When the results of the 2016 US presidential election were released, almost global political observer was surprised. Trump, who was previously known as "political amateur", actually defeated the wife of the former President Clinton and the Obama government period.Secretary of State Hillary, a professional politician with rich political experience.As Trump officially sworn in, he stepped up to the current election's commitment to voters in the current election, including improving the tariffs on foreign imports of goods to protect local enterprises, requiring US companies to return to the country to increase local employment, and withdraw from "TPP (Cross Pacific Ocean (Cross Pacific Ocean Ocean"Partnership Agreement)" "to seek re -negotiation with partners and ask partner countries to increase expenses on defense issues to reduce the burden on the United States.His came to the stage has brought a huge impact on the American society and the international community.Trump seems to be the "bad" fruit of the proud democracy of American society, and the outside world also gets an answer that seems to have explained in reflection -populism.

In the process of reflecting the "bad" fruit of the democratic system, "populist" often appears as a "cause", that is, with the encouragement of some "evil" politicians with ulterior motives, those who are driven by the public are driven by the public and are driven by the public.People without political judgment vote for them.After the politicians came to power, for their own political purposes, they adopted a supporting preference policy for the public, which eventually made social order chaos.This is the general narrative of the "populist" as an interpretation. Trump and Posonaro, Brazil, and the leaders of the right -wing populist party in Europe were supported by the people to take the stage or run. They were all given by this narrative.Director of explanation.

However, the orderly operation and benign development of society will not be guaranteed because of such a binary opposition, and the steps of the "populist" leader have not brought the opposite of better results.After the explanation of "populist" as the cause of social order became the mainstream, "populist" became a derogatory term. When people talked about it, they would also have a value criticism.But the real criticism should go further on this basis. If "populist" is the cause of the chaos of social order, what is the reason for "populism"?

What causes "populism"?The answer to this question is very important, especially in 2024, which is now known as the global election, in the upcoming Trump and Biden, they are likely to run on the same stage again, the European Parliament ushered in the official Brexit and Russia in the UK and RussiaUnder the background of the new round of elections after the outbreak of the Ukraine War, the influence of the Indo -Pacific situation, and the number of heavyweight elections such as India, the "populist" is used as a long -term existence in the international community and the order of new liberalism.The result of the response may be better than the reason why it takes the stage as an aggressive leader, which can avoid strategic misjudgments.

Of course, limited to ability and length, this article cannot answer this question, but "populism" is undoubtedly a systematic response of society itself to the existence and operation of the political, economic, and social order.As the "populist" of the result, it is similar to a social correction mechanism, just like it does not have a long -term support policy preference. The "populist" has no specific direction for society, but no one can ignore it.Only by facing it and analyzing the reason behind it can human society be self -repair and development.Therefore, in the context of the current two forces of "populism" and "critical populist", the reasons behind "populism" and "critical populism" are gradually growing, which is more important than criticizing the "populist" itself.

The author is an assistant researcher at Chengdu Sendong Research Institute