Source: China News Agency

Author: Xiang Lu Pacific

March 10th is a century -old birthday of the late literature Thai Dou Jinyong (Cha Liangzhang). At this point, all sectors of Hong Kong are commemorating and recalling his literary appeal.Essence

Why are we still commemorating Jin Yong today?It is undoubtedly because he builds a martial arts world that has a funny and breathlessness, and has a profound influence and condenses the cultural identity of generations of Chinese.

Although it was born in a commercial environment in Hong Kong, Jin Yong's works have no low -level fun and vulgar atmosphere of some old martial arts novels.On the contrary, it is popular but not kitsch, martial arts, in fact, in fact, in -depth historical changes and life.It is a pure traditional Chinese culture that supports Ziqi imagination and story structure.

Because of this, Jin Yong's novels have always been regarded as "the invisible spiritual fortress of culture."Let Chinese scattered all over the world re -discover the inheritance of historical and culture in the world of Guo Jing, Huang Rong, Dongxie and Western Poison, and the North Emperor and North Beggar.

Focusing on Hong Kong, Jin Yong's popular martial arts novels also provide endless materials for movies, television, radio broadcasting, stage dramas, and trendy video games and various cultural and creative products., With great contributions.It can be said that the cultural heritage left by Jin Yong seems to be endless and inexhaustible.

A few years ago, the Hong Kong Cultural Museum spent about 10 million Hong Kong dollars (S $ 1.7 million) to set up the first "Jin Yong Museum" in Hong Kong.The impact on Hong Kong's popular culture, including the novel version of the early circulation, precious manuscripts, etc.This measure was indeed unique in that year. Not only did they understand the good of Hong Kong people, they also knew the advantages of Hong Kong culture.

But at the moment when the SAR government is committed to developing an international culture and art exchange center and promoting the economy of tourism and event, can we think deeply, can Jin Yong's works only hide in the museum?How to continue to make these cultural heritage rejuvenate and carry forward?In my opinion, Hong Kong can grasp the cultural treasure left by Jin Yong and further create this unique cultural IP.

One of them, all kinds of commemorative exhibitions can be integrated to enhance attractiveness.In response to the century of Jin Yong's century, the commemorative activities organized by all walks of life in Hong Kong are endless, such as "the hero of the hero -Jin Yong's century -old birthday commemorative", exhibiting 10 Jin Yong novel character sculptures created by the sculptor Ren Zhe.About 460,000 visitors participated, Jin Yong's influence was evident.All kinds of commemorative exhibitions can form a linkage with the existing "Jin Yong Pavilion", so that exhibits are resident, enrich the category of exhibits, and use scientific and technological curatories to enhance the exhibition interactive experience.

Second, create a cultural in -depth route with Jin Yong's theme to develop cultural and creative products.Even the island mentioned in Jin Yong can use this to expand the tourism industry, let alone Hong Kong's deep -rooted place.The SAR Government can consider developing Jin Yong's life trajectory as a tourist route, and study the corresponding cultural and creative products to create a unique cultural in -depth tourism option for "Jin Yong fans" around the world.

Third, combined with technology to reshape the classics.Increasing the old works, it is a common matter, and there are many successful examples. The popular cultural elements in Jin Yong's works are promoted, which is the strong point of Hong Kong.The industry can use technology to reshape the classics, such as developing mobile game projects and film and television works, using new technologies such as VR, I believe that people can bring new stimuli and surprises.

So, maybe one day, these new "Jin Yong Qun Xia" once again become the mainstay of the popular culture of Hong Kong, and it will no longer be out of reach.