Source: China News Agency

The China Securities Regulatory Commission focused on March 15th's opinions on the improving the quality of listed companies from the source (trial) opinion documents such as improving the quality of listed companies (trial) from the source (trial), which triggered the marketextensive attention.

Li Chao, vice chairman of the CSRC, said on the same day that the formulation of this document highlighted the "strong base and strong foundation" and "strict supervision and strict management".On the one hand, focusing on improving the quality of listed companies and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of investors, and further improving relevant measures to strengthen market supervision.On the other hand, insisting on the blade inward, the real movement is hard, and it has made comprehensive arrangements in strengthening the management of the CSRC.

Tian Lihui, dean of the Institute of Financial Development of Nankai University, said in an interview with China News Agency that four documents showed the regulators' determination to strengthen the supervision of capital market, improve the quality of listed companies, optimize the construction of investment institutions, and strengthen their own construction.It also shows the positive signal of continuous deepening reform, which is conducive to promoting the further maturity, standardization and health of the Chinese capital market.

Tian Lihui believes that four files have obvious highlights.Taking the opinions on the quality of the listing and listing of the listing listed company (trial) from the source, the highlight is that the highlight is to clarify the principle of "strict listing and good".The quality of declaration.

Specifically, the document focuses on improving the quality of listed companies from the source, and has proposed eight policy measures.These include strictly applying for the quality of the proposed listed enterprises; the first responsibility of compacting the listed enterprises and the "key minority" to the true, accurate and complete of the information disclosure, and it is strictly forbidden to blindly seek listing and over -financing for the purpose of "circle money";False statements, powder -oriented packaging and other behaviors have been seriously held accountable according to law in a timely manner; significantly increased the random extraction ratio of the proposed listed enterprises and increased the problem -oriented on -site inspection.

On the same day, the CSRC also issued a revised first -issued enterprise on -site inspection regulations.Yan Bojin, chief risk officer of the CSRC and Director of the issuance supervision of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, said that its important modification was that it clarified the phenomenon of "withdrawing" by the company that retracted the listing of listing during the implementation of the site inspection and fundamentally rectified the company's "withdrawal".

It is worth noting that in February this year, the CSRC issued an administrative penalty for illegal issuance of fraudulent issuance during the launch of the science and technology board of Science and Technology Corporation.Since the implementation of the new Securities Law, the issuer's first fraud issuance case investigated by the CSRC after submitting the application materials and not being registered.

Tian Xuan, deputy dean of the School of Finance, Tsinghua University, believes that the strengthening of supervision of the capital market should increase the punishment of the enterprise of "taking a disease"."Declaration is responsibility" is a good measure.This is a whole process supervision that can play a good deterrence.

As far as the other three documents are concerned, the opinions on strengthening the supervision of listed companies (trial) focus on promoting listed companies to enhance investment value and strengthen investors' protection, focusing on cracking down on financial fraud, strict regulation of reducing holdings, increasing dividend supervision, and increasing dividend supervision.Strengthen key issues such as market value management to propose policy measures.The opinions on strengthening the supervision of securities companies and public funds to accelerate the promotion of the construction of first -class investment banks and investment institutions (trial) Focus on the positioning of corrected industry institutions, promoting functions, enhance professional service capabilities and regulatory efficiency.The opinions on the implementation of the politics and hardships and hardships are strong and strong. The opinions of the construction of the SFC's system of the system of the Securities and Futures Commission are highlighting the strict characters, facing the problem, and the blade inward.

Tian Lihui believes that the four documents released by the CSRC will have a positive impact on the capital market. By strictly putting the issuance and listing access, strengthening the supervision of listed companies, the supervision of investment institutions, and the construction of the CSRC themselves, it can reduce the market.Irregular behavior and risk events, improve the overall quality of the market, enhance investor confidence, and promote the healthy development of the capital market.In addition, by optimizing the market structure and improving the professional literacy and risk management capabilities of market participants, it can attract more long -term funds and high -quality enterprises to enter the market and promote a virtuous cycle of the market.