It is precisely because Singapore is so small that how to not float into the air when swinging is probably the most fundamental challenge.Flexible but strong, the roots still have to be tied in the ground.Since Singapore's environment is diverse, the people should not have been alone. The key is that they have deep roots, and at the same time, they draw cultural nutrients from various ways to make them nourish us.

On the way to the National Stadium, the niece helped me turn to the music table after getting on the car. She said that she should now listen to Taylor's song so that she can slowly enter the situation.She chose a song. When each song was broadcast, she told me which album was the song.

The niece daughter is a post -90s. In recent years, the gap between the intergenerational gap as an aunt has been used to be the old man in the past few years.She said that she was not a fan of Taylor, but Taylor was the creator of her era, and she had more yields. She could not know the song of Tylers.She stopped and asked carefully: "Don't you think she is so hard to be so hard? She made a debut from the age of 14 and wrote so many songs by herself!"

Taylor's first tried to sing the national anthem in a basketball field at the age of 11, started learning guitar and creation the following year, and signed a song at the age of 14.She has always worked hard, and at the beginning, she took the rural music route.After the emergence of the American music scene, she experienced some ups and downs, including the 19 -year -old to receive a prize by a rap singer Kanye West to grab the microphone, saying that another female singer is better;Hosting the case of human harassment firmly safeguarded its rights and interests; in 2018, she selected Democratic candidates in US politics.Her creation records her own stages and states at different stages of life. Her self, self -confidence and self -improvement, also grow up with her, as well as younger singers.

After arriving at the stadium, we followed the instructions and lined up with the brigade. After a few laps, we waited for security checks.Throughout the process, I met some public as if I was going to perform on stage. The niece introduced in my ear whispered, these are the dress when Taylorus sang.Before the concert started, I lined up in the toilet, and the two girls who were in front of me and I didn't know each other enthusiastically exchanged the friendship bracelet on my wrist.

The whole concert, the stage creativity and execution are very good. Taylorus has both play and sing for more than three hours with his strength. He has personal charm.The audience was willing to stand and sway when they bought tickets, and their mood was high.In this occasion, I was quietly accepted by education. I heard that young people told me that Taylor's life was ups and downs. After encountering any incident, I did not be defeated. I wrote any songs.After the concert, a large number of people in the National Stadium lined up to buy her peripheral products.

Some of the "elderly people" are like me. They did not know Taylor in front of this whirlwind, and some even disapproved of these recent phenomena. They still thought that these were erosive culture, and the world was under the world.A online survey of Lianhe Zaobao also shows that 42%of readers have no interest in Taylor News.

Her songs, her story, and this "Journey of the Time" concert, is the collective memory of different generations, and their "era", just like our collective memory may be new rumors, Zhang Xueyou may be Zhang XueyouEssenceI respect their time memory and try to understand.The younger generation grows in globalization, and the mainstream culture of globalization is American culture, and Taylor is just an important representative.They accepted different cultural influences, compared to our previous generations, or the restraint of many friends in my generation, their expression is more direct and more public.

I saw the traces of Singapore's globalization from them.The Chinese education policy in Singapore is also changing when embracing globalization.The result of the change of Chinese education policy is that we often hear the moaning of students from all ethnic groups and the degree of mother tongue.From the front, this process has also promoted Singapore's faster westernization, or the United States, including science and technology, management, education and other aspects.This is conducive to the integration of Singapore in economically with developed countries.

The younger generation of growth in such an environment has also changed, which is not unpredictable.When we talk about economy and inflation, we always say that such small countries in Singapore cannot be price makers, but can only be price recipients; in fact, the same reason is the same.

As an open society, we will always swing with the wind.However, it is precisely because Singapore is so small that it is probably the most fundamental challenge to not float into the air when swinging.Flexible but strong, the roots still have to be tied in the ground.Where does the backup come from?What Singapore takes to make the root deep when opening and diverse is the same important topic as the economy and security.Singaporeans have to ask themselves: What social structure should Singapore in Singapore go?If society deteriorates, is the positioning and long -term interests of Singapore?

Back to Taylorwus's "Times Tour" concert.Tour concerts began in Arizona, USA in March 2023. By December 8 this year, Vancouver, Canada ended, with a total of 152 games, spanning five continents, earning billions of dollars.So far, she can be described as invincible, and the tourism, catering, and hotels where she goes have increased their income and brought more new jobs.Because in Asia, except for Tokyo, she only toured in Singapore. Therefore, it is said that half of the six concerts in Singapore are from foreign countries, especially in other countries in this region.Singapore -sides, like us, are counting this account for accounts that drive the tourism economy.

The rich in this area came to see Tayllers, and the economic conditions are not too generous fans. They try to come to Singapore to see the style.The heated discussion caused by Tayllers to Singapore is not only economy, but also the display of soft power in the United States.Whether English is the mainstream language of the world. The popular American culture has dominated the world for nearly a century. This soft power is particularly soft. It combines the operation of the market economy. Over the years, we have penetrated into our lives with heroic movies, fries and American coffee.It does not talk about the righteousness of the nation, nor does it bear the mission of "going out of culture".In fact, American society is full of sorrows, but soft power is promising.The soft power of the United States is not a lot of shouting slogans, but that society always has freedom and space, so that individuals can use their talents and temperament to create different landscapes, cause resonance, and even earn income.Essence

Now I often listen to people talking about the rise of soft power such as Chinese music and episodes, worrying about the impact of the culture of their output.Since I was a child, I like to eat fast food at the beginning of a certain English letter, and I especially love to watch the cartoon of groups such as the American Superman.These soft power are so soft.However, since Singapore's environment is diverse, the people should not have been alone. The key is that they have deep roots, and at the same time draw on the cultural nutrients from various ways, so that they all nourish us, make us richer and more solid, and show a solid and solid.Essence

The author is the president of the Chinese Media Group