In the second half of last year, the news of the Petroleum Factory's Shell Group was brewing from selling the Singaporean refinery, which attracted the attention of many people.Coupled with the 28th UN Climate Change Conference, the world has gradually escaped from fossil fuel. Energy and chemistry as a large carbon exhaustist are at the cusp.In this issue, we will look at the general trend of the transformation plan of Singapore's energy and chemistry, the relevant deployment of the business community, and the relevant trend of regional and international.

The Jurong Island, located outside the western shore of Singapore and merged from seven islands, is synonymous with Singapore's energy and chemistry.There are more than 100 global leading companies on the island, with more than 18,000 employees, and most of Singapore's energy and chemical output comes from this island.

In addition, Mao Guangdao near Jurong Island and the island's priests and Jurong are also settled in the place where the industry is settled.There are also more than 500 other engineering service companies that have built and maintain factories for energy and chemicals to hire tens of thousands of employees. In terms of sustainable development, these companies have increasing pressure on customers.

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Energy and chemistry account for 3 % of Singapore's GDP and about 20 % of the total output value of the manufacturing industry. It hires about 27,000 people to attract huge investment and provide many high -value job opportunities for Singapore.Singapore is the world's top ten chemical export centers and one of the world's five major refining export centers, reflecting the competitiveness of Singapore's energy and chemistry.

It also brings business opportunities to other industries, such as trade.Therefore, Singapore's next decades of emission reduction has involved a great interest relationship between chemistry and overall economy.Energy and chemistry reduction transformation is valued, not only because they are large carbon discharge, but also because they have the ability and technology, and can help other industries reduce emission reduction.

Chen Zhirong, executive vice president of the Singapore Economic Development Bureau, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post: "We are actively dialogue with energy transformation projects and opportunities with energy and chemical companies, and pay attention to their partners as our energy transformation journey.Many of them have long -term cooperative relationships with Singapore, and have the ability to realize the green world, such as emerging low -carbon technology development, carbon capture and utilization, and storage.Innovative solutions in hydrogen and other fields.

The Economic Development Bureau has formulated the "Jurong Island of Sustainable Development" in 2021 to transform it into a sustainable energy and chemical industry park, which gradually shifts to operate in a sustainable manner, and exports to global exports more.Sustainable products.

Enterprise expansion and enhances new capabilities to grasp the opportunity of green growth

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Chen Zhirong said: "As the cornerstone of Singapore's energy and chemistry, Jurong Island must maintain competitiveness and lead the industry transformation to seize the opportunity of green growth. Our vision is that by 2050, this industry's sustainable products in this industry areThe output will increase four times compared to the 2019 level, and the carbon emission reduction of more than 6 million tons per year is achieved through low -carbon solutions.The needs of consumers are expected to be a place that is more attractive to green investment. Singapore Refinery (SRC) refinery on Jurong Island.SRC is the joint venture project of Chevron in Singapore.(SRC provided)