This year's fiscal budget, in addition to alleviating the people's concerns about rising living expenses, also laid a better foundation for the development of the country's next stage.Premier Li Xianlong pointed out that Singapore has passed the difficulty of the crown disease, but must still be prepared for the next challenge.

Premier Li, also a member of the Hongmao Bridge Constituency Congress, attended the perennial New Year dinner held at the German Club on Saturday (February 17) on Saturday (February 17).Fish fish, celebrate the Lunar New Year.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Huang Xuncang issued a 2024 fiscal budget statement entitled "Co -intention to work together to create the future."

Premier Li said in his speech in Chinese: "Budget provides workers with lifelong guarantee, continues to maintain an equal society and promotes social liquidity, provides more support for families and elderly peopleSex, as well as creating a stronger and united Singapore. "

He also said: "I hope these comprehensive, pragmatic and effective policies and measures can promote Singapore's economic growth and make everyone a more stable life."

Premier Li emphasized that in the long run, in the long run, in order to allow Singaporeans to live a good life, we must ensure that the national economy is continuously developed, employment and income, and people can take care of themselves and their families.

Premier Li: In addition to the tolerance budget, the people and the government maintain a high degree of mutual trust and more important

He said that in order to allow Singapore to have a set of tolerance budgets, more importantly, the people must maintain high trust between the people and the government., Work together to protect Singapore and benefit the next generation.

"On the occasion of the Dragon Year, we will introduce new. You can yearn for a warm home and a better town."

Premier Li has served in Deyi District since entering the political scene in 1984, and has been exactly 40 years.

He reviewed the contents of the fiscal budget in English with English, emphasizing that the government's various policies launched by the government help people cope with inflation at the moment, and there are also MajulahPackage to take care of the elderly, as well as intended for the future.

Premier Li pointed out that the government can do these things for the people because everyone work hard, take cautious expenses, accumulate the required resources, and guide them to the people and places in need.

When he mentioned the help of the government for workers, he used four "can" (Able to) to strengthen the description: "It can improve skills, accept re -training, employment, and improve."

He pointed out: "This is the Singapore we want, everyone has the opportunity to continue working, improved, and improved, many years."

Premier Li concluded that the world is in the autumn of events, but Singapore will do everything that he can do right and strive for a "good future every year."

Other members of the Hongmao Bridge Selection of the Spring Festival dinner, Yan Tianbao, Nattia, Jiele, and Huang Lingling, as well as Guo Xianchuan, Councilor of Copen Banba, who are also in the council of Hongmaoqiao City,District Councilor Ye Hanrong.