The narrow political motivation has led to a suspension crisis in the national medical and health industry. A large number of patients cannot be treated in a timely manner. The original measures could be more securely implemented through patient and meticulous negotiation.From this point of view, policies that really meet the public interests are often possibly possibly wrapped in political motivation. Even if the society risks to stagnate and is stagnant, it will be continuously tried.What's more fundamentally, the strike of Korean doctors also reflects similar democratic dilemma facing the world today.

The Korean doctor's strike on the strike of South Korean doctors since mid -February has continued for one month, becoming the focus of the world's attention.

Various analysis and emotions come together. Some sort out the history, current status and characteristics of the Korean medical system, and some associate it with the Korean economy and aging society.Some, combine the performance of doctors with the weakness of Korean humanity, so, and so on.These views have their own basis and persuasion. I can indeed understand the truth of the Korean incident and the problems of Korean society.It may reflect the common problem of the world.

Aging and declining childization brings contradictions in the medical community

The direct reason for the strike of Korean doctors is the government's expansion plan for medical schools.Faced with the current situation of 3,058 people in the Korean Medical University for many years, the Korean government hopes to expand to 5058 people in 2025, but the increase of these 2,000 people has touched the nerves of the existing doctors.Their vested interests should be the main reason for their strike.And doctors such as doctors need more or less problems in modern society. It is a problem faced by countries around the world.

On the one hand, with the intensification of the aging phenomenon of most developed countries, and the low service attitude and efficiency caused by the few doctors, most people think that increasing the number of doctors is a good solution. The Korean media MBCAs a result of the polls released on March 11, 89%of the people supported this plan.On the other hand, the phenomenon of young childization in South Korea is equally prominent. Many countries in the world have entered a stage of negative population growth. According to this trend, doctors who will increase in the future may become a great burden and waste.After all, the time and energy of learning need to invest are much higher than other majors, which is also the concerns of more than 90%of Korean doctors to participate in strike.Many places in the world also face such situations, that is, aging and declining childization at the same time. The increase in the increase of the elderly requires more doctors. The decrease in population seems to be unnecessary.

In short, any social security and welfare policies that benefit most people will touch the vested interests of a few elite people, and they will also encounter their or obvious or dark confrontation.EssenceSuper powers like the United States cannot smoothly promote their medical insurance reform. When Obama served as President, he regarded this as the main political achievement, and was abolished after Trump came to power. After the "Spring of Arabia"More social security, but the Muslim Brotherhoods and Murcei, which adhered to such claims, were quickly driven down.South Korean doctors are so selfish that they are reminding different governments of various types of countries to face the same difficulties when doing such efforts.

Even if there are many difficulties, such policies for benefiting the people will still be promoted.According to the results of Gallop's February 16, in response to the expansion plan of the Korean Medical College, in addition to the 81%support rate of the National Power Party in power, 73%of the largest opposition party co -Democratic Party supported the plan.However, the common Democratic Party has strongly questioned the time and real intentions of the government's launch of this plan, because South Korea will hold a new parliamentary election in April. At this time, the ruling party launched the plan and showed a tough attitude, apparently to please the needs of voters.The narrow political motivation has led to a suspension crisis in the national medical and health industry. A large number of patients cannot be treated in a timely manner, and the original measures can be more securely implemented through patient and meticulous negotiation.

In this way, it will appear in many places far more than South Korea. True policies that meet public interests often may be wrapped in political motivation. Even if the society risks to stagnation and turbulent, it will be continuously tried.

More fundamental is that the strike of Korean doctors also reflects similar democratic dilemma facing the world today, that is, a few people in a country can often hinder normal democratic processes and even destroy reasonable democratic mechanisms.For example, in the House of Representatives in the United States, in 2023, there were eight members of the extreme Republican members who launched the case of removal of McCarthy. For example, in some developed countries in France and Europe, a few farmers who accounted for a very small population will drive the tractor on the highway to force the government to make concessions;The few extremes in Argentina sent Mirley, who held extreme views to the president's throne, and now have to face the vibration of the country.Although the interests of a small number of groups must also be protected, a few have become a decisive force that wants to stab for the majority, it becomes a democratic fetus, and the political direction tends to be extremely surprising.

The key is that these minorities are not yet the social elite referred to by traditional democratic theory, so there is a controversy of "truth in the hands of a few people" or "most people tyranny".Democratic and strange phenomena are becoming more and more common and lacking.

Therefore, the strike of Korean doctors is not a case, and the resolution of this matter is yet to be observed, but the world can see the common problems of countries from all over the world."The stone of his mountains can attack the jade", and under the control, it is considered to be learned, or it can help the healthy progress of his society.

The author is Yangzhou current affairs commentator