What are the important political signals released by the Dollar Star Action?Of course not the beginning of the American civil war.Prior to the 2024 election, instead of saying that it was like the Civil War, it was better to be more like the Southeast of the late Qing Dynasty.EssenceThis action was warned to the Biden government: We have enough to go to your backward.

Now the world is paying attention to the future trend of Bedden -Harris government in the U.S. Lone Star.

At 1 pm on January 25th, Biden officially requested that the state police guards from the border within 24 hours of the state of Dezhou, allowing the border patrol team to enter the retracting wire.Governor of Dezhou immediately launched the Operation Lone Star to fight against Bayendon's order. 25 states issued joint letters to support the state and accused the Bayeng government of violation of constitution.A few hours before the end of the ultimatum of Biden -Harris, after the ultimatum, it was rushed to issue a "economic sanctions order" (banned new natural gas export projects) in Dezhou, and is now in a quiet state.

Biden's open border is intended to build a Democratic Party ticket warehouse

This conflict starts from the Bayeng government to let go of the border and welcome illegal immigrants to enter the United States.In the past three years, the official statistics of the United States have reached 14.7 million illegal immigrants, and the state adjacent to Mexico was the first place of victimized.Under normal circumstances, about 5,000 illegal immigrants enter the state every day. It is said that there are more than 6 million in three years, which makes the state that the total population is only 30 million.Governor Greg Abbott has to send more than 95,000 immigrants to asylum cities including New York, Chicago, Washington, San Francisco, Bayeng's hometown of Tellahua.People complained.In the summer of 2023, Abbot decided to set up a 48 -kilometer spiral ring blade iron mesh in the Grand River near Eagle Pass.Prevent shiplinks closer to ships.

On July 26, 2023, Biden asked the Ministry of Justice to publish a 25 -page document, requiring Texas to demolish floating barriers and iron wires.Causes "incurable damage".Biden emphasized that the Federal "Immigration Law" was better than the law of the state, and ordered the federal army to cut these iron wires.Dezhou ignored the ban and continued to set up the wire mesh to be tough.

Why do the Democratic Party welcome illegal immigrants so?There is no reason for him to build the party's ticket warehouse.This can be known from illegal immigrants to enter the United States.

In October 2023, Texas sued the Bayeng government to the Fifth Circuit Court, accusing the federal government from destructing some settings of more than 29 miles of iron mesh to prevent illegal cross -border.Maintain the efforts of border security.In late December, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal made a ruling to prevent the federal government from "damaging, destroying or interfere with other iron wire fences near Eglpas in Kassas".On January 2 this year, the Biden government's judicial department requested the Supreme Court to intervene in legal disputes with Dezhou.

25 State Solidarity against the Federal Government

On January 22, the US Supreme Court Justice ruled 5-4 votes: temporarily allowed federal law enforcement officers to demolish the border wire mesh set up by the state.However, some legal experts pointed out that the Supreme Court was wrongly sentenced to the case of the Federal Federal Federation. One is that only the Constitution Chapter 6 "The Federal Law is greater than the state law" without considering the protection of the state in the first, second, and fourth chapters.It is exempted from the right to invading and the request for law enforcement by the president.Second, in this judgment, the High Court did not even ask the state to suspend the construction of the wire. The five judges who supported the federal government did not explain one explanation, and the four of the opponents also said nothing.

On January 25, Biden issued an order to ask Dezhou to take over the border of the border patrol team of the Land and Land Security Agency within 24 hours. Abbot subsequently issued a statement that Biden violated Article 4 of the United States Constitution.The "federal government is responsible for protecting the responsibility for invasion of various states", and has not fulfilled the duties of the constitution to protect the states from invading, and triggers the launch of Article 1 of Chapter 1 of the US Constitution.This clause stipulates that if a state is invaded, it has the right to enter martial law and take action without considering Congress or government.Then, Abbot ordered the Dezhou National Guard, the Ministry of Public Safety, and other institutions to exercise self -defense and defense invasion.

This move, known as the "Lone Star Action", not only was united in the state's political circles. Vice Governor Dan Patrick and Federal Senator Cruz made their support. Former President Trump and the current House Speaker Johnson immediately expressed support for support., Also get the rapid solidarity of 25 states.25 governors jointly signed a joint statement to support Aobut to exercise the state's "constitutional self -defense right", of which 10 states said they would send the National Guards to help the state.

Robert Kennedy (former President Kennedy family member) who ran for an independent candidate also publicly expressed support for Dezhou.The Truck Driver Association launched thousands of trucks to Texas to form a truck to help protect the border. Social media also supported the Lone Star Action.

Some Democratic members of the Democratic Party demanded the White House to bring the state's command to the National Guard to the Federal Federal, but this is almost impossible.It is rumored that Bayeng sought the military opinion, but the military stated that he would not intervene, and the border patrol team of the Ministry of Land and Safety also said publicly that he would not conflict with the National Guard of Texas.Biden was in isolated, and had to find a step before the end of the ultimatum, and announced that he had sanctions on Economic Economic Economic. The federal government suspended the approval of new liquefied natural gas export projects; and natural gas and oil were the main economic pillar of Dezhou.

Abbot responded to this: Biden's decision to freeze liquefied natural gas exports threatened the economy of Texas and the US economy.

Many articles talk about the particularity of Texas.Dezhou was the first state to join the US State (State) directly as a member of an equal league.Moreover, according to the constitution of the state, the people of Dezhou have the right to reform or abolish the federal government, and legally separate from the Federality and independence.

Dezhou has its own army. At present, there is a reorganized Army division, two army combat brigades, an air force combat brigade, an air transportation brigade, seven independent groups, and a large number of logistics personnel and reserve.Dezhou GDP (GDP) is US $ 2.5 trillion (about S $ 3.35 trillion). It is the eighth largest economy in the world and is the third largest oil production area in the world after Russia and Saudi Arabia.

Public opinion behind the lone star action

However, the confrontation between the Dazhou and the federal government on the issue of illegal immigration is not here (referring to financial resources), but in an interview with Fox News: "The error is that when we do what the American people want to do, go with our army on our border. "He said nothing, that is, the fact.On January 18, Harvard -Harrison polls announced that polls asked voters: "What are the primary problems in the United States?" The result shows that the proportion of focusing on immigration is the first, accounting for 35%;Rising or inflation accounts for 32%; the third is economic and employment, accounting for 25%; fourth is crime and drug, accounting for 16%.The overseas war that the Biden government was keen on the list was on the list with the Harbin War, ranking 15th, and 7%of voters expressed their attention.

What are the important political signals released by the Douzhou Lone Star Action?Of course not the beginning of the civil war. Before the general election in 2024,Rather than saying that it is more like the Northern and Southern War, it is more like the mutual protection of the Southeast in the late Qing Dynasty. The local governor believes that the Qing court frequently chaos and no longer be consistent with the central government.This action was warned to the Biden government: We have enough to go to your backward.For the left camp, the United States needs to return to the track of constitutional government. It needs clean elections and will no longer tolerate the large -scale public fraud in 2020.For the Federal Supreme Court, it is tantamount to statement: To maintain the authority of the Supreme Court, you must rely on the judge to adhere to the constitution itself.

The author is a Chinese economist in the United States