All of these show that the US -China conflict has opened a new chapter -the trade war and science and technology war are now strengthened by the Internet war.Although both Biden and Xi Jinping denied, this conflict was full of the cold war.The Cold War that year was dangerous into a hot battle, especially during the Berlin crisis and the Cuban missile crisis.Will the risk of cyber warfare let us approach this kind of crisis again?

The Federal Investigation Bureau Chief, Christopher Wray, has recently strengthened its anti -China movement.In the testimony of Congress on January 31, he sounded the alarm clock to the intensified Chinese hacker activities, and warned that the infrastructure such as telecommunications, energy, transportation and water conservancy in the United States was vulnerable to the "Volt Organization of Chinese countries" Volt Organization "Volt OrganizationTyphoon "(Volt Typhoon) attack.The New York Times' front version report exacerbated the sense of urgency of this incident.

The testimony of Christopher Thunder was published a few days later, the Federal Investigation Bureau, Cyberspace and Infrastructure Security Bureau (CISA) and the Land -sale Security Bureau (NSA) jointly released a detailed report on the threat of the Volt Typhoon Organization.Times magazine made more reports on the front page in a timely manner.Subsequently, the mobile phone honeycomb network of a large operator in the United States suddenly interrupted on February 22.Suddenly, the Internet fear seemed to be vividly presented in front of people.

In this madness, in the warning remarks of Christopher Thunder, an important prerequisite was ignored.He said that China is "preparing pre -preparation" for future conflicts.This is different from Russian President Putin at the end of 2021 and early 2022 to gather troops at the Ukrainian border.According to the original words of Christopher Ray, "if or when China decides to launch an attack", the Volt Typhoon Organization may attack the key infrastructure of the United States.

Therefore, like the Network Security and Infrastructure Security Bureau and the National Security Agency, the Federal Investigation Agency is purely based on guessing the future intention of China, rather than any specific information that is about to occur.I have no intention of doubting the authenticity of the relevant evidence of the Volt Typhoon Organization held by the American intelligence community, but I just want to point out that this is just indirect evidence, and there is no possibility of any action at all.For those who are impressive for so -called Saddam's scary but wrong warnings (the United States has used this as a reason for the invasion of Iraq in 2003), this is not a small issue.

I recently wrote a book about false narratives that may cause unexpected conflict between the United States and China, so I am also very worried about this approach to emphasizing indirect evidence.I am also worried about the hypocrisy of China's pre -deployment of the Internet.You know, as early as 2010, the "StuxNet" computer virus was implanted in Iranian uranium concentrated centrifugal machines.

David Beaver and Jason Stanley in their attractive new books of the Politics of Language, their cognitive jumping jumpsDescribed as "presuppositional": In order to rationalize the politically appropriate measures, unspeakable predictions are performed on a slightly stained (indirect) information.The current American political agenda is a typical example of this tendency.

The so -called pre -prepared warnings of Chris Taro Lei did not come out of thin air, because he published this kind of threatening anti -Chinese remarks for more than a day or two.In the summer of 2020, when the US presidential campaign entered the fierceness, he and the other three senior officials of the Trump administration, the Secretary of State Pompeo, the Minister of Justice Balta, and the national security adviser Obrene, published a carefully arranged arrangementAnti -China long -term aggressive speech.Christopher Lei, who was the protagonist of Trump's Political Theater, has since unswervingly held a strong revenge view.

The director of the Federal Investigation Bureau's threat to the threat of China on the Chinese Internet can be traced back to the unfortunate historical precedent of the first Cold War.The "red bait" of the Soviet and so -called communist sympathy that year was now aimed at China.

The Anti -China movement in Washington seems to insist on pushing China into a dead end.As the Biden government continued to launch a trade war and scientific and technological war pursuing Trump, this has become more and more obvious in the past three years.This pressure was increased due to the visit of Perlis, the former House of Representatives Perosi in 2022, and sprinkled salt on the most sensitive wound in China.

Similarly, under the leadership of Mike Gallagher, a retired Wisconsin Republican Republican Republican member, a newly established two -party House of Representatives Special Committee, a newly established two -party House of Representatives, used carefully planned hearing, sent it to American companies.The intimidation letter, and the multimedia performance tricks, led a crusade against China.Therefore, it is not surprising that the committee opened his arms to welcomes Christope Lei to attend the January 31st hearing.

Countless American politicians have also joined this ranks.In the U.S. Congress, there may not be a member of the parliament, whether it is from the Democratic Party or the Republican Party, and is willing to adopt the principle of supporting re -contact with China.Anyone who wants to do this will be accused of appeasers like the 1938 Munich Agreement.Although President Bayeng moved closer to the Woodsaye Summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping last November last year, his government still unswervingly obtains advanced technologies for China and appliedEssence

Of course, China also makes things complicated.The monitoring of balloons at the beginning of last year, let alone the "unlimited" cooperation relationship with Russia, a country that is being brutal and illegally aggressive, has promoted the political atmosphere of the United States to attack China.Christopher Thunder's network attack alert enlarged these assumptions threats.However, the pressure exercise may eventually be counterproductive.The increasingly aggressive actions in the United States have just aroused the hostile intention of the paranoid American politicians.This is the case on the Taiwan issue, and the same is true of network security issues.It can be seen that the United States needs to think carefully about what they want.

All these show that the US -China conflict has opened a new chapter -the trade war and science and technology war are now strengthened by the Internet war.Although both Biden and Xi Jinping denied, this conflict was full of the cold war.The cold war of that year has evolved into a hot battle, especially during the Berlin crisis and the Cuban missile crisis.Will the risks of cyber warfare let us approach this kind of crisis again?Do we have the ability to ease these risks based on trust?The alarmist of Christopher Ray provides worrying answers to these issues.In the increasingly frequent drums of the Sino -US cyber warfare, the great danger is not far away.

The author Stephen S. Roach is the former chairman of Yale University, former chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia Investment Co., Ltd.

English Original: The Drums of US-Chinese Cyber ​​War

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