The death of Kissinger's high life can be regarded as a perfect merit, and it is still funeral in China.As soon as Kissinger died, the New York Times immediately published a sharp comment.As far as the author knows, intellectuals in other countries have basically held negative evaluations of Kissinger, arguing that he is cold -blooded, profit -seeking, opportunism, and no morality.

It is not surprising that Chinese officials have a complete positive evaluation of Kissinger, because Kissinger is indeed a very positive and intelligent role in promoting the contact between China and the United States and the final realization of the relationship.Although this role is also implemented and played under the strategic decision of President Nixon to reverse the global strategic decision.

But what surprises the author is that Long -term Life and Work in the United States , a high probability is a Chinese social science scholar who has already entered the United States.In Kissinger's "band float", the evaluation made is basically limited to the "Kissinger's contribution is to improve Sino -US relations, so Kissinger is worthy of commemoration" this extremely simple logic.If this logic comes from the general network readers and current affairs followers in China, of course, it is not surprising, because Chinese officials have already received countless enthusiastic receptions and highly evaluating Kissinggg, and praise and commemoration have long become clichés.

However, Chinese and American citizens who use English as their main working language, especially historians who are the most good at historic and context, whether it is necessary to repeat this kind of no new praise, or "Kissinger and Zhou Enlai connected the two worlds of China and the United States in 1972, laying a common and unspoken view for China's later reform and opening up. "As an important conclusion, it is doubtful.

If you criticize further, it can also be said that Kissinger and Zhou Enlai (more accurately is Nixon and Mao Zedong), which is the geopolitical adjustment made by the two sides under the specific geographical pressure of the time, andIt is impossible to predict the later "reform and opening up" without consideration; in 1972, the "correlation" (rather than causal relationship) between Nixon's visit to China and China can indeed be connected and interpreted by historians in the future., But it is necessary to attribute the credit to Kindinger's individual, which may be overly.

In the author's opinion, such an evaluation involves whether a social science worker can jump out of the mainstream propaganda discourse of the original country and truly realize the independence and spiritual independent of the individual.Precious trait.Here, the author does not think that living in the United States for more than 30 years, and even Chinese scholars who have become American citizens should be regarded as a real sense."Chinese scholar".

Can't judge through "Bottle Full of China"

More importantly, scholars who think and write in English, the global academic language in English, should stand in the global framework and think and evaluate a complex and multi -faceted American historical figures instead of still through.Long Yingtai referred to the "full of Chinese bottle" (editor: refers to Long Yingtai's prose full of "China China China" bottle) to judge.

According to the praise that the author currently sees, it may be easy for other readers of non -China to produce a Chinese Chinese scholar who does not care how the American mainstream looks at Kissinger, and does not care how people in other countries see Kissingh.Kissinger has participated in improving Sino -US relations and indirectly promoted the later reform and opening up. He has reached China again and again, and regardless of the purpose of the next time, he is the impression of a saint who cannot be offended.

This perspective not only simplifies the character Kissinger, makes it single and flat, but also makes the values ​​of Chinese scholars from the mainstream of the United States and the world.The incident and the only international relationship that exists, regards China's reform and opening up (essentially returning to a more normal society from an extreme state) as the only human affairs.If Chinese scholars in the West cannot jump out of this narrow "full of Chinese boxes" and jump out of the perspective of improving Sino -US relations as the only criteria for evaluating characters, it may be difficult to truly have global dialogue with deep thought.

Of course, the author understands that humanities and social sciences are fundamentally researching personnel, and cannot completely get rid of the projection of personal experience and values. However, scholars should avoid such misunderstandings -With individuals successfully realized the winner of the American Dream, and then with this purely private feeling, he went to the United States as a Jewish immigrant with Kissinger as a German accent.; The greatness of the United States is that Kissinger has realized the American dream and also enables himself to realize the American dream.Kissinger indirectly created a successful self.Based on this foundation, even the final conclusions that Kisins are not only in the sense of Sino -US relations, even in the personal sense, they are worthy of criticism.

Although the above logic also has reasonable things, its establishment and public statement must still rule out that the speaker must be a social science worker, and it should have more critical thinking and depth of thinking and depth of thinking than the general media audience of mainland China.

If a serious scholar is just because he is the beneficiary of reform and opening up and realized the American dream, he will give up the comprehensive review and response to Kissinger with the gratitude mentality of "drinking water"Some criticized, just because Kissinger is part of his career in his long career, standing from the standpoint of the United States and his own interests, participating in the improvement of the United States relations with China and multiple exchanges with China.Objects -such a "private" "public" (academic as the public of the world), or the behavior of doing the echo wall of Chinese propaganda in China, for American Chinese scholars who have long been separated from the contextIt cannot be improved by itself. Under the global macro perspective, it is too narrow and naive to measure the characters with independent thoughts, independent research, and objective judgment.

The author is an associate professor at the Department of History of the Academy of Academy in the United States