E -commerce platform Lazada announced that the layoffs were announced in early January this January this January this this January this January this January this January this year caused the union to be dissatisfied. After the Ministry of Human Department intervened, both parties to the labor and management reached a settlement to end the layoffs.Dr. Chen Shilong, Minister of Manpower, said in Congress on Monday (February 5) in Congress to answer questions that the incident showed the success of Singapore's labor and government cooperation model, and quickly found solutions with the joint efforts of trade unions, enterprises and governments.

If the same incident occurs in other countries, trade unions and enterprises may deal with it in confrontation, causing more contradictions and harming the long -term interests of all parties related to all parties.The guidance of this turmoil is that Lazada, as a company with a union, was notified of the Ministry of Human Ministry of the Ministry of Human Management within five working days according to regulations, but because he did not discuss with the trade union in advance, he was affected by the Singapore National Workers' Association and the National Employee Federation and the Singaporean Staff Association andLazada's food, beverages and industry Workers' Federation (FDAWU) publicly condemned and "unacceptable" of the company's behavior.The layout of Lazada employees can get two weeks of salary for each year for compensation, which meets the standards of two weeks to one month wages in the industry. However, after the trade union considers its financial situation, it feels that the amount of compensation is not enough.

Under the coordination of the Ministry of Human Ministry, the labor and management parties started a dialogue and reached a settlement on Sunday (February 4).According to the joint statement, in addition to providing better dismissal support for the affected trade union members, Lazada will also set up training funds to improve employment opportunities affected by trade union members affected by business transformation.

In Singapore, companies that hire at least 10 employees must notify the Ministry of Manpower when layoffs, otherwise they will be fined, but the law does not stipulate that the union must be notified.Even so, based on labor and capital mutual trust, many companies will notify the union in advance before layoffs.Enterprises cannot ignore the existence of unions, especially large -scale layoffs, and if they do not make reasonable planning for the affected employees, they may have negative social impacts and lead to more unemployment issues and other social challenges.Once there is a precedent, other companies will follow suit, which will destroy the unique harmonious relationship between the three parties of Singapore's labor and capital.

In the face of the global tide of layoffs, Singapore is difficult to be alone as an international corporate hub.According to the labor market report released on Wednesday (January 31) on Wednesday (January 31), Singapore's layoffs last year increased by more than double the previous year to 14,320, which was higher than the 6,440 in the previous year.Although the economic outlook for 2024 is expected to improve, the global economic downturn risk still exists, and the continuous reorganization of enterprises may lead to more layoffs this year.Elolcux, a Swedish home appliance manufacturer, will be reported earlier this month. It is estimated that 100 to 200 employees may be cut.

layoffs are the most direct means for enterprises to save expenses, but layoffs will affect employees' morale and corporate reputation. Neither of them will not help the future development of the enterprise. Therefore, the layoffs should not be used as a normal means to reduce costs.If it is not necessary to lay off the layoffs, it should be carried out in a responsible manner. Enterprises with unions should take the initiative to discuss with the union how to protect the interests of affected employees. In addition to reasonable compensation in money, they must cooperate with the union to assist affected employees with affected employees.Get the chance to be recruited.

Huang Zhiming, Secretary -General of the Vocational General Secretary, on Tuesday (February 6) at a press conference before the government issued a fiscal budget in 2024, and called for the intention to reorganize the union's layoff plan in advance so that the union can be discussed early to discuss it better.Discharge the supporting facilities and assist the affected employees through employment counseling.

Even if a company without a trade union should consult the opinions of the labor and government agencies before layoffs to ensure that the layoffs are objective and transparent, and provide as many support as possible for the affected workers.Openly and transparently explaining the cause of layoffs, communicating with affected employees, and explaining measures that may be taken in the next step, etc., will be of great benefit to both workers.To properly handle layoffs, it will not destroy the relationship between the Labor and Social Political Consultative Conference established by Singapore for a long time.