Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Author: Li Yanzhou

Recently, the contradiction between former Philippine President Duterte and the current President Marco has been publicized and intensified.Duterte even publicly threatened to promote his hometown and the old island of Mianlan in the south.

Different from Duterte and Marcos recently disagreed with the constitutional amendment.Marco said that the constitution was to relax foreign investment, but Duterte accused him of continuing to take power.With the deterioration of differences, at the press conference on January 31, Duterte threatened that he would promote the Mianlan island and the surrounding islands from the Philippines to establish a "independent Mianlan Old Island".

This statement triggered a strong rebound in the Philippine government.On February 4, local time, the Philippine national security adviser Edwardo Arnold issued a statement that vowed to use "resolute force" to counterattack any split attempts.But there is no specific name Duterte.

Duterte really wants to promote the "independence" of Mianlan island?

In response, the deputy dean of the School of International Relations of China Jinan University and the director of the Philippine Research Center, Dai Fan, analyzed the Hong Kong News Agency on the 5th that this must be shouting slogans, because whether it is from the Constitution or the public's psychological psychological psychological psychologyIt is difficult to go out of the Philippines from the Philippines.But Duterte was so troublesome to add pressure to Marcos. Even if Mianlan Old Island could not go out independently from the Philippines. If Duterte really wanted to make trouble, it would add a lot of trouble and obstacles to the Marco government.The purpose of Duterte was of course to force the Marco government not to force it step by step.In addition, the Philippines amended the Constitution. Generally, the House of Representatives needs to pass through three reads. It takes more than 2/3 of the Senate to pass it. Therefore, it is very difficult to modify the constitution in the Philippines.Moreover, the United States will not tolerate the division of the south of the Philippines. If the Philippines is too chaotic, the United States plans will not be implemented.

It is understood that Mianlan Old Island is the second largest island in the Philippines. It is located in the south of the Philippines and forms the three major islands of the Philippines with Luzon in the north and Misha.In recent years, Mianlan Old Island has attracted public opinion for exposing malignant events such as kidnapping and assassinations from time to time.

Why does Miannan Old Island have an independent tendency?

Dai Fan pointed out that Miannan island is the poorest area in the Philippines. The people's life here is very poor, and they must be dissatisfied with the central government.But Miannan Old Island is a large area, but Muslims in the southwest have requested independence.However, in the past few years, the Philippine government has established a form of federal government through the "Bangsasmoro" plan, which has initially solved the problem of independence in the southern region.But the independence of Muslims of the Muslims of Miannan and Duterte's "independence" is not the same.

Some analysts pointed out that due to the impact of colonial history, the government's policy errors on the old Mianlan region, and the international factors, the old Mianlan region has become a base for anti -government forces in the Philippines.Although the Philippines is a Catholic country, Mianlan is the main residential area of ​​Muslims in the Philippines.During the Philippines independence with the United States, the government's policy at that time had biased towards local Muslims and Catholics, which exacerbated national contradictions, and religious split forces and terrorist forces were waiting for the opportunity to penetrate.All parties with staggered dog teeth are playing here, laid hidden dangers for conflict.