The Hong Kong people sing each other based on such a social and cultural psychology, and the news media that are based on short -stabbing.Once created a brilliant oriental bead.I think they will not change easily. This is the cultural background of Hong Kong people.

Many years ago, Taiwanese writer Liu Kexiang wrote a book called three -quarters of Hong Kong, introducing all the country parks and hiking paths that are not well known for tourists.Those waterfalls hidden in the forests and the ginseng between mountains and seas, the coastal etching landforms and the hexagonal prisms standing in the wind are very different from the urban landscape.He realized through the "hiking" that the country with about three -quarters of Guangda Hong Kong is the true nature of Hong Kong.

The Skyrim of Victoria Harbor is Hong Kong, and the Lion Mountain is also Hong Kong; the star wheel and the century -old tram are Hong Kong. The carboats and wooden boats traveling out of the islands are also Hong Kong; the skyscrapers are Hong Kong, Dalang Bay and Litchi Nest are also Hong Kong.In fact, like these landscapes, Hong Kong also has an unknown side in terms of economic life, social and cultural psychology, just like another "three -quarter Hong Kong".

There are at least three characteristics of Hong Kong on the other side. The first is that the government is not good at "engaging in the economy"; the second is that the media is not good at "singing meritorious"; the third is that the social and cultural psychology is too humble and low -key.The first two points may be combined.

Not long ago, I went to Hong Kong and turned on TV to watch the news as usual.The news of local television stations has always been scrolled around the weather, and many times they are very interesting.Hong Kong news media rarely belong to the government. Generally, they are privately invested. Following the laws of market laws, they rarely praise the government, and the government has almost no "official media".

At that time, there was a news that the Hong Kong government was now pushing the "event economy". In the first half of this year, it planned to launch more than 80 events, and 150 events will be held throughout the year.But then the news interviews, some professionals expressed their concerns and doubts.First of all, what is the "event"?How much of these 150 items can be regarded as the real "event"?At the same time, some people question how much stimulation does the so -called "grand event" have on Hong Kong's economy?I turned to other channels and saw similar news. Everyone was worried that the government was so strong. What is the benefit?Is it possible for Gongli to be abused?The term "male" is almost extinct in modern Chinese, but it is very common in Cantonese used in Hong Kong."Treasury says", which means government inventory and public property.From the news concerns of various channels, it can be found that Hong Kong people have a strong consciousness and citizens have paid taxes to the government. So do the government do practical things?Can you do it well?It is what everyone cares about most.

Freedom market rules deeply penetrate people's hearts

The popular media in the free market environment are often public opinion, and the rules of free markets are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. This is also a place that Hong Kong is rare and easy to be ignored.Besides, the Hong Kong government is not good at "engaging in the economy."After all, the Hong Kong government has held a "active non -intervention" policy for many years and operated in accordance with the principle of "small government, large market".Only last year was surpassed by Singapore.Therefore, the greater the government's voice, the more questioned, the normal phenomenon.Just as the football star Messi has not played in Hong Kong not long ago, the government may not be able to do good deeds.

The third characteristic is cultural psychology. Hong Kong natives always have strict requirements on their own cities, and they often look down on themselves.I have lived in Hong Kong for ten years and have a deep understanding of this.After I left Hong Kong, I also went back occasionally and found that this was still not changed.

More than ten years ago, I studied English in the British Culture Association (Hong Kong). The classmates from the same class came from all over the world. There were also a few natives of Hong Kong.Once the teacher asked everyone to talk about the public transportation of Hong Kong. Everyone invited several Hong Kong people to speak first. They all complained that the MTR was not reliable enough to fail, and the price increased without raising services.However, the opposite of their views is that every classmate from other countries and regions says that the MTR system is reliable and efficient. The peak period is one minute at the peak, making it difficult for people to go to work to school late.Teachers from the United Kingdom praised Hong Kong's subway reliability, convenience, and quickness.Perhaps there is a comparison to identify. If you have the experience of taking the subway elsewhere, you can give more objective evaluations.

I still remember many years ago, as a special journalist to write a magazine, I was surprised when I retrieved the data. There were so many scientific research results in Hong Kong who had won awards in the industry but not known to the public.DJI DARC is also born from the University of Science and Technology of Hong Kong.Interested parties can also go to see the research of "Qiu Qian Medea Model of Research Research Award" (formerly known as the "Qiu Yan Foresight Scientific Research Award") and the "Qiu Yan Outstanding Scientific Researchers Award".EssenceIt is an indisputable fact that Hong Kong is too low -key.

The grand occasion of the Taylor Singapore concert was broadcast on the Hong Kong TV. The review program analyzed the in -depth analysis of Singapore to introduce this level of concerts.How well do we do well in Singapore? How do we study in Hong Kong?I ordered a cup of classic drinks in Hong Kong. I praised the taste while drinking. Who knew that the teacher said, "Today the mainland is better." The mentality of Hong Kong people is always the same.To a glass of lemon tea is always better.Is there any pride of Hong Kong people?dessert?They will say that Guangzhou is better!

For decades, it has been low -key and unsuccessful. It is like water and good things. This is probably a universal cultural psychology. Even the most free economy in 53 years, I am afraid that few citizens know.Based on such a social and cultural psychology, Hong Kong people sang the same news media, which is based on short stabbing. In a free market economy environment, the "Lion Mountain Spirit" that is hard -working has created a brilliantly created a gloriousOriental beads.I think they will not change easily. This is the cultural background of Hong Kong people.They persisted in their bad, sometimes immigrants, sometimes returning, hate iron and steel, but never said that they had achieved their previous achievements, just like "good guys don't talk about the courage of the year", just buried their heads and guarded the free market.

From the perspective of tourists, what may see is a nostalgic and sad Hong Kong, a economic downturn, a bead of oriental beads that seem to be dull.However, from the perspective of a person who has lived there for ten years, it was a injured Hong Kong, which was a misunderstood Hong Kong.It is Hong Kong, which is deeply rooted in the concept of free markets, and it is a Hong Kong with unlimited potential and potential.

The author is a former media person and creator of children's books