A survey of American online education service companies found that multiple Singaplish vocabulary is commonly used in local daily life, and even local foreigners will use it.Dr. Xiao Shuqin, assistant professor of the Department of Psychology of the National Academy of Literature and Social Sciences of Singapore, believes that although the government encourages people to "speak correct English", it is natural for many people to speak new English to many people and treat them as a country as a country.And cultural identity.

It is a natural response to human emotions from the use of common slang or folk languages ​​to form a sense of ethnicity and identity. This has a specific significance for the construction of national consciousness and cannot be denied.However, the teaching and teaching of language must pay attention to the systemicity. Taking local as an example, Chinese language is based on Chinese Chinese as the standard, and English is subject to English English. This is the follow -up of our formal teaching.The development of folk languages ​​is the level of consignment. The basic principle of its composition is to agreed to make it. It must be accepted and can be communicated with it.In the process of not excluding new English development, Chinese people must require themselves to master standardized language learning and use.

Regardless of mainstream or niche, language development is a process of natural evolution, and the trajectory of evolution must be respected.Although the history of Singapore is not long, the ethnic groups formed by the people from all directions are complex. So far, the language habits formed naturally have also become a unique culture of naturally generation.Summary.The existence of each natural formation or existing language has its necessity or significance for users. Its continuation and dismissal depends on the collective choice of users.The new type of English has been widely accepted and used by the people from the high level of education. Today, it has been highly accepted and used by the people. It has represented some kind of vitality in the local society. Except for foreigners, it should be respected, and their national policies do not need to suppress it deliberately.

Survey shows that many people absorb and use new English in daily communication based on factors such as being able to communicate faster and more likely to express their familiar emotions, be able to integrate into groups or purely feel cool.If many people cherish this language formed by words such as "Alamak", it is of course a characteristic, but in terms of words, it cannot be formal, and it is impossible to replace the study of regular languages.Young students naturally learn new English in life. It is worth observing whether in the process, will it confuse their study of regular Chinese.Perhaps in the future, some people are willing to study how to flexibly absorb it into our use language and expand its foundation.

The evolution of languages ​​is influenced by the environment and population changes, but also baptism, such as novel language, movie lines, pop song lyrics, etc., and is now more affected by science and technology.Web language is ever -changing and is commonly used by young generations. It is no longer the change of people's will, but similar effects are easy to be popular and easy to be eliminated. It confirms the law of vitality and survival after the formation of language formation, and does not need to be targeted.

In a society that is gradually growing older and more educated, new English still shows stubborn vitality. From another perspective, it is worth reflecting on the local Chinese society. How to continue and make local Chinese Chinese languageThe vitality and vitality of Chinese are booming.

This survey of Singaporeans, 16 years old to 50 years old, at the same time, at the same time, the familiarity of slang is about the so -called Z generation (generally referring to the Internet era from 1995 to 2009).Compared with comparison, the popularity and familiarity of this generation of online slang are not so high, indicating that the roots of online slang are far from deep English.

The popularization of language may affect the formal learning tutorial, but as long as the whole people have the consensus of studying and regulating Chinese, it will not hinder the formal communication and expression ability between the people, and will not hinder the developed economy and cultural innovation as a whole.Social progress may become a manifestation of self -confidence in a country or ethnic group, and strengthen the confidence of establishing its own culture.

American linguist Edward Spear said: "Language is the same as culture, rarely self -sufficient." A country or society in an international environment, the formation of language is always the result of great success.New English includes a lot of local Malaysian and Chinese dialects. It has not disappeared with the older generation and dialects, just because it is naturally formed.Perhaps its cultural value is not necessarily high, but it is a testimony of the vitality of the local social vitality. It also records the trajectory of many Singapore's historical evolution and ethnic fusion. It has become an important element of local culture. Even foreigners are willing to learn.Experience and respect, and let it develop naturally.