Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Reporter: Tan Chang

The Hong Kong Dachang Food Market, which has a history of 39 years, will terminate the food market business and decide to close 28 food retail stores.As Hong Kong's largest food and fast consumer goods distributors, Dachangxing Group suddenly announced that it was unexpectedly closing all food retail stores.

Although retail stores will be closed, Dachangxing Group stated that it will continue to provide high -quality procurement, distribution, and food processing for the Hong Kong market.

Why did the Darong Food Market that "boiled" the cold winter of the epidemic, chose the entire line to close the entire line in the days when the epidemic was fully cleared after the epidemic?

Shao Jiahui, a member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong wholesale and the retail industry, analyzed the reporter of Zhongtong News Agency. From the perspective of consumption models, this is related to more and more Hong Kong people like to go to the Mainland to buy things."Two -thirds of the retail industry in Hong Kong rely on local citizens to consume."

Shao Jiahui said that after the full customs clearance, the data of the retail industry has risen. This is natural. People who cannot arrive in Hong Kong because of the epidemic are increasing and sales have gradually recovered.The consumption of local passengers is mainly concentrated in cosmetics, gold and other categories, and daily necessities are not in this column.

When Hong Kong citizens go north to the Greater Bay Area to consume, the main purchases are basically daily necessities and various foods."The daily necessities and food in the Mainland are very cost -effective. On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, many citizens will buy things from the Greater Bay Area back to Hong Kong. They are not in Hong Kong for three days."

As an auxiliary retail company in Dachang Bank, the Darong Food Market, established in 1979, mainly provides special offers for frozen goods. In 1985, it opened a free -frozen food chain store in Hong Kong.From this point of view, the audience of Dachang's food market seems to be a bit deviated with the current consumption boom of the local retail industry.

Huang Jiahe, the president of the Hong Kong Catering Association, believes that the price of goods sold in the Mainland supermarket is cheaper. Hong Kong local supermarkets face competition and have the pressure on product prices.The Darong Bank is a medium -sized supermarket. Compared with other large local supermarkets, the number of branches is not much. It is inferior to the product types and supply in terms of product types and supply, and there is less living space.

Some scholars also pointed out that the main reason for the completion of the Great Changxing Supermarket or gross profit is too low, and it must be supported by "quantity"; therefore, if the sales volume is insufficient, it is easy to occur.

In this regard, Shao Jiahui said that as a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, he submitted a proposal during the two sessions, and suggested that Shenzhen residents' "one -week line" into "one signing and multiple lines" was proposed to implement the "one -signing and multiple lines" to implement the ""One line a week".He hopes that it can unite tourists from the two places quickly, thereby developing the local economy in Hong Kong.

He believes that Hong Kong's retail industry faces a lot of challenges, but Hong Kong itself can attract nearly 80 million residents in the Greater Bay Area.The multi -pronged approach can drive Hong Kong not only the retail industry, but also the development of various other types of industries.