The efforts of Singapore's development concert economy have become the focus of attention to many Asian economies with the Taylorce boom. In recent years, the effort and significance of betting on this industry have become more prominent.RecentFor a while, the noun of "Economy of the event" became popular, and Chinese people were encouraged.

However, after the Taylorce boom began to retreat, we should rationally face regional countries and actively express the development of the "event economy", and even want to jointly organize activities with Singapore.In other words, as a young and emerging market in Southeast Asia, consumption power continues to rise, and the event economy industry will face more competition.

Compared with other possible competitors, the local disadvantages are high prices and relatively insufficient resources such as manpower.The advantage is that good order is good, and tourists can rest assured that they have some experience in hosted various international activities.Calpery the advantages and disadvantages, and self -reminder to make up for the shortcomings as soon as possible. The efforts such as such as more activities can be continuously reviewed, improved, optimized, and improved.The strength.

In the process of continuous economic transformation and development of Singapore, Singapore must continue to find new engines. The "event economy" is also an economic activity that attracts "rich people" consumption to a certain extent, or at least with financial resources as those with surplus.The target group has many fields that it benefits, including accommodation, transportation, retail, catering, security, marketing, and so on.If we are developing smoothly on this road, the more "events" and more, it means that we have the advantages of leading regional countries, gain the recognition of the wealthy internationally, and further enhance their favorability.

Tang Zhenhui, Minister of Culture, Community and Youth and Second Minister of the Ministry of Justice, recently announced that adding Cold Sports City will plan to build a new world -class indoor venue near the existing gymnasium, indicating that our update and maintenance of hardware facilities will beNot sloppy.In addition, software engineering cannot be ignored, including the management and control of the organizer in traffic flow, the management of venue processes, the ability of the response status, security measures, and other details. All need to be comprehensively considered and continuously improved.

During the Lunar New Year, the drone light show showed by the Binhai Bay. The water in the mall next to the next was that the water was not leaked, and the danger of crowded people appeared.Review.Especially for security measures, from the South Korean Litaiyuan, Shanghai Bund to Hong Kong Lan Kwai Fong, there have been tramples that shocked the world, leading to life and casualties.Fortunately, it is not serious.All these are explained that the high economy that highly depends on the participation of the crowd must be well -operated. Many details need to be continuously observed, and the professional ability of the organizer is also tested. If there are too many accidents, it will inevitably affect the reputation.

In addition, there are some situations that may affect the local reputation.For example, fake tickets have caused damage to foreign tourists and domestic consumers.Although we cannot control network fraud, but if we can try to cooperate with online companies or improve online tickets, we should reduce this type of harm.In the dazzling Internet era, the organizers should have timely and appropriate public relations measures to respond to the positive and negative reactions of consumers, and even the act of maintaining their rights and interests to avoid negative emotions from fermenting the network.

Singapore has always been known for its good order, but more and more foreign participants and emotions involved in large -scale activities with tens of thousands of crowds may be.It is necessary to replenish learning and exercises as soon as possible, and of course, we must also summarize in each experience.The regulatory authorities may set up a mechanism to require different organizers to review gains and losses after each activity, and form experience sharing with relevant units to avoid small negligence or chaos as the original, and the problem expands in subsequent activities.

Actively cultivate a full range of operations and management teams, while maintaining order and efficiency while maintaining Singapore's image, maintaining an honest attitude and active improvement in the face of mistakes, the event economy can help Singapore win better reputation.