Uvaraja, who has chronic insomnia, anxiety, and emotional stress, replaced the post six times in nine years in the police force, and even took 286 days of sick leave and no one year.Pay leave, but colleagues and bosss have continued to support him over the years.

Minister of the Interior and Minister of Justice, Shang Morgan, also revealed that when the Minister of Minister issued a statement on Tuesday (February 6), it also revealed that before Suvaraja committed suicide, he was facing three criminal and disciplinary investigations.

According to Shang Morgan, Uvaraja was deeply troubled by chronic insomnia, and also had symptoms such as anxiety and depression.

In 2016, Different Boss of Yvaraja arranged for him and psychological consulting assistance.Since 2017, he has also sought psychological counseling many times due to chronic insomnia.

In January 2023, he appealed to work pressure, and a counselor gave him assistance.On February 16 of the same year, he was emotionally unstable after reporting to a new post, and he also accepted counseling from counselors and police psychological service departments.

Shang Morgan pointed out that from 2014 to 2023, Uvarlaja's average vacation for 120 days per year far exceeded the number of vacations he could enjoy.Nevertheless, his boss approved his application so that he had time to recover.

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In addition, Uvalaja conflict with his wife and family, and a few times alarmed the police.

Last April, the couple quarreled at home, and the wife was stopped by Uvaraja from going out and called the police for help.

On July 13th, his parents called the police, and Uvaraja was also accused of attacking his brothers for financial problems.Mother and grandma also called the police the next day.

The police launched an investigation on him under the time to prevent harassment and other crimes, and also conducted internal discipline investigations on his behavior that he did not follow sick leave.

In 2023, Uvarlaja was good at leaving his duties and refused to obey the order to complete the task. Only with the official three requirements, he returned to the team.

In fact, as early as 2016, he did not abide by the sick leave to attend the graduation ceremony of relatives and was given a verbal warning.

However, every time Yavaraja applies for transfer, his boss assisted and met his requirements as much as possible.He has changed different police station for more than nine years, and has changed six positions before and after.

Two of them, Uvarlaja reported that colleagues were worried that they would feel uncomfortable and apply for transfer after smoking and smoking electronic cigarettes in the workplace.

Although his performance was lower than the average level, his boss still gave him support and guidance.

The colleagues who had worked with Uvaraja were sad about his death, and at the same time disappointed his allegations.

Female colleagues: I have always encouraged Uvalaja to let go of the past unpleasant

One of the female colleagues who had partnered with him told that she had previously encouraged Uvarlaja to let go of her past unhappiness, but Uvaraja often did not go to work after the transfer, which disappointed her.

Another police officer arranged one -on -one interviews, often dinner in Yovaraja, and also sent blessings on his birthday.

Shang Mogan said that other colleagues also tried their best to provide Uvaraja assistance. In his absence class, sometimes he also gave up his original vacation return on duty.

"Many colleagues felt sad because of the death of Jovaraja, but many colleagues who helped him have other feelings. They did so much for him as a personal identity.All issues are pushed to colleagues and police teams, which is quite sad.

In response to the question of whether to dismiss Uvaraja, Shang Morgan said in response to Member Mu Renli (Wugaba Dato District) that the official compliance with a set of standards need to evaluate the performance of police officers for a while.If the police officer performs below a certain standard or lasts for many years, he will be dismissed.

However, the official will provide help as much as possible. If a person performs poorly, colleagues will give support to make him better.

In addition, if someone has raised allegations, professional and independent investigations must be launched, including the Internal Affairs Office of the Police Force, different departments or criminal investigation bureaus to conduct investigations.