Trump's possibility of being elected as President of the United States has increased.Police surveys show that American voters prefer Trump.The latest polls on March 2nd of the New York Times showed that in the national registered voters' survey, Trump's support rate was 48%and Biden was 43%.So, who is Trump?Christian nationalism is a key perspective that analyzes Trump's extremely critical ideology.

Christian Nationalism believes that the United States is a country defined by Christian faith, and the government should take positive measures to maintain this state.Christian nationalists generally assert that the United States is and must continue to be a Christian country.International political scholar Huntington also put forward a similar point of view: "Reading the United States is a Christian country, the values ​​of Anglo -Qingistian, speak English, maintain the principles of European cultural heritage, and identify with the United States."

The origin of Christian nationalism is the teachings of conservative gospels in the south.It was originally a non -mainstream conservative faction, but the September 11 incident catalyzed the widespread rise of Christian nationalism, allowing it to appear on the political stage because it provided national identity for the American people who seemed to be security.They believe that they must choose their considerations of politicians who really have American spirit and religious feelings.To achieve this, the "election right" must obey the principle of "elected right people".

White Gospel School is the supporter of Trump Loyalty

The basic concept of Christian nationalism is that the United States belongs to Christians and exists for the interests of Christians.This is a political ideology that attaches importance to the recognition of the American nation, and is also often referred to as white Christian nationalism.The White Gospel faction believes in Christian nationalism. From the beginning, it was marked by the vision of Christianity and the United States, and was committed to overwhelming the enemy it thought.Trump's "Maga" (Maga) reflects this basic spirit.

Trump's private life obviously violates the many ethical and religious values ​​that the gospel Christians value.However, he received 81%of the white gospel school in the 2016 presidential election, and during his term of office, even when he was trapped in a scandal and facing impeachment, he received their firm and faithful support.The support rate of this group in the 2020 election is not low.Republican Congress Green describes Trump supporters: "We are Christians, we are nationalists, we are Christian nationalists."

Trump is a political leader of Christian nationalism. This extreme manifestation of this kind of support is the impact of the parliamentary incident on January 6, 2021.The significance of the incident is to try to overthrow the constitutional government.Washington, a police officer of Washington, told the Special Committee of the House of Representatives who investigated the rebellion: "Terrorists think they are Christians." A few days before the attack, the "Jerey Parade" prayed around the Mountains of Congress and prayed for the election resultsWill be overthrown.

At present, there are more and more religious and political leaders in the United States, and they have begun to accept the labels of Christian nationalists. Some people question the views of the founders of the founders who want the country to separate politics and education.However, many Americans, including many Christian churches, oppose Christian nationalism and are deemed to be a threat to the country.Most Republican people accept Christian nationalism.According to a survey by the Institute of Public Religion and the Brucks Society, Christian nationalism has stabilized the heels in American politics, especially in the Republican Party.More than half of the Republicans believe that the United States should be a strict Christian country.According to Gallop's investigation, the proportion of Christian nationalist voters is about 35%, which is much higher than 25%of liberals.

Christian nationalists are the basic market of Trump.Trump is an extreme pragmato. He has no strong religious consciousness. He does not even have the basic knowledge of the Bible. He reads the "Second Corinthians" in the Bible (Corinthians 2) as "Two Corinthians" and is ridiculed by the media.However, he was very political insight and keenly grasped the rise of this power. He appeared in the 2016 election and called the banner of Christian nationalism.In 2020, his re -election failed, not the loss of conservative votes, but the freedom and gentle factions were completely furious by Trump, which was too extreme, and joined forces to drive him out of the White House.

Worried about the extreme Trump to destroy democracy

Christian nationalism advocates the institutionalization of Christianity and religious politics, and believes that the separation of politics and religion is the interpretation of the concept of the founding of the United States.This is extreme conservativeism. The ultimate political purpose is to turn Christianity into national identity and turn the United States into a country like Iran.

If Trump holds up the Maga flag and performs the mission of governing the country with the ideology of Christian nationalism, it will lead to concerns in the United States.Because extreme conservative ideology is combined with Trump's extreme personality, the United States, which is already politically polarized, is bound to be more split.Liberals are worried that he will go extreme, destroy democracy internally, and destroy the relationship with European allies.

It is expected to be published in the United States in July this year, entitled to the origin of the elected strong man: how the individualist party destroys the book of democracy from the inside, and believes that from 1990 to 2020, the candidates supported by the individual political party continue to destroy from the insidedemocracy.Individualist parties refer to political parties that placed individuals on the whole party and their personal power are not restricted. There are three points of performance: first, loyalty to individuals, unfaithful to the party; second, personal will and behavior are given official authority; third, Social polarization and controversy.

Trump praised all dictators in the world to admire the dictators, especially his praise for Russian President Putin, which has to worry about his bidding benchmark with dictators.Praise the dictator is not an individual phenomenon. In the past 10 years, the U.S. extreme conservatives have praised the dictators as comrades who maintain the traditional society, order and patriarchal values ​​to fight against liberalist left.Unlike the conservative politicians, foreign dictators can implement personal autocratic rule without concealing, while American conservative politicians hope to establish the image of foreign dictators and serve the needs of domestic politics.

The democratic tradition of more than 200 years in the United States has shaped such an extremely extreme Trump, which is actually a kind of resistance and correction against the flood of the left of the United States.Biden has achieved many achievements in four years, but it has expanded government expenses too much, and letting illegal immigrants flow into social problems such as the United States like illegal immigration tide.The rise of Christian nationalism is a resistance to the flood of liberalism, and the foundation of liberalism also competes to the extreme of Christian nationalism.Conservativeism has the advantages of adherence to tradition, and liberalism also has the advantages of promoting progress.

The US Constitution has the function of maintaining social balance, and there are conflicts and conflicts of conservatives and liberalism.Contradiction promotes social progress, and a single ideology kills social progress.American society calls for people like Trump to come out, and Trump will eventually be restricted by the Constitution.There is no evidence that during his administration, the fact that he violated the Constitution was enough to show that he was nonsense and madness. It was another thing.

The author is Shanghai current affairs commentator