We can think about it. The government just does not want us to get old and have no productivity and have no savings. It becomes a burden for the government to spend money to take care of.But from another perspective, it is not fair to ask everyone to save their pensions. Isn't it fair to those who have done so?

I first heard about the practice of the special account of the provident fund two or three years ago.At that time, my husband told me excitedly that he saw someone on the Internet that he shared the tricks that he could try before his 55th birthday, which could be freely extracted after the balance of the special account.Retirement accounts are the same stable and high interest rates.I have a kind of amazing discovery of the new continent at the moment, but it takes more than 10 years from my learning to use this trick to use.

As a result, of course, this dream will be shattered, because from next year, the special accounts of the provident fund members will be closed since next year.The adjustment of the newly announced provident fund system is precisely to make up for this vulnerability so that people with balance in the special account cannot continue to enjoy this abnormal arrangement.At the same time, the government also considers that some people want to have more money to have the provident fund account at the age of 55 and earn more than a high but risk return. After retirement in their later yearsOnly three times the basic deposit (Basic Retirement Sum) ENHANCED RETIREMENT SUM will increase to four times next year, that is, it will be adjusted from 300,700 yuan to 426,000 yuan.

From the perspective of the government, this adjustment is to correct the wrong situation without weakening the profit of most members.Because there is no such thing as an investment product that allows users to withdraw deposits at will and enjoy high interest rates, or zero -risk investment products.Besides, raising the over -deposit is just enough to cover 99%of the 55 -year -old provident fund members this year, which means that there are only 1%, about 8,400 richer members, the special account is more than 426,000 yuan.Retirement households enjoy at least 4%interest rates.However, as a system that provides the basic retirement guarantee for the whole people, the provident fund has always been the role of maintaining a certain social justice on the basis of taking care of the whole people, that is, to ensure that the lower income group benefits the most, rather than the people who are the most abundant at hand.Accumulate wealth through the provident fund unlimited.Therefore, the system itself has the first 60,000 yuan deposit of members under the age of 55 to enjoy one more percentage interest. There is a limit on the money that can be dumped into a special account, and the income of the provident fund must also have a limit.

However, even though most of the 55 -year -old and over provident fund members are not in these 1%, nearly 720,000 are still after the deposit reaches the full deposit of the 205,800 yuan of retirees this year (Full RETIREMENT SUM).There are balances.For these people, it was originally a special account that had both fish and bear's paw to facilitate giving birth and money. In the future, we must continue to stabilize the money and save money in the future.Locking can only be aggrieved to accept 2.5%interest rates of ordinary accounts.And don't forget, this person who originally used a similar Ruyi, to make good use of the special account balance loopholes, and a large number of lined up waiting for the 55 -year -old group to be over 55 years old.From this point of view, people who have been affected because the financial plan is disrupted, it is far more than 800,000 people in the government.

The biggest dissatisfaction of the Singapore people's greatest dissatisfaction with the provident fund system has always been "the money is locked". Seeing that there is a sum of money under the name, it cannot be moved, and it is clear that their own money must not be dominated by themselves.Under such emotional depression, it is rare to find a tips for drilling vulnerabilities to unlock the provident fund deposit. As long as the power can reach, it will be rushing.Therefore, no matter how correct the starting point of the special account is closed, or the loopholes itself has the injustice that makes people who have more money, the public will still find it easy to find the interests that can exercise autonomy, but it is deprived and it is difficult to be difficult to be deprived.flat.Besides, after the system is adjusted, the maximum amount that can be transferred to the retirement account at the age of 55 is more than 200,000 yuan. This is not a small number, and it is the earliest 65 -year -old in 10 years.Although individuals have the right to choose, the advantages and disadvantages between ordinary accounts and retirement accounts are very different. How to choose must be lost, so that everyone must lament that the government's adjustment is too embarrassing.

However, the greatest helplessness of the provident fund system itself is that its success is based on the money that can lock the people, forced people to accumulate pensions, and at the same time, it is determined that individuals can be in different stages of life, such as home industry and fertility., See a doctor, provide for learning, etc., how much emergency use.The government cannot assume that everyone will make plans for saving money in their later years, so they can only plan and limit people's money in advance through the provident fund system to ensure that the people will not focus too much on the moment.A century ago, there was money.

We can think about it. The government is not that we are old and have no productivity and no savings. It becomes a burden for the government to spend money to take care of.But from another perspective, the government strictly requires everyone to save their pensions. Isn't it fair to those who have done so?Otherwise, in the end, when there are too many elderly people who need assistance and the government's financial resources cannot cope with it, they can only turn back taxes to the people. This will become a collective burden on the society in disguise. Isn't it embarrassing?

Singaporeans and provident funds, who is embarrassing and who is more difficult, I am afraid that it is destined to be unclear, just look at the perspective of you.