In July 2023, the male police officer Ywaraja, who had suffered racial discrimination, bullying and exclusion of the police for the police for nine years, the performance evaluation was treated in unfairly, and the unjust behavior was covered up.The allegations are not true, and the person involved in the true allegations has been punished.After reviewing the investigation report, the General Procuratorate confirmed that there was no problem, and there was no need to take further action.

The Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Justice, Shang Morgan, issued a statement on Tuesday (February 6) for the first official investigation results on the charges caused by the suicide of Uvaraja S/O Gopal in Congress to publicize the official investigation results for the first time.

The 36 -year -old male police officer Uvarraja was found on July 21, 2023 and found the 393rd House floor of Yisun 6.During his lifetime, he stated on Facebook that he had been discriminated against and crowded out on the police force, which attracted attention.

After the incident, the Police Force's internal affairs department set out to investigate the allegations of Uvaraja, read the documents and records of the past, and summoned many relevant witnesses, including the police officers.The police subsequently submitted the investigation report to the General Procuratorate, and the prosecution unit finally determined that there was no need to take action.

Shang Mogan said that Yavaraja's family members knew the results of the investigation and also understood the position of the official investigation results.

Uvarlaja joined the police in 2014 until 2023. In more than nine years, four major charges, namely, were covered up by the boss and colleagues racial discrimination or bullying, and the improper behavior of colleagues was affected by unfair treatment.Performance assessment and crowded by colleagues, but most of the allegations were not established, and the true allegations have adopted the police officer involved in action.

Officials seriously look at all allegations and will be thoroughly investigated

Shang Morgan emphasized that the official seriously treats all the allegations, and once any allegations related to the police have occurred, they will be thoroughly investigated.If a police officer is confirmed, it will be punished.

However, if the allegations are not true, the official will not hesitate to maintain the police team."If the allegations that do not meet the facts continue to expand, it will not only crack down on the morale of the police officers, but also weaken the public's trust in the police."

Most Morgan said that it is not easy to maintain law and order around the world.From the United States, Britain, and other countries, the public can also see the trust of the police and the morale of the police forces.

Take the UK as an example. Last year, a survey showed that 87%of the police felt a low morale or very low. Seven people per 10 people did not recommend others to join the police.The influence of the local government.

In the United States, the public's confidence in the police in 2022 was only 45%. The US law enforcement agency also revealed last year that officials are facing a "historic crisis" in recruitment and retaining staff last year.

Shang Morgan said that the police teams around the world are facing more and more challenges, including the law gradually weakening law enforcement, and increasing difficulties in arrest, investigation, control, and conviction.

Insufficient salary, internal corruption issues, and attacking the police's unfair attacks are also challenges.

"We must avoid the above situations that occur in Singapore and ensure that the police forces continue to gain public trust."

In Singapore, the police will be handled and raised publicly once the crime is committed.For example, a police supervisor was charged with alcohol driving last year, and another police officer was convicted by more than 200 yuan.

"In many countries, the police offer these crimes will never be exposed, and the police discovered by drunk driving will not be charged, but in Singapore, we will be charged because we seriously treat the crime police officer."

Shang Morgan: Do not let the police force be a scapegoat in public debate

The internal political team has about 29,000 personnel and 7,700 full -time national service personnel.Among them, the police team has 10,000 regular police officers and 4,000 full -time national service personnel.

Most Morgan said that the criminal police officers only accounted for very few, and most police officers were honest, upright and team spirit.

Shang Morgan emphasized that officials are not allowed to be staged in Singapore in Singapore, nor will the police and public service departments become critical lambs in public debates."If the police officer did not do it wrong, we will clarify the facts and firmly defend them."

Congress on Wednesday (7th) continues to debate to promote the mental health motion.