In addition to "doing activities", the government should also make the huge interests obtained by the great interests supported by national advantages and resources such as F1 racing, large concerts, etc., and through re -distribution and special appropriations,Methods will be used to promote long -term losing cultural investment and strengthen cultural construction, especially to consolidate our unique multicultural foundation.

Honestly, before the popular cultural idol Taylor's whirlwind sweeping Lion City, which is known as the "phenomenon -level musician", I don't know that there is this character.

After all, it was a matter of five or sixty years ago that was keen on Western pop songs. At that time, the most fascinating was Simon Garfunkel, a legendary music combination, and worshiped its beautiful folk songs as classics., I always try to search for their poetic and connotative lyrics, with a bit of anti -war, and chant repeatedly.

Comparing my heart to my heart, I can imagine how the young Taylor "Mold Powder" crazy about their idols to this extent.If Simon Garfunkel sings in Singapore, I think I will also get a ticket in any case, and get a ticket to the front desk to get close to idols in any case.

I ca n’t stand the torment of curiosity, and use YouTube and Google with an open mind to make up for Taylorwuson.The overall impression obtained in massive information is roughly in line with the mainstream media reports: in addition to her talented musical talent, Gele touching people's hearts, and fascinating performances, she is good at showing her emotions and experiences in the songs, so that letThe majority of the audience felt her sincerity, produced a sense of generation, and found himself in the song, found hope, felt love ... aroused huge resonance.In addition to Ge Le, she actively participated in charity activities and social issues, showing the spirit of humanitarianism, and winning people's favor and respect.

The biggest harvest in the search process was to see her gratitude lecture video when she was awarded the honorary doctoral degree in New York University in 2022.The sincere speech was full of inspiration and encouragement, but the most touched me was: "I read the tenth grade in the public high school, I completed a family assignment on the floor of the airport terminal."

Removation of the Floor Flooring of the Passenger Building

Oh my god, isn't this the portrayal of our students in our neighborhood!I always thought that the group of students in a group of three or five were sitting on the floor of the Passenger Building to review their homework. It is the unique beautiful landscape of Changi Airport. I never expected that the airport in the United States also had this good government, and the humble Tayeslis was also the students of Singapore.Have "common memory"!This greatly increases my goodwill about this ambitious "neighborhood girl", and I also feel honored for her choosing to sing at our little red dot to sing.

Of course, these perceptual factors are not enough to constitute a sufficient reason for Singapore to fund her to host a concert. The proper government decisively decided to do so based on the huge economic benefits and brand effects of Event Economy.Based on an economist's estimation by the mainstream media and the Economic Development Bureau, Taylorrs's six performances in Singapore brought a total of up to 500 million yuan in tourism revenue, reflected in various fields such as transportation, accommodation, catering, shopping mall shopping, etc.This does not include national brands and international status that has greatly improved this kind of invisible long -term interests that are difficult to estimate.

On the other hand, the reason why Taylor chooses to Singapore is certainly considered herself.The world -class emperor superstar like her must be very high for the performance location and conditions. The "seller" has a strong bargaining ability, and some are money.EssenceIf it is not that we have a variety of superior infrastructure, a stable and safe environment, long -term reliable credit, the efficiency of flowing clouds, and highly tolerance, she may not have to choose Singapore.

In this way, the Taylorce concert was successfully held in Singapore, which produced such great actual benefits and intangible effects. It was actually our "national power".In this case, it should be given to the huge interests obtained by this performance to return to the national society.

Minister of Wenxianqing Tang Zhenhui said in Congress on March 4th that the government will inject the income from non -income but extraordinary activities from the income of high -income income from the Taylorce Concert.Community activities that do not require tickets, including large -scale festivals during the Lunar New Year, Eid and Monster Festival.He emphasized that the social benefits and economic income brought by the activities are equally important, and we must ensure that we get a generous social return from these activities.

I agree with this very much.I think this is correct, but in addition to "doing activities", the government should also make the huge interests obtained by the great interests supported by national advantages and resources such as F1 racing and large concerts.The method of allocating funds will be used to promote long -term cultural investment and strengthen cultural construction, especially to consolidate our unique multicultural foundation.

"Economy is preferred or cultural priority?" Is a debate of old tooth loss. The results of the debate have never been suspicious at the national level.Cultural people have always believed that, compared to economic construction, the country's investment in cultural construction is far behind.Although it has increased in recent years, limited resources are also mainly used in the training of hardware construction and management talents, but ignored the cultivation of cultural and artistic content and connotation, especially the cultural development of various ethnic groups with the main components of "multi -culture"., It has been neglected for a long time.

In this regard, President Shangdaman recently put forward a deep insight on the true meaning of Singapore's "multiculturalism".

On February 12, he pointed out in a speech in which the Chinese Cultural Center and Singapore Zongxiang Guild Hall jointly organized by the Singaporean Cultural Center and Singapore Zongxiang Guild Hall pointed out that strengthening the essence of their respective cultures must be sacrificed to strengthening multiculturalism.... The foundation of Singapore's multiculturalism is to respect different traditions, customs, races, culture and religion.After nearly 60 years of independence, Singaporeans can continue to deepen Singapore's multiculturalism based on this common history and experience.

He believes that strengthening multiculturalism is not to integrate all cultures and let the original cultural face be completely recognized. Instead, when the unique "silk threads" represent different cultures are intertwined, they will show their characteristics and style.

Of course, he also emphasized that in addition to encouraging the inheritance and strengthening their respective cultures of all ethnic groups, it is also necessary to promote wider exchanges and cooperation between different cultures; while inheriting their respective cultures, they should also contact and learn other culturesThe ethnic group blend and strengthen the identity of Singaporeans.

He explained further: "The challenge lies in how to achieve these two goals at the same time, rather than sacrificing one of them to achieve another goal. We don't have to nor to deepen the diverse culture, sacrifice or fades our respective culture. IfWhen we do this, we will only weaken the vitality of each community (heartBeats).

"... Deepening Singapore's multiculturalThe culture has greater flexibility, which is especially important for the new generation of Singaporeans, because they need to contact the world around us.Strengthen social harmony in the future.

The New Year's Eve group has heard the most inspiring speech

President Shangdan is not just a conceptTalking about the places, he cited many specific examples to give substantial rich connotations to these concepts, making people feel that it is actually feasible.

This is the most in -depth and inspirational speech I have heard of the New Year's worship for the New Year's worship so many years.

Just when the reverse driving of a multi -dynasty, from multi -language to a single language has significantly became the new normal of Singapore, the long -term speech of President Shangdanman was like the dusk of morning clock, deafening, and it deserves the country seriously.

Wu Jungang's article on the "Development of Multi -Culture" published by the Lianhe Morning Post on March 6. When he rated President Shang Damman's speech, he pointed out in blood: "Now some people think we have been 'shores',The entire society and the country should also transition to a single culture (English culture).

This is by no means targeted, nor is it the feelings of Chinese educational intellectuals.Yang Rongwen, who once served as the Minister of Journalism and Art and Foreign Minister, also observed the same.

At this point, you must not help but mention the column of my last issue.When reviewing the article "The Status Status in 20 years" three years ago, the article focused on "East Evil and West Monster" Mahathir and Trump. Readers with sharp eyes pointed out that three years agoThat article also mentioned the local "cultural monster", why didn't you "review" together?That's because the theme and length are not allowed, and now look back, just cut the topic.

The local culture monster pointed out in the article three years ago was related to "going to China Culture", including: the personal art exhibition of famous Chinese female painter Zhang Liying was grandly held at the National Art Museum, but the Chinese ChineseDisabled, even the Chinese name of the artist is completely disappeared; the commemorative plaque of the "Clear Holocaust" of Changi Beach was originally marked with a variety of Chinese, but I do n’t know when it has been replaced by a pure English plaque.A meal.He sighed under extremely disappointment: "This may be for convenience ... but did this deliberately reduced and simplified our cultural genes, and the precious heritage left by history."

This is the situation three years ago. The reader wants to know: Is the situation improved now?

Sorry, no!The museum under the National Cultural Relics Bureau has been comprehensive, and there is no Chinese description even with exhibitions related to China.

I still ask Yang Rongwen to talk about it.

In the third chapter of the Chinese version in March 2023, in the third chapter of the Chinese version of "Big Singapore", Yang Rongwen mentioned that the Asian Civilization Museum in 2018 was held in the 9th century BC (also known as the "Blackstone Shen Ship") During the exhibition, I was very disappointed with the lack of Chinese description, and criticized it without vaguely. It is worthy of the quotation of the original words: "I was invited to visit the exhibition of the Asian Civilization Museum, but the exhibition lacks Chinese description and it is disappointing. The entire exhibition is English in English.Explanation. I asked the curator why this is the case.The value is not large

"This rigid fairness has damaged Singapore. Visitors who are most interested in Shipidon shipwreck are more likely to be Chinese, and Chinese will hope to have Chinese descriptions. Many utensils cannot be seen in China or elsewhere.It is the bronze exhibition of the Zhu Luo dynasty, and there must be Tammy's description, not the Chinese description.

"Making a multi -language logo is of course inconvenient. Administrators do not like it, but avoiding is not a way. Avoiding is not conducive to Singapore."

He further pointed out that there are not only wisdom, but also emotions that communicate with a variety of languages. The current terms are mainly English, so that the older generation has a strong sense of alienation.Many founding generations feel incompatible in their own countries.

He emphasized: "We need Singaporeans with excellent Chinese, Malay, and other languages. English is our common language and the main language of administrative management. This is right, but it should not use English as a single language."

"Hua Multi -language is a single language" phenomenon transforms

In fact, this phenomenon of "multi -language" is a single language, but in recent years, it has intensified.However, a heavyweight person from Yang Rongwen's institutional origin publicly pointed out that it seems that it is still the first time, hoping that the reminder of his pouring top is not too late.

There is a symbiotic relationship and organic connection in Chinese and culture. The lack of the multi -language environment will definitely weaken our multicultural characteristics. This is no matter how simple it is.For the Chinese News Agency I am familiar with, people in the cultural industry are worried about the shrinking of Chinese language and cultural ecology. They are particularly worried that after the older generation of Chinese students who are currently entering their older generations, this kind of mainly depends on the people to produceHow can the Chinese cultural undertakings that have worked hard to maintain the hard work.

On this way, how does Prime Minister Li Xianlong emphasize the "our unique Singapore Chinese identity" emphasized in the Chinese New Year's Chinese New Year's words in 2019?President Shangdaman's ideal of the Chinese New Year group this year's New Year's deepening through deepening the development of the culture of various ethnic groups to strengthen the characteristics of Singapore's multicultural characteristics?

"Singapore to advance in hand" is a problem that we cannot avoid.We all have the right to pursue their own singing idols. While enjoying Taylorys' singing and dancing, we must also consider how to make good use of the benefits brought by the economy of this event, pursue collective ideals, look at the future so that we can usher in the future to usherLong -term prosperity.