Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Author: Guan Xiuying

After the gangster riots, Prime Minister Henry finally announced his resignation after the gangster riots.On the 13th local time, the Kenya Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that, given the entire collapse of the rule of law and the resignation of the Prime Minister of Haiti, the situation has undergone fundamental changes, and it will temporarily put on hold on the multinational task group supported by the United Nationsplan of.In this regard, experts believe that the sea and land crisis may continue to deteriorate when the gangs are forced by the prime minister and peacekeeping forces.

Researcher Sun Yanfeng, Executive Director of Latin America, China Modern International Relations Research Institute, said in an interview with a reporter from the Hong Kong News Agency on the 14th that the sea -land crisis may continue to deteriorate for a long time.For various reasons.The most deadly external cause is the intervention and control of the United States after World War II, and the internal cause is that the local gangsters are rampant, and finally natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes occur frequently.

Sun Yanfeng continued that in addition to facing various natural disasters in the face of various natural disasters, Haiti also encountered various historical debts, and in various circumstances, it became a typical country with failed governance.According to the current analysis of various situations, the situation in Haiti not only showed no signs of calming, but also the crisis would further deteriorate.

Sun Yanfeng explained that there is currently lack of a legal institution that is legal and authoritative to stabilize the situation, especially in maintaining public security.More importantly, the various political factions in Haiti now, whether it is Henry, former police director Philip, or gang G-9, such as gangsters, etc., they all have their own selfishness.Without reaching a political consensus, it is difficult for Haiti to quickly determine the election or complete the election, and to establish a power agency.This is also the most important factor that the sea -land crisis cannot be resolved in the short term.

What is the place where the United States dare not touch?

"The United States' mentality in this regard is actually quite contradictory. It is afraid of the sea and land, but also to be trapped in this mud pit. It must be highly concerned about Haiti. Because the Caribbean is not far from the United States, it is the United States in geopolitical in geopolitical politics in geopolitical politics.A key point. "Sun Anfeng continued:" The second is the domestic security issues that the United States is currently concerned about, such as gun smuggling, personnel sneaky, and drug smuggling.What is even more worried is that this large -scale outbreak of Haiti will spread to other Caribbean regions, which will constitute a major security challenge for the United States.After learning the heavy lessons of Iraq, the United States resolutely did not dare to "bet" its army to the sea.Therefore, the current attitude adopted by the United States is not actively participating, but actively promotes the peacekeeping forces in the United Nations for peacekeeping this place, such as promoting Kenya.

According to public information, the population of Haiti is about 11.5 million, which is one of the poorest countries in the world.Since the end of Duvari's father and son in 1986, Haiti changed a total of 19 government leaders.Henry, who was originally a neurosurgeon, became the 20th character who was replaced.

In July 2021, Henry was assigned to be the next prime minister two days before the then President Moyz's assassination of the official residence.In the end, he was in office with the support of the international community including the United States.

Henry can stay in the position of the Prime Minister is mainly because he has the support of the international community.Under his appeal, the United Nations Security Council also passed a resolution to establish a multinational security forces to support Haiti last year.However, the United States, which had repeatedly involved in Haiti politics in the past century, and Brazil, which has led the local United Nations peacekeeping missions from 2004 to 2017, is now reluctant to take it in person.

At present, 80%of the entire Prince Port is within the control of various gangs.In order to overthrow Henry's governance, G-9 and another gang alliance G-Pèp, another gang of G-9, formed an alliance called "VIV Ansanm".From February 29th, public facilities such as the police station, police school, international airport and other public facilities that attacked Prince Harbor asked Henry to step down.Because Haitian gangs have a large number of arms that have been stolen from the United States, the number of Haiti police is only 9,000, which is not enough for a long time.For a long time, local residents have dangerous to go out, and street hawkers have been shot and killed.