In Singapore, it was not easy to buy a car and buy a car. If you choose an electric car, what are the financial advantages?In this issue of wealth management, the owners and financial operators of electric vehicles and financial operators have discussed whether it is wise to discuss whether the abandoned oil conversion is for the lotus bag for the lotus bag through multiple dimensions such as buying cars, car supply, car raising, selling cars, and "killing cars".

Many car owners in Singapore may be resolutely "abandoning oil into electricity" after contacting the electric vehicle like Xu Jieming.

Five years ago, when Xu Jieming was called a car driver, his fuel vehicle engine had a problem, so he chose to rent a modern KONA electric vehicle from the company.Even if the charging pile was not popular at Singapore at that time, the first week on the road, he fully felt the fun of driving an electric vehicle, and found that he could save a lot of oil money.

Xu Jieming told Lianhe Zaobao that in 2019, he drove Hyundai Kona to Malaysia, and went north to Penang with the Malaysian electric car owner, and even challenged Genting Mountain Road."After driving on the Genting, I am even more certain that I will no longer drive fuel cars. The tram is immediately powerful, which is very different from the oil car ..."

Three years after renting Hyundai Kona, Xu Jieming bought the first electric car in his life -Tesla Model Y RWD series.

In Singapore, it is not easy to buy a car and buy a car. Isn't the value of the electric car worth buying?Compared with fuel vehicles and hybrid vehicles, what economic advantage does electric vehicle have?

Xu Jieming has a soft spot for electric vehicles, and bought Tesla Model Y RWD series three years ago.(Photo by Xiao Ziwei)