Like Tayllers on the stage, it is very small on the stage, and a lot of "derailment" performances. If it is in the age when men who have fouled men with long hair, they will definitely not pass the moral threshold here.When it comes, no one dares to attract her.

In the past week, Singapore belongs to the American pop music Taylor Swift. The X -factor behind this phenomenon is worth pondering.

If time is 40 years backflow, can the Taylorce concert be boarded here?The then Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew may be uneasy about Taylor's stage style. She is worn less and wild. In his eyes, this may bring a bad social atmosphere.

That's not a joke.

In 1984, Kitado, a well -known Japanese composer and guitar player, wrote a theme song for the Japanese Broadcasting Association (NHK) documentary Silk Road, and became famous.Heiduro was banned from entering Singapore because of his long hair, letting his performance soaked.In retrospect of this old thing, 40 years later, the most regrettable is not Kitado, but Singapore.

Singapore violently anti -long hair at that time, becoming a social movement, challenging people who challenged long hair ban, some lost their jobs, and some suffered discrimination and inconvenience.Like Tayllers, they are wearing little on the stage and showing a lot of "derailment" performances. If they are in the era when men's long hair are fouled, they will definitely not pass the moral threshold here.She won't come, and no one dares to lead her in.

In the 1960s and 1970s, the hippie culture in the United States and the British Beatles traveled to the world with long -haired culture, but it created a negative image for long -haired men -men's long hair represents decadence, Negative, even hook with drug use.

Being long hair is a decadent family, should you ban it?Yang Rongwen's book of contemplation under the banyan tree included his graduation photo of Cambridge University in 1976. I saw the young black crow's hair on the young.Essence

In 1993, the Global Tour of the Michael Johnson, which is also the American superstar, finally came to Singapore, showing that the times had changed.Many members of Singapore attended this performance that fully filled the American popular culture.

On April 18, 2005, Premier Li Xianlong officially announced in Congress that two casino licenses were issued to two large comprehensive vacation centers of Binhai Bay and Sentosa Island.This historic announcement ended a sharp controversy over the years, and opened a new era.

Before the official gambling, a wide range of discussions from the cabinet to all levels of the society, opposing strong opposition.At that time, some members in the cabinet, including Li Guangyao, Deputy Prime Minister Chen Qingyan, Minister of the Interior Huang Gencheng, and Ya Guo, Minister of Mentalization.However, Li Guangyao also admitted that his knowledge had blind spots. The changes in the times made him understand that the decision to refuse the world -class formula was wrong at that time. He used to ignore the huge economic benefits that popular culture brought about.

Singapore spent a generation of people to understand the economic benefits of popular culture and embrace it seriously.

Yang Rongwen, who served as Minister of News and Art in July 1991, has published many high -profile speeches in cultural topics.He put forward the strategic idea of ​​"cultural enterprise", the grand vision of the Esplanade Center (Esplanade), more museums, and more diverse activities, marking Singapore to interpret culture from a new perspective, to reflect the culture of culturebenefit.

What are you busy with neighbors in Southeast Asia?

The Prime Minister of Thailand is difficult to give birth, political turmoil, and has not forgotten to promote cannabis to remove the guilt, vigorously fight for Chinese tourists and take care of it.After the Philippines chose the new president, he compared China to China, and Marco was busy.Indonesia's President Zoko is more busy. While grasping the opportunity to promote the movement of the moving capital, it is a realistic reality, and the foreshadowing of future development for the big event is buried.Malaysia is even more busy, the green tide is surging, and the Anwar government has flourished. Recently, the netizen, just as the leaders of the Wuxian delegation are aggressive in Congress, to prove that Bak Kut Teh (Bak Kut Teh) is pork, and he insists on traveling for tourism.When the minister stepped down to vent his anger, Singapore's parliament was enthusiastically discussed the development strategy of artificial intelligence (AI).

Once the old ruling party UMNO, after these years of wind and waves, UMNO is still UMNO 20 years ago, and Wu Qing is still the Wuqing 20 years ago.Malaysia often measures the popular culture of the West with religious morality. Non -government -organized religious agenda can also abduct the economic interests of the country, allowing Malaysia to miss many opportunities.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Li, who visited Melbourne, Australia, held a joint press conference with Australian Prime Minister Albanis on March 5. When asked about this hottest topic in time, the government said that the government recovered from the funds of the post -crown disease period in the post -crown disease.China appropriation provides subsidies for Taylor the performance and reached an agreement with each other. It is a successful arrangement, not unhappy with other countries. "I will not say that the condition you can perform here is that you will go to other places to other".Anyone who has a business mind understands the meaning of the Prime Minister's sentence.

Tang Zhenhui, the second minister of Singapore Culture, Community and Youth and the Second Minister of the Ministry of Justice, pointed out in Congress that Singapore paid for Singapore's six Taylor tour "not as high as online hype."The Thai government spokesman has clarified that the Prime Minister ’s social morality has mentioned that Singapore’ s exclusive rights have envy, and they believe that countries should learn from Singapore without criticism, but the remarks have been discussed.

So what is "X -factor Tylers phenomenon"?It can only be said, unspeakable.Neighbors only see Singapore's money subsidies for "exclusive agents", and ignore that this is the result of Singapore's hard work for many years.This is called "one leaf is observed and does not see Taishan."

Southeast Asian neighbors cannot keep up with the pace of competition in Singapore. It is an increasingly obvious fact. After the epidemic recovery, it has expanded the gap between each other.The ancients Yun "rewarded heavenly and diligently, and did not bully". The words "fast, good world" in Guangdong's saying are the same.