Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Author: Li Yanzhou

The Red Sea crisis continues to spread.After the outbreak of Pakistani conflicts in October last year, the Massache Armed Forces and the United States and Britain repeatedly had military conflicts in the Red Sea, causing many people to die.

On the evening of February 3, local time, the United States Allied Forces launched a new round of air strike against 13 targets of 13 places in the Hussean armed control area.Subsequently, Muhammad Bukahadi, a member of the Hascean Armed Politburo, issued a statement saying that Hussean armed forces will continue to the Israeli military operations until Israel's aggression against the Gaza Strip stops.No matter how much sacrifice is paid.

Why dare to directly conflict with the two military powers of the Hussean directly with the United States and Britain?

The Hussean Armed Forces, also known as the Yamen Armed Religious Organization, was an Anti -Government Organization and was established in 2004.In 2010, the Houthi Armed Forces signed a ceasefire agreement with the Yemen government, but after the outbreak of the "Arab Spring" in 2011, the Hassas Armed Forces launched the anti -government rebellion again.In 2015, the outbreak of the Civil War in Yemen, Husseam armed forces took the opportunity to seize the control of Yemen.

After the new round of Pakistani conflicts in October last year, Israel conducted a more resolute military strike to eliminate Hamas.At the same time, Yemenhase armed forces used drones and missiles to attack the target of red seawater.Since January 12 this year, the United States and the United Kingdom have launched an air raid on the Houthi armed targets, causing many people and injuries.

Red Sea is an important channel connecting Europe in the Asia -Pacific region, and is the most convenient maritime trade channel between Eurasia.Red Sea tensions upgraded to the global supply chain chain reaction, and a large number of shipping companies changed the trading route, causing concerns that the market was concerned about the higher inflation and the interruption of supply.

Although the Houthi armed forces are only regional non -governmental organizations in Yemen, they have a huge arsenal arsenal and dare to compete with the United States and Britain.Why is the Horse armed forces so confident?

Niu New Year, a professor at the National Arab National Institute of Arabia at Ningxia University, told Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency that the contradiction between the Houthi armed forces and the United States has a long history.Since the occurrence of the Houthi armed forces, its basic ideology is anti -American and anti -Israel.Before the United States sanction it, it has no good way to counterattack the United States.This time the Hassas armed for the opportunity to interfere with shipping in the Red Sea area, on the grounds of supporting Hamas and forcing Israel to stop military operations in the Gasha area.The legislative armed forces want to establish its legitimacy and prestige in Yemen and Arabia, and even the global Islamic world. Anti -American is a shortcut.

Niu New Year pointed out that the Houthi armed forces also have a certain strength.At that time, it compiled many government military personnel and weapons, and has smuggled many weapons from abroad in recent years.Of course, compared with the military power of the United States, it is still far worse.The problem is that the United States is on the sea, Marcels on the land, and the geographical location is good. It is near the Red Sea Mande Strait. It is easy to attack past vessels.In addition, there are mountainous areas in the north of Yemen, and Houthi armed forces can hide in the cave to escape the US military's air strikes.In this case, the United States wants to solve the problem alone through the air.

According to public information, the Houthi armed forces have a huge arsenal, including the P-15M "termit" anti-ship missile with a range of 80 kilometers.The "Asle" and "Tankir" ballistic missiles with a range of 450 to 500 kilometers can make greater danger to American warships.

But will the United States send ground troops to deal with Houthi armed forces?

In this regard, the view of Niu New Year is that this is unlikely.Because the U.S. forces have withdrawn from Iraq in 2011, the United States has not sent ground forces in the Middle East.The U.S. military should not launch a ground war against Husser, because the cost is too high and the price is too high, but if it is only air strike, the strike effect is also very limited.