Former US President Trump's daughter -in -law Laura Trump, who was re -elected, was elected as joint chairman of the Republican National Committee on March 8th, showing that the Republican traditional formulation faction was fully represented by TrumpReplaced.This development reflects the populist forces that promote the rise of Trump, and have entered the room to enter the mainstream of politics.At the same time, the popular left cultural eliteism, which is hostile to populism, firmly controls the Democratic Party.Due to the extreme policies they advocated, such as the opening of the southern border and induling illegal immigrants, they seriously violated the mainstream public opinion, making President Biden who strive for re -election, and continued to lag behind Trump in polls.

Despite the lawsuit, Trump ’s priority in the party was reported again and again. On March 5th, he swept more than 10 states in the primaries of the President of the“ Super Tuesday ”on March 5, and they all won with a large gap.He announced his withdrawal after the Republican's only opponent and former South Carollai governor Heili, the governor of South Carollai, who were delegated.However, Heili did not change the supporters to support Trump, showing that the Republican Party system and the Trump's migrant fabrics are not different.The severe division of the Republican Party should have been conducive to the Democratic Party. However, the polls of Biden have always lag behind Trump, and even rumors that the Democratic Party hopes to change presidential candidates from time to time.

Similar to the Republican Party, the Democratic Party also faces the challenge of being subverted by radical forces.Biden's support has continued to lag behind Trump. In addition to the age factor, it is also because of the inspiration of the inside of the party to open the border and indulge illegal immigration.More intermediate voters and even the Democratic Party are uneasy.In addition, large proportion supports cultural elites such as the Democratic Party, the media, and the entertainment industry. It is keen to promote gender politics, especially in the basic education stage.The election is more like a boat.

Although the Democratic Party's traditional formulation, although the political concept is compared to the Republican Party, it still believes in the western classic liberalism and adheres to universal concepts such as personal rights and freedom of speech.However, the radical forces dominated by academic, media, and entertainment elites have gradually occupied the nest in these years. Through the so -called "canceling culture", they have tagged traditional formulation factions into "alternative rights" or evenRight -right, causing them to die or choose to run away.Robert Kennedy, the nephew of the late President John Kennedy, announced in October last year that he abandoned the Democratic Primary Election and ran for the president as an independent party -free person.

The political concept of the Democratic Party is different from classic liberalism. They advocate simply dividing the society into oppressors and victims to rewrite historical cognition and formulate radical policies.Like the sexual minority groups, a large number of illegal immigrants who smuggle the southern border of the United States are considered to be protected and caring; at the top of the pyramids of the oppressive pyramid, heterosexual white men who create western civilization.This collectivism that divides people into different groups is essentially to take the theory of oppressing the proletariat of Marxism -Leninist capitalists, and use the compassion of the elite class to pursue equality to pursue equality.

Therefore, the US presidential election in November this year became a Republican party controlled by populism, against the decisive battle of the Democratic Party dominated by eliteism.These two extreme political forces are not allowed, and some explain why the suffering of the US presidential election has increased greatly. Both sides are regarded as a backwater battle, and repeatedly emphasized that the results of the election are related to the survival of the US democratic system.This weakens the spirit of compromise and gentlemen required for democratic operation. If the party who is defeated refuses to recognize the results, and even repeats the 2020 impact of the Parliament building incident, it will not only affect the United States, but also to impact global geographical politics.

Although there is an inevitable problem that the intricate American politics is excessive simplified and analyzed, the current polarization phenomenPush to the middle of the political spectrum.The two -party system and federal system in the United States have made it difficult for the third forces to have room for survival.The intermediate force driven by the two parties, whether it can break the past party's prejudices, unite to resist extreme politics, and restore mainstream central roads is another trend worthy of observation of American political development.