Although the Treasury Minister issued a fiscal budget in 2024, it was less than two weeks before the Singapore's APIC still rushed to make motion to Congress before that, calling on the government to "review the current budget and national reserve accumulation policy."

Liang Wenhui and Pan Qunqin, two members of the non -elected district, obviously did a lot of homework. On Wednesday (February 7), they threw them out of the Singapore Financial Administration, Singapore Government Investment Company and Temasek Holdings.The various numbers collected in the financial statements of investment institutions are calculated about 1.2 trillion yuan, and said that if the Treasury Secretary has objections to this number, I hope he can explain where the algorithm is wrong.

Such a hard -working move is obviously trying to lure the government to show off.The size of the assets managed by the HKMA and Temasek and Temasek, only the Singapore government investment company has never been announced.As the party said that the person -with -hearted person can indeed estimate the scale of the reserves based on public information, and obtain a reasonable range.

The Party and Workers' Party have also moved out of the reason for the total amount of transparency and the right to know the right of informed reserve. They believe that the reserve is the money of the people. There is no reason not to let everyone know how much their deposits are.

In this regard, the refutation given by the party members of the People's Action includes: the total amount of public reserves is equivalent to the bright card. If it encounters exchange rate manipulation, economic blockade or war, it will let the enemy know where the limits of Singapore are;There is really no idea of ​​a reserve, why do you need to know the total.

Two opponents are not willing to show weakness, questioning whether the DAP insists on keeping the scale of the reserve, is it really necessary to prepare for the extreme situation, or to avoid people asking why the huge reserves have not invested more in this generation of Singaporeans in this generationEssence

Just when the two sides persisted in their own opinions, Prime Minister Li Xianlong rarely got up to participate in the debate and pulled everyone back to 1959.That year, the DAP government just came to power. Dr. Wu Qingrui, then financial minister, soon discovered that the treasury void and had to immediately implement tightening measures, including civil servants and ministers' salary reduction.

After 20 years of construction in Singapore, it started to accumulate reserves in the 1980s.Premier Li recalled that even at the time, our ancestors had expected the political pressure of the use of reserve in the future.

Premier Li, who has been in politics for 40 years this year, has not only witnessed the founding of the founding of the National Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew proposed in 1984 to set up a election president to master the second key to control the reserve, but also personally participated in the drafting of the white paper -made President -made president.

Premier Li mentioned that the White Paper was published in 1988. The DAP used it as the core issue of the national election that year, and set up a election president after the constitutional amendment was revised after the victory.

Premier Li will be handed over this year. This time I believe that he will speak for the reserve subject several times during his tenure.When he debated the reserve management method, he told those who thought that the worst situation would not happen in Singapore to "get real", and also issued the next election of the next election to the opposition party, asking them to use the reserve as a campaign

Premier Li said that the DAP believes that the current reserve management method is correct for Singapore."If any other party thinks this is not the right way, if they really think that we should allocate more reserves, then bring this subject to the voting box. Frankly tell you that you want to touch the reserve,Want to spend money and adjust the rules.

Li Guangyao and his colleagues were designed by the election president to hold the second key of the national reserve of the national reserve. Some people once said that it is impossible to "lock" the reserve, because as long as a generation wants to spend this money,, I will try to get it.In fact, the total reserves are not disclosed, and the treasury mobilization or motion is not moved. It is not a political party that can be dominated by the party. In the end, it is decided to return to the people in their hands.convince.