According to the US National interest two -monthly website reported on March 7, since the Second World War, the United States has always regarded aircraft carriers as the core of its naval strategy.Most of the time, this is Washington's wise move.Few countries -even the former Soviet Union -can match the American aircraft carrier capabilities.However, today's world's hostility to the United States is increasing.

More importantly, there is only one main challenger in the United States during the Cold War. At least two major powers today are challenging the dominant position of the United States. In addition, there are several medium countries, such as Iran or North Korea.Try to weaken the status of the United States.

Today, we need to thoroughly re -think about how the United States fights and how to win.Because since the end of the Cold War, the United States has not adapted to the environment well.

The way the US procurement of weapons and equipment and the formulation of war plans is outdated.Many times, what determines the task is the desire of political considerations and strong capital defense contractors to seek to raise the base price (the taxpayer bear the cost), rather than the actual task and the understanding of the threat and the strategy of the threat.

Therefore, the United States has a soft spot for the expensive and bulky air ship.The United States not only favors this weapon platform, but also regards it as a cultural symbol.Because of this, the worship of aircraft carriers has reached such a degree, so that the facts such as China, Russia, Iran or North Korea have developed efficient countermeasures against aircraft carriers.heresy.

But this kind of aircraft carrier is not only a weapon platform, but also as a paranoia for cultural symbols. It is precisely why the weapon that relies on the carrier is unreliable.

The United States has invested huge investment in the core of the aircraft carrier as the naval strategy, and the conflict between the major power we worry about seems to be closer than the past decades, which means that the United States has regarded aircraft carriers as its main maritime power to project weaponsEssence

Therefore, Washington's current war plan is in the country's anti -intervention/regional refusal strategy.If the war broke out between the United States and its main competitors, the troops of these countries will do their best to win the war -this means that before the US aircraft carriers seriously threatened the army and interests of these countries, they will be lonely and try to sink the United StatesAircraft carrier.

In any case, due to the emergence of hypersonic weapons and anti-ship missiles (such as China's Dongfeng-21 series missiles), US aircraft carriers will not be able to effectively combat the targets of these anti-interventional/regional refusal systems.

China, Russia, Iran, maybe North Korea, has developed such countermeasures more or less.The United States is accelerating its offshore liquidation that has never experienced since World War II.(Compiled/Liu Baiyun)