worked overseas was mainland China. For a long time, globalization was Chineseization for Taiwan.

When will other overseas work locations start to attract young people in Taiwan?The financial tsunami in 2008 is an important turning point.The tsunami hit Taiwan. In 2009, the economic growth rate was 1.81%, which was the second economic negative growth after the Internet bubble in 2001. In August 2009, the 6.13%unemployment rate set the highest record in Taiwan. The youth unemployment rate was even more popularTo 16.28%.In order to alleviate the unemployment, the Taiwan government launched the "college graduate to the enterprise workplace internship solution" in 2009, which is called "22K".S $ 970) In addition to insurance and annuity fees, entering the enterprise "internship" for one year in the name of "construction and cooperation".

"22K" scheme is not effective


"22K" plan provides a total of more than 30,000 employment opportunities, which is not small for young people's employment. The problem is that the original intention was to use 22K as the bottom line of salary.The enterprise is unwilling to increase it. Even after some companies hire interns, they dismissed the original employees with higher salary; other companies that did not participate in the plan also regarded 22K as the salary standard for hiring newcomers.After the implementation of the plan, the average salary from the age of 20 to 24, from NT $ 23,351 a year ago to 21,685 yuan.After a long period of financial tsunami, the salary of young people was lowered to 22K, causing dissatisfaction among young ethnic groups.

So some young people began to leave Taiwan to find job opportunities.Since 2009, the overall number of overseas workers in Taiwan has shown an upward trend, from 660,000 to 739,000, and the number of people has not decreased until two years after the outbreak of the crown disease in 2020.However, by 2022, the overseas workers quickly rebounded from 319,000 to 473,000.

Who will go abroad and go to work?For 2022 Taiwanese analyzed by overseas workers, men (53.6%) were slightly more than women (46.4%), but the gap between men and women was shrinking.The 30s to the age of 49 are the most (51.3%), followed by those over 50 years old (32.1%), and 16.6%of those 15 to 29 years old.In terms of education level, 80 % of college and above.

As for the place of work, Lu, Hong Kong and Macau are the first place (37.5%), and then in order to be the United States (21.8%), Southeast Asia (15.0%), Japan and South Korea (8.5%).However, the decoupling of China and the United States has caused the number of people from Taiwan to go to the mainland. From 54.9%when the trade war started in 2018, it decreased by about 18 percentage points in four years.Young high educators always prefer to work in the United States, Japan and South Korea, and Singapore has become a popular place after the financial tsunami in 2008.Southeast Asia has grown rapidly in the past 10 years, and the deterioration of China's operating conditions has brought many Taiwanese businessmen into Southeast Asia. Taiwanese also ranked second in the proportion of work in Southeast Asia. After the epidemic, it was overtaken by the United States.

How many Taiwanese are Taiwanese in Singapore?In the past, it was called about 30,000 people, but there was no specific statistics.However, comprehensive statistics of the number of people in the Facebook community of various Taiwanese, roughly estimated that Taiwanese living in Singapore are about 80,000 people.

The boom of Taiwanese work in Singapore is also related to Internet celebrities. One of the young girls Elsa (Elsa) contributed to this wave of "Singapore fever".Erisha graduated from an ordinary private university in Taiwan in 2011. Without a prominent education and experience, she could only receive 22K to make a living.Less than two years old, at the age of 25, she rushed to Singapore with NT $ 20,000.Under the hard work, he was promoted to the manager class from the business commissioner, and also saved the first bucket of NT $ 1 million in his life. Later, he was assigned by the company's boss as the head of the Taiwan branch.Erisha wrote her Singaporean experience in the blog, advocating young people in Taiwan to leave the comfort circle and go overseas: "We really have the ability to pursue our dreams, not just a little luck." "We are really away from home.It is not to run away, but to return to the hometown glorious next time! "

Singapore employment market is prosperous

Many Taiwanese in Singapore warn young people who are eager to try: Singapore has a strong competition in the workplace, and the price level is higher than Taiwan. Although the salary is more than twice that of Taiwan, the days are not necessarily better.Nevertheless, according to the latest labor market report released by the Singapore Ministry of Human Manpower in March, in 2023, Singapore ’s total employment population increased by 88,400, reaching 3.713,400, of which 33.4%were non -resident employees holding work documents, and new employment was added.In the population, more than 90 % of them are non -residents.The Singapore employment market is still prosperous, and it should continue to attract young people in Taiwan.

The aging and reduction of the population is the common trend of many society. New and Japan actively formulate methods to attract foreign talents, supplement lack of labor, and Taiwan's footsteps are a bit slower.Singapore began to actively introduce foreign professionals in the 1990s, including issuing various employment permits, launching various plans, and so on; Japan has actively attracted high -end foreign talents with professional and technical knowledge and skills since formulating plans in 1988.In the past, Taiwan ’s strategy for overseas high -level talents has focused on attracting the return of overseas Taiwanese instead of foreign talents. It was not until 2017 to formulate an extension and employment method.At the end of last year, only 13,000 people were recruited.

Taiwan is currently facing the strong pressure of neighboring countries. In 2022, Taiwan ’s labor population decreased from 11.92 million to 11.85 million in the past year, but overseas workers rose from 319,000 to 473,000.Japan alone attracted a large number of Taiwanese. According to the official information of Japan, there were more than 57,000 Taiwanese in Japan in 2022, a growth rate of 152%in 10 years.

The problem of low salary is still an important factor in Taiwan that cannot keep talents.In the 10 years from 2012 to 2021, Taiwan's operating surplus accounted for the rate of economic GDP, from 31.82%to 36.53%, and employeesThe ratio of labor compensation dropped from 45.77%to 43.03%.In other words, the amount of capitalists' overall economic results is getting higher and higher than workers.Although the 22K policy has been canceled, the low salary problem is still the nightmare that drives young people in Taiwan to leave their hometown.

The author is a columnist in Taiwan