The recent piano industry crisis has become a hot topic in China.Many media articles imply that the changes in the middle -class family model under economic pressure.Is the financial consideration of family finance really the main reason for the heat cooling of piano?I think of another "ebb" thing -suit.Have you noticed that in the past 20 years, the suit has gradually "disappeared" from the daily life of Chinese people. Why is this?Perhaps the change of social style is the pusher behind the phenomenon.

The piano instrument has an advantage: it can play a pleasant melody during the entry stage; its sound range is wide and strong; its keys in order to be distributed, which helps beginners to intuitively understand the abstract music theory rules.These are "easy to use" that parents often say.In terms of spending, there are many different levels of piano consumption. As far as ordinary families are concerned, some parents have calculated the cost of their children to learn the piano.On average, 15,000 yuan per year, which is lower than this number.Therefore, there is no need to connect the identity of the piano to the middle class.But objective conditions are not enough to support people's choices, and ordinary people are largely impressed by cultural psychology.

Piano fever was now in the 1980s, and the spirit of the times did not need to be repeated.I ask an interesting question: If you let you say a few movies with the theme of piano and the theme of violin, will you think the former is easier?My original memory of the piano comes from the Taiwanese TV series in the water side, and the three sisters of the Song family mentioned by my mother when they were young will play the piano.This is actually a side of the popularization of piano culture.Social imitation at different levels -imitation idols from the screen and gain value recognition from daily chat -a cultural fashion will spread.

In terms of cultural psychology, the piano represents an elegant temperament, which makes people vaguely associate with its lifestyle; the vague understanding of socio -economic aspects is also in this association, because after all, in history, in history, in history, in history, in history, in history, in history, in history, in history, in history, in history, in history, in history,Piano is a utensil owned by a wealthy family.Learning the piano is a kind of skill. It is necessary to learn hard and practice hard, so it will also bring a sense of moral superiority.

People's life practice is driven by the imagination of life, and life imagination is based on the vague view of the current reality.This picture usually requires some realistic "skeleton" as support to distinguish the meaningful ideal and pure fantasy.Ordinary people will build skeleton with reference to the values ​​of some social communication to ensure that their efforts do not fall into nothingness, and these values ​​often form formed by some specialized utensils or activities. It can be said that the utensils give people a sense of identity.

"Retreatment" of the suit

If you walk on the streets of Chinese cities today, say that the suit disappears, it is not too much.However, the tide of suits not only happened in China, but also in western society.The popularity of Chinese suits and the prosperity of the piano can be said to be completely parallel, but the trajectory of the subsequent development is different.

At that time, adult men usually prepare a set of "decent clothes", that is, suits. At that time, men almost had no "decent clothes" to choose from, so that the suit was all over the streets for a while.Special cheap suits have gradually appeared in the market, and even some people are wearing "suits" when they are engaged in physical labor.By the mid -to -late 1990s, the suit was worth the identity value, but there was a wave of waves in first -tier cities around 00.This wave of recovery is accompanied by two major social changes. One is that the country no longer implements employment distribution of college students, and the other is that the number of students returning to job hunting for job jobs has increased sharply.After that era, it was known that in the age when many people looked at the occupations of civil servants and teachers, people were specially sought after by foreign companies and Western corporate culture.Wearing a suit is associated with a specific identity again.

But this trend suddenly came, because the whole world is changing.The so -called "new middle -class" refers to those who work in emerging industries, especially the IT technology industry and have obtained higher salary. They are different from traditional manufacturing and financial industries.The new technology industry has also created a special community culture.Silicon Valley is a highly diverse community. In terms of dress, the Internet factories tend to be tolerant, and there is no requirement for employees whether they are formal.

The inherent value of Silicon Valley Cultural Master Wisdom and Creation also weaken dependence on traditional cultural symbols.Silicon Valley Culture has also coordinated with left -wing politics in Europe and the United States since the end of the last century. The "new middle class" is represented by high -level intellectuals. It has been established with the concepts of intellectual value, global democracy and openness, and has achieved extensive impact.This cultural style also uses the style of globalization to the world, including the cultural communication of multinational companies, as well as the demonstration role of industry elites (such as the dress style of Jobs, Zuckerberg and others).I personally went to IBM Shanghai in 2002. I did not wear a suit. I also remember that in 2004, the famous philosopher Rocy gave a speech at Fudan University, saying that more than 90%of American intellectuals were left.

Different suit and piano

The background of the suit and the piano in China is consistent, and the development trajectory is different, which stems from the inherent differences between the two.

Wearing a suit does not require any special skills, it is the most fundamental difference between it and the piano.As a pure external expression, and through the style of cultural globalization, the suit was quickly abandoned by the Chinese.Piano performance, as a hard technique, is less likely to fade, and the fading of piano heat must be slow and limited.However, no matter the suit or the piano, it has specific symbolic values ​​in the past few decades. It is the skeleton that people shake their lives of their lives when they are within reach, and represent the understanding of a beautiful and meaningful life.Interestingly, the ebb of the two is both the result of globalization, but in some ways, it is also a choice against globalization.In fact, the concepts like globalization are often attached to subtle and specific life choices in reality, penetrating into the capillaries of society.These subtle specific levels are often blurred by the border, and it is difficult to judge.

The author is a teacher of the opera school affiliated to the Shanghai Academy of Drama