The Ministry of the Interior's multi -pronged approach provides psychological health support to the staff of the internal affairs team, including providing psychological counseling services, a planned counselor plan, a 24 -hour help line, and related services provided by the external agencyassistance.

The Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Justice, Shang Morgan, on Tuesday (February 6), issued a statement of Minister of Minister of the Male Police Officer Yvaraja's suicide incident that the personnel of the internal team seeking psychological health assistance are kept secret, and there is no need to reportSupervisor.

The personnel of the internal affairs team also attended seminars and courses to respond to operation and work pressure, so that they can be more sensitive to common mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, suicide, and know what hotline for help.

In October of October, the psychological service group of the internal affairs team organized a one -month event, aiming to let everyone know the importance of mental health and self -care, and where to ask for help.

Most Morgan said that these methods and culture have been in the years for many years.

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After the statement of the Minister of Morgan issued a statement, Sun Xueling, Minister of the Minister of Social and Family Development, further explained the efforts of the Ministry of the Interior to promote the mental health of the team.

She said that the Ministry of the Interior pays attention to the mental health and well -being of the personnel of the internal affairs team.In order to ensure the privacy of the personnel and let them help them with peace of mind, they do not need to report the services related to psychological health.

Officials have also introduced various measures and strengthened publicity, raised the understanding of the internal team's understanding of psychological health, and granted the knowledge of stress to inform the relevant help hotline.The official also arranged for the personnel who just joined the team to participate in the resilience workshop and mental health courses to learn the pressure of various actions and work.

Arrange psychologists to offer suicide courses

In addition to arranging psychologists to offer suicide courses, the official also started courses for competent in charge to teach them how to counsel subordinates.

Official regular review of these courses and plans to ensure that they meet new development trends and interventional measures.

Sun Xueling said that the Ministry of the Interior has about 29,000 personnel, with different backgrounds. The official attaches great importance to and respects the benefits brought by the multiple teams. It is also aware that it is not easy to maintain the harmony of the workplace in a diverse environment.

"We are committed to strengthening mutual trust and acceptance between employees, promoting differences in tolerance, and eliminating any form of prejudice and racial discrimination."

She pointed out that an effective internal affairs team must have a team spirit. As a result, the official attaches great importance to and encourages leaders to strengthen the cohesion of the team, and cultivates the internal team to pay attention to and respect the diversified workplace culture.