The Brazilian Forum Magazine website published on March 10 entitled China, 2024: Economic reality and western eyes, the author is Elias Yabol.Article excerpts as follows:

There is a big gap between the information about the status quo of the Chinese economy in the media and Western academic journals in the media and Western academic journals.People living in northern countries in the world believe that China may be experiencing a major crisis, and the crisis itself means the initial sign of its "model" failure.

In fact, we see 5.2%of China's economic growth last year.At the same time, the United States increased by 2.6%, Japan increased by 1.9%, France increased by 0.9%, Britain increased by 0.1%, and Germany increased negative growth by 0.3%.As far as labor productivity is concerned, China increased by 5.7%in 2023, while the United States increased by 0.7%, and Germany increased by 0.3%.In general, this means that in addition to having technical autonomy in several cutting -edge fields, China is also continuing to catch up with the extensive process of chasing major developed economies.

The most notable thing is that since 2020, China's economic performance has been higher than the level required for its 2035 targets.In other words, this means that China should reach the level of development expected by the national leadership before expected.

Therefore, it is worth asking why China not only successfully maintained the necessary growth level, but also successfully maintained the main source of exporting prosperity to the world, especially the global southern countries.

For example, Chinese President Xi Jinping has proposed to build the "Silk Road Economic Belt" and "21st Century Maritime Silk Road", which is the "Belt and Road" initiative.Since then, more than 150 countries have officially joined the project.

In other words, reality does not indicate that the Chinese economy has appeared "Chelnibali Moment".In fact, there is no any developed capitalist country in the world who is capable of planning China's current economic transformation. This transformation involves the adjustment of the transformation of the economic field and the adjustment of the property distribution system, which will promote the sustainable development of China's economy.

An example of this transformation is the increase in credit in the industrial field, especially in areas related to high -tech, and bank resources assigned to the real estate industry are decreasing.It can be seen from the data provided by the People's Bank of China that in the process of trade and technical intimidation in China, China will focus on creating complete technical sovereignty.

China has the advantages of helping to achieve its growth and employment goals. It is generally ignored by the West.Specifically, large public production and financial activities centered on large state -owned enterprises and public financial institutions in China are the purpose of promoting development.At the same time, on the basis of extensive use of disruptive technological innovation such as big data, artificial intelligence, and 5G, China is establishing a new and advanced economic planning form.The above are all reasons for my confidence in maintaining the growth of China's economy and will continue to benefit the world.(Compilation/Su Jiawei)