Mirley believes that Argentina experience has proved that if measures to obstruct the free operation and competition of the market, the only possible destiny is poverty.North Korea's poverty is a socialist teaching material, and Venezuela is another case.World history does not provide cases of socialism that leads to economic prosperity. The successful experience of economic development in China and Vietnam is to take the market economy and develop a private economy.

Argentine President Mirley's speech at Davos this year was deafening. He preached to the world with the spirit of the Austrian school's Misseis and Hayek in the way of self -explanation.He warned that "the world is in danger."He attacked the main Western leaders who had abandoned the freedom mode and instead adopted different versions of collectivism.Tesla's founder Musk posted a complete video of Miller's speech on X. He praised: "It is a good explanation to make the country prosper."

The Milan speech has the practical significance of economic philosophy, and he wants to wake people's cherishment of the market economy and private ownership.The market economy, which is inseparable from private ownership, is the only way for human beings to promote economic development and create happiness for the people so far. There is no choice.

Douglass CECIL North in 1993's Nobel Prize winner of the Western world (The Rise of the Western World: A New Economic History) pointed out: "The wealth of Westerners is a new kind ofThe unique phenomenon.Economic and capitalist power.According to the research of Economist Delong University of Berkeley, 97%of human beings have been created under market economy conditions in the past 250 years.From 2000 to 2024, the market economy has spawned the information technology revolution, which has changed tremendous changes in human materials and spiritual life.

The Soviet Union provided a very convincing negative textbook for the market economy.The world's world of five major albums.Meet the needs of modern society.The Soviet Union banned the market forces to participate in the economy, which led to the economic and inferior products in production.These products are more suitable for the early stages of the industrial revolution, but they are not suitable for the current high -tech world.The Soviet Union sent astronauts into space, but could not solve food production and could not support their people.

Historical facts are accused of the Soviet Union as hell on earth

The characteristics of the Soviet Economic model are the planned economy based on public ownership.Combining with the planned economy is the high degree of political power of politics. What brings people to the people is hunger or even death. It is politically suppressing different voices and sending different opinions to concentration camps.From the second half of 1918 to the spring of 1921, the "during the war Communist policy" directly led to the Great Famine in 17 provinces of the Soviet Union in 1921, and even a tragedy of people.The history of Soviet farmers published in 1986 said that the famine caused a total of 1 million people.

The Soviet Rural Collective Movement led to insufficient food from 1930 to 1931. From 1932 to 1933, the total number of hungry people had 5 million to 7 million.From 1946 to 1947, the third big famine occurred in the Soviet Union, and the number of deaths decreased from the last two times.Hunger Russia and poverty are the standard configuration of socialism.

countries that implement a market economy have never occurred in large -scale deaths in the peaceful age.The lesson of the Soviet Union proves that socialism based on public ownership is a dead way, which proves that Misceis's assertion was as early as the 1930s.Michamus pointed out in the book of A FREE and Prosperous Commonwealth: "The only feasible system for human cooperation is the private ownership of production materials ... Socialism, as a social system including all means"Hayek's assignment of socialism and slavery, the harm of socialism is to stifle the vitality of individuals, so it is impossible to make scientific progress.According to today's perspective, it is impossible to innovate under the socialist system.

The history of the 20th century proves that Hayek said that socialism is the road to slavery.Therefore, even nationalists like Putin did not intend to return to the Soviet era, and even tried to criticize the harm that Lenin brought to the Soviet Union.When the 100th anniversary of the Russian October Revolution came in 2017, Putin's position and evaluation of Lenin and October Revolution were denied.The 20th -century Russian history (1894 to 2007) edited by Zubov used a large number of historical facts to accuse the Soviet Union created by Lenin as earth hell.In 2006, Pujing proposed the book as a historical textbook for Russia's 11th grade students.

Milai pointed out in his speech that collectivist experiments can never solve the problem of troubled citizens of the world.On the contrary, they are the culprits.He believes that no one can prove these two points than the Argentine."As early as 1860, after 35 years of freedom mode, we became the world's leading power. When we embraced collectivism in the past 100 years, we saw that our citizens began to systematically fall into poverty.Fall to 140th "

Mirley said in line with historical facts.In 1900, Argentina ranked seventh among the richest countries, but has fallen sharply since then, and most of the declines occur after World War II.For example, in 1929, Argentina's per capita GDP (GNP) was 50%higher than Austria, twice that of Italy, almost four times that of Japan.Today, its per capita output is equivalent to a small part of these countries.

Collectivism drags down Argentina

The turning point of Argentina's economy is the socialist policy implemented by Hu An Polon from 1946 to 1955.Peron found that socialist economic policies are easily accepted by more than half of Argentine.Therefore, he implemented trade protectionism to the outside world, nationalized public services to public services, and directly or through regulations to establish national management of most economic activities.At that time, the wave of socialism that swept most of Europe in Europe indirectly encouraged Pellon to promote national socialism, and capital and capitalists became ugly.Peron nationalized railways, airlines, bus, communications, foreign trade and energy.The state -owned economy has led to huge losses, poor services, and a huge deficit in the state.In terms of foreign trade, Argentina products are not competitive in the international market.

In 1955, the Pellon regime was overthrown by military coup, but Argentina's socialism continued in different forms.Pellonism's socialism continues to become an obstacle to developing Argentina's economy, leading Argentina to become a living textbook for the "Latin American trap" (secondary income trap).

Milai believes that advocating fair socialists reduced social freedom through a heavy tax burden through the state.The decline in freedom leads to the smaller cakes of the entire society.Because the market is the process of discovery, exploration and rewards of capitalists.Collective suppression of these discovery processes, eventually restrained the hands and feet of entrepreneurs, hindering them to provide better goods and services at better prices.

Hayek's book leading to the road to Serfdom pointed out that advocating socialism is the profit of a certain interest groupBenefits.The objective fact is that under the Soviet socialist system, bureaucrats enjoy various privileges that ordinary people cannot reach.The planned economy divides citizens into three, six -nine, etc., and bureaucrats become parasites for squeezing the people. They then deceive them through public opinion to let the bottom people praise high -level bureaucrats.

Milai believes that Argentina experience proves that no matter how rich you are, how much natural resources, how the population technology, how many gold bars or banks have, if you adopt the free market, competition, price system, trade, trade, trade, trade, trade, trade, trade, trade, trade, tradeMeasures with ownership of private property, the only fate is poverty.North Korea's poverty is a living textbook for socialism, and Venezuela is another case of poverty caused by socialism.

World history has not provided socialist cases that lead to economic prosperity. The successful experience of economic development in China and Vietnam is to take the market economy and develop a private economy.Both Misse and Hayek believe that socialism cannot solve the insufficient power and information of the economy.The closer the relationship between the main body of economic activities and the economic benefits, the more motivated the economy is. This power requires the guarantee of the private property system.Inadequate information has caused the planned economy to fail even under artificial intelligence conditions.There are many disadvantages of the market economy, but these shortcomings are better than that socialism seriously hinders poverty caused by productivity development.

The author is a commentator in Shanghai, China