The Singapore United Zaobao published an editorial on March 12, entitled to the political influence of the United States Republican "Trump".Article excerpts as follows:

Former President Trump's daughter -in -law Laura Trump was elected as co -chairman of the Republican National Committee on March 8th, showing that the Republican traditional systems were completely replaced by the new forces represented by Trump.This development reflects that the populist forces that have promoted Trump's rise have entered the room and settled in the mainstream of politics.At the same time, the extremely left -left cultural eliteism that is hostile to populism firmly controls the Democratic Party.Due to the extreme policies advocated by the latter, such as the opening of the southern border and induling illegal immigrants, it seriously violated the mainstream public opinion, making President Biden, who was re -elected, continued to lag behind Trump in polls.

Despite the lawsuit, the Trump Party's primaries have reported again and again.He only announced his resignation in the former South Carolina Governor of the Republican party and the former South Carolina Governor of the Republican Party.However, Heili did not call for supporters to support Trump, showing the degree of opposition between the Republican Party system and the Trump migrant fabric.The severe division of the Republican Party should have been conducive to the Democratic Party. However, the polls of Biden have been behind Trump, and even rumors that the Democratic Party wants to replace the presidential candidate from time to time.

Similar to the Republican Party, the Democratic Party is also facing a challenge to be subverted by radical forces.Biden's support has continued to lag behind Trump. In addition to the age factor, it is also because of the inspexy of the party to open the border and condone illegal immigrants. These policies have led to the corruption of urban public security, which encourages potential national security threats such as terrorist attacks to make Yue Yue Yue Yue YueMore intermediate voters and even the Democratic Party are uneasy.In addition, large proportion supports the Democratic Party's academic, media, and entertainment cultural elites who are keen on promoting gender politics, especially at the stage of basic education.The election is more like a boat.

Therefore, the US presidential election in November this year became a decisive battle: the Republican pair of the Republican opposite Democratic Party dominated by eliteism.These two extreme political forces are not allowed, and some explain why the suffering of the US presidential election has increased greatly. Both sides are regarded as a backwater battle, and repeatedly emphasized that the results of the election are related to the survival of the US democratic system.This weakens the spiritual and gentleman's demeanor of democratic operation.If the defeated party refuses to recognize the results, and even repeats the 2021 impact of the Capitol House incident, it will affect not only the United States, but also impact on global geopolitics.

The current phenomenon of polarization has caused the political divisions of the Democratic Party Liberal Republican Conservatives in the past to lose their understanding of the relief, and the two -party systems were pushed into the political spectrum.The two -party system and federal system in the United States have made it difficult for the third forces to have room for survival.Whether this intermediate force that is driven by the two parties can break the past party's prejudices and unite to resist extreme politics and restore mainstream. This is another trend worth observing in the development of US political development.