The election every five years reminds that the ruling party must be careful to control the country to take care of the people, and also reminds that every citizen must understand that the small country must not "replace people to do" trial and error space for trial and error space.Essence

The difficulties of the difficulty of politics and the population of the Pigram after the launch of the Lianhe Morning Post (January 29th Edition), got the attention and reprint of regional netizens. In the social media message area of ​​related articles, in addition to many affirmation and likes,There are also oppositional words such as "now is about corruption cases, what are you saying in politics", "Is there a difficulty in politics, is there a kind of difficulty? So high salary, no salary for land".Lianhe Zaobao · Speech also published an article that Mr. Ji Yan's objection that populism could not be deducted on February 1.

Humblewen mentioned, "If there is no empathy and tolerance for thinking, related topics can easily fall into the vocal war of populist traps", now unfortunately.Singapore is a secular society with a diverse and diverse value. On the premise of obeying relevant laws, there is a space for public opinion that "I don't agree with your point of view, but I defend your right to speech free".I am not a person in the system, nor is it a member of the People's Action Party. The meaning of writing is to try to explore the sensitive issues of related politics and high salaries from a relatively neutral third -party perspective.For objections, in the principles of rational and middle -Taoism, I am willing to make a few clarifications here.

First, not everyone can wear a populist hat.Populism can also be translated into civilian and popularity. It is one of the most accurate definitions in social science vocabulary. It is not a derogatory vocabulary.In the history of Indian history, the non -violence and non -resistance movement of Gandhi can be classified as populism of righteousness.Compared to the arrogant eliteism such as "why not eat meat", populism is a good term.If the populism is metaphorized into a tool, the key to judging good or bad is who is using, and the method and purpose of use.Just as a art knife, in the hands of the sculptor, it is a tool for creating art, and in the hands of robbers, a crime weapon.Similarly, if the populist is metaphorized to clothing, this hat is not suitable for everyone, and of course there is no condition that can be buckled in a hats.

In recent years, populism has more negatively impressed the world because some countries around the world do not belong to the civilians of the world have repeatedly used populist election language anti -traditional anti -construction systems, and obtained "curve overtaking" to obtain "curve overtaking".Election victory and political interests.

Just as Ye Pengfei, director of Lianhe Zaobao's speech, mentioned in the spring of the article: populist is a state of abnormal democracy. Once the operation fails, the mutual trust of the mainstream elites and the general public.The characters of Tianxing Road ", with a keen political smell, through passionate speeches, transforming the common complaints of political capital, challenging mainstream elites and replacing them.

Second, career does not distinguish from expensive, and success cannot be defined by others.The president of Singapore's company not only has a dazzling "migrant emperor" like TIKTOK's capital, Gao Bude of the Star Show Group, but also a large number of small and medium -sized businessmen.Survival pressure on various enterprises.Similarly, in addition to the cabinet members who are on the road to politics, they also include a large number of civil servants. The political people do not have the grand narrative of "social status and influence on the entire human history" (Ji Wen). Many of them are many of them.The whole career may be just "I will do this work" and become a behind -the -scenes contributor to serve the people.

There is no distinction between career and low occupation, and it is better to be in business in politics. Everyone should find the direction and the goal of struggle in the road of life.As a book administrator, you can get mental prosperity by spreading knowledge; as a miscellaneous rice stall owner, you can build a reputation by bringing a delicious economy to the neighborhood, and gradually expand the business layout, even like the food group Liang Yuan,The material listing of the miscellaneous rice company is rich.Whether it is realistic or rich in material, you can define itself as a winner in life.The Singapore government's consistent practice is to create a "overall rising electric escalator" -like tolerance society, ensure social liquidity, and give losers for the second or even third opportunities to ensure that no one falls behind.

The future of the country's good politics depends on the younger generation of Singapore.A professional plan for a graduate college student can be "becoming a grass -roots civil servant -head of department -head of department -member of the departments -member of the Cabinet", but when this excellent young man has many occupations in front of this, if the cabinet has Zhang Zhixian, Zhang ZhixianThe "difficulty of politics" mentioned in the Congress statement has been considered: on the road to politics, you must face many personal sacrifices. For example, personal words and deeds are amplified and examined under the spotlight.Solution; if necessary, the privacy information of individuals and families must be disclosed, lack of private space and time, and often abandon the valuable growth time to accompany the family.Under the "temptation" of this young talent in the private sector and higher personal life freedom, will he still choose the road of politics?

Third, everyone is equal before the law.As a country ruled by law, regardless of the prime minister, minister, driver or clerk, everyone is equal in front of the law.A suspect who was charged to the court had the right to use various legal tools to wash his crimes for himself; even if he was convicted by the court, there was an option to appeal and plead.Don't be indifferent to the foundation of the rule of law.Before the case was settled, whether it was the upper will of "I am the law", or the unruly first judgment of the unruly judgment of the "public opinion drool drowning suspects" was unacceptable. The ultimate anti -rule of evil consequences would be borne by the whole society.

The case of former Minister of Transport Yi Huaren has entered the judicial procedure, so let the law determine the final direction of the case.Prior to this, what was impressed by the region and Chinese people was the insistence of the party's party as the Singaporean ruling party as the Singaporean ruling party, as well as the resoluteness of corruption zero tolerance.According to the latest 2023 integrity index announced by the International Anti -Corruption Organization, Singapore ranks fifth among 180 countries and is the only Asian country to enter the top 10.

Fourth, there is no room for making mistakes in small countries. From excellence to mediocrity, it is only one step away.High -paying and clean government is a unique political system established by the founder of the founder of the country. After the four generations of leadership, it has been proven to be effective.However, some people usually split the "high salary" and "clean government", and there is a popular populist topic of "high salaries".Speaking.In this regard, the founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yao personally responded to this pseudo -proposition: From the perspective of the number of wage income, "I may be the person with the highest salary among the world's government leaders", but he also said, "From the actual treatment, I might may beIt is the poorest prime minister among the world's government leaders. "

Taking Trump as an example. After he became the president of the United States with populist speculation, he claimed to abandon the annual salary of about $ 400,000 (about S $ 53,400), but the first 80 days after he took office, it was in the first 80 days after taking office.Haihu Manor, a subsidiary of its own group, six weekends.The travel fee borne by the US taxpayer is as high as US $ 21.6 million, which has surpassed the total eight -year term of Obama's eight -year term.In Singapore, the Prime Minister not only has to eat a hawker gourmet, but also needs to queue it yourself, but also to buy a ticket to watch a concert.

As a small country that lacks natural resources and geographical space, the foundation of Singapore's survival lies in high -quality human resources and relatively abundant national reserves.It is a social contract between the ruling parties and the people with a solid social contract with top talents to govern the country, manage the country, and share economic development with all Chinese people.Each ruling member must personally meet the voters and listen to the demands of the people. At the same time, the inspection of people's votes at least once every five years makes the government do not have room for arrogance.

Singapore has also had Liu Chengqiang and Zhan Shi Middle Outstanding Opposition Party.But it is worthwhile that Singapore should not have politicians who manipulate civilianism, such as "I can receive lower salary can also govern the country", "cancel consumption tax", "sharing the country for the whole people to share the country throughout the countrySpeechs such as reserve surplus ". In the Internet era, you can be a" election day "every day. The populist can attract the attention and grow loudly. It is no wonder that some opponents are willing to take the shortcut and try it out.

The election every five years reminds that the ruling party must be cautious to control the country to take care of the people. It also reminds that every citizen must understand the trial and error space for small countries without "replacement".In history, there are lessons that a small country because of policy errors or top -level corruption, which has led the country to lessons from excellence to mediocre or even decline.For Singapore's thousands of generations, we must prevent the micro -ducts similar to errors.

The author is the president of the Asia -Pacific Regional Enterprise Group