Muslims in Singapore have always responded with a sensitive and responsible attitude.Even in the circumstances of disagreement, we remain in the same way and cautious.Through contact and exchanges, I learned that they knew clearly that whether it was Israel or the Palestinian, all their lives were precious.We should help our friends, loved ones, and children find peace during this period of emotion.This conflict is a reminder to our common humanity.

Hamas has attacked Israel for more than eight weeks.Like other Singaporeans, I feel deeply sad to lose the loss of innocent lives in Palestine and Israel.The dilemma of the people of Gaza is disturbing. They are constantly being bombed in Israel, and even basic needs such as food, water and medical care are not available.Many victims are babies, children, patients and elderly people, and they are unbearable.

Singaporeans are shocked and sad about the tragedy.Just recently, on November 11th, I chaired a exchange meeting with more than 100 people at the Yushunzhong People Club.At these exchanges, Muslims and non -Muslims from the community were concerned about the worsening humanitarian crisis.

Humanitarian Revision and Solutions of the two countries

The current conflict originated before the attack on October 7.This is a very complicated problem for decades.The Palestinians have many historical grievances, such as the Palestinian territory is illegally occupied and lost.These problems need to be solved urgently.Singapore has always resolutely opposed Israel's violations of international law.We voted on the UN General Assembly to support a resolution against Israel's settlement settlement on the west bank of the Jordan River.We also voted to support the various resolutions of the UN General Assembly, calling on Israel to revoke unilateral measures to change Jerusalem's status, including measures taken during the 6th of 1967.

However, all these cannot be a reason for Hamas to launch an attack on October 7.It is impossible to kill civilians and hijacks.At the same time, although Israel has the right to self -defense, their reaction must abide by international law.Even if they are chasing Hamas, they should not collect collective punishments for civilians, and they should allow humanitarian assistance to enter Gasha.

The Singapore government has clearly stated the above position in the statement and action.We clarified this in the Congress Mobilization on November 6.We support the United Nations resolution on October 27 calling on the Humanitarian Destlement.

Singapore's consistently advocated solution to the two countries is the only way to end this endless violent cycle.Israel must accept the right of Palestinians to have their own homes, just as the Palestinians must accept Israel's right to survive.This is the only fair and feasible solution to achieve long -term peace.

For this reason, Singapore has been working hard to build the Palestinian capabilities.We provide more than 700 Palestinian officials with training in various fields that are closely related to them.We also provide Palestine with a total value of 10 million yuan of "Enhanced Technical Assistance Package", including functional education and training, graduate scholarships and inspections.

Maintaining Singapore's peace and harmony

I am very worried that this conflict has led to hatred, hate crimes, and the tension between the communities, including different belief groups, rising globally.This is not a religious conflict.This is a territorial issue, and the politics of Palestine and Israel, as well as the widespread dynamics of the Middle East make it complicated.However, it was fixed and regarded as a conflict between different religions, causing foreign countries to attack by religious motivation -a Jewish woman was stabbed in France, a Palestinian American boy was stabbed to death in the United States, waiting forwait.Driven by emotions, bullying, mockery and violence appeared.

Fortunately, there is no such tension and harmful behavior in Singapore.For decades, our diverse communities have lived together peacefully and harmoniously.We must continue to strengthen social cohesion and pass from generation to generation.

Over the years, the Muslim community in Singapore shows to the world and Muslim brothers and sisters, how do we practice the values ​​of mutual peace, respect, and love with their own examples, and live in harmony with Singaporeans who believe in other religions.We are Muslims and we are also Singaporeans.

I am very grateful to the guidance given by our religious leaders. They emphasized peace and unity during these difficult times.They encourage us to pray for peace and please peace.I attended the Sudan's prayer of the church (Hajat Prayer).My companions were emotional, some people burst into tears, and we prayed wholeheartedly.

Muslims in Singapore have always responded with a sensitive and responsible attitude.Even in the circumstances of disagreement, we remain in the same way and cautious.Through contact and exchanges, I learned that they knew clearly that whether it was Israel or the Palestinian, all their lives were precious.

We should help our friends, loved ones, and children find peace during this emotional excitement.This requires a firm belief to not embark on the road of hatred, but shows care and love.

During this period, some of us may feel frustrated and helpless.I feel the same.However, we can represent our support and help in a specific and constructive way.Many of us have participated in fundraising and donation activities that support humanitarian rescue work.Minister Shang Morgan and I raised funds for the Rahmatan Lil Alamin Foundation in the Yishunji constituency to help the people of the Gaza.Three weeks ago, Quanfu Foundation and Singapore Red Cross and Minister Meng Liqi met with officials of the United Nations Palestinian refugee relief and engineering officers near Eastern Eastern Palestinta, as well as officials at the Egyptian Red Crescent Association.Water and other humane rescue supplies.Seeing all ethnic groups and religion Singaporeans are very relieved to stand up for this effort.This is the uniqueness of Singapore.We must cherish it and work hard to maintain it.

This conflict is a reminder to our common humanity.Thousands of kilometers away conflicts are affecting all of us.As a Singaporean, it is especially important now that we must unite and express our care to civilians in the war.We pray for them and hope that this terrible war will end soon.

The author is the Minister of Political Affairs of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of National Development of Singapore

Golden Shun Translation